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Posts posted by EmilyW

  1. You file the N-400 online. Include your divorce certificate in the documents you submit.


    You will be asked to list marriages and divorces, and the form does ask for some basic information (name, DOB) of the previous spouse, but it does not ask for any information like passport numbers.



  2. The petitioner having a criminal record is less of an issue (unless it's Adam Walsh related): they will grill as.a means of ensuring the beneficiary knows who they are marrying.


    A beneficiary having a criminal record is different.  The information is less about the relationship being bonafide and more - in my opinion - about trying to figure out if the beneficiary would be a criminal risk once in  the US.

  3. So today ended my journey with USCIS - I became a US Citizen.


    In terms of timeline, I submitted the application on February 5 2021.  Biometrics were conducted July 2021.  And interview (and oath ceremony) was today at the Charlotte Field Office.


    For reference, I was a Diversity Lottery winner so I had to wait five years to apply.  My life in the US has been reasonably boring (lived in the same place, worked at the same employer, no misdemeanours or tickets etc), but I did divorce my ex-husband.


    Can't speak highly enough of the Charlotte Field Office.  They have just nailed their processes - I was in and out within 2 hours - interview and oath included.

  4. Your income status has nothing to do with her.


    She has to apply on her own merits and prove why she will leave the US.  If she was denied once, and HER circumstances haven't changed, she will likely get another denial.

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