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Asia last won the day on December 25 2015

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About Asia

  • Birthday 10/09/1976

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  1. Good to hear, you're and Mimi-B. are okay, T-B!
  2. Yeah, Asia is mostly absent, but sometimes present
  3. Just wanted to step in and wish you all a very...
  4. You don't eat such a sweetie
  5. She is But she has three kids, a dog and a cat. Oh and she lives close to the country you have in your profile, not in the US
  6. I'm at work at the mo. I'm many hours ahead of you, so working when you sleeping
  7. Sorry, I've been absent. Life has been busy for a long time now. My sister got divorced a week ago. Her ex was unhappy in their marriage (because he's a selfish #######) so he wanted a separation. She said f u, I want a divorce. You didn't want to work on our marriage a couple of years prior when it got bumpy and now you expect me to sacrifice and do all the work now? You don't deserve it. The divorce was quick, cause they had an agrement considering all the kids stuff, alimony, etc. But still it's hard when your husband is a jerk. My mom died last month. I'm thankful, cause she's not in pain anymore, but my dad took it pretty hard. Hopefully he'll get better. We're all working on it. Sorry for the rant.
  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
  9. Sending hugs your way all the way from Poland. My mother was diagnosed with lung c last year. Removal was out of the question - it was too big and too close to the spine. For her whole life she avoided any check-ups, didn't want them untill she was forced to and it was too late I think. She has smoked her whole life. Still does it. She's on the second cycle of chemo currently and she's about to start a second cycle of radio as well. But there's not much they can do for her. The tumor is too big, it presses on her spine. And she's too weak. They just try to ease her pain. It all affects my dad the most. He's an angel. He should be awarded some gold medal for spending his life with my mom. For her whole life she was a PIA. Really. And my dad has his own health issues, but he put them on hold for now, just to focus on my mother. No matter what people say the old age is a heavy burden.
  10. In 33 (2x2x2x2x2+1 - that's for you T-Bone! ) days me and my sister will go to our amazing trip to New Zealand which will be the highlight of this year Well, keep your fingers crossed for that trip to happen, please. With China opening their borders, who knows how will it escalate...
  11. To you all from me, all across the ocean from you
  12. Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄🎄
  13. Poor you. Thanks for the sacrifice
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