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US Port of Entry Reviews

The Reviews below are actual experiences by members of the VisaJourney community and provide insight into the many Ports of Entry in the US. If you are a member and would like to submit a review please follow one of the links below. To find reviews please make a selection from one of the pull down tabs and click "Find Entries".

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Last 5 Reviews

Los Angeles Review #17446. Entry: 2923-12-29



Review Topic: Port of Entry Review

Very easy and smooth experience. Asked for the address I would like my documents to be mailed to and I was asked if I have any questions for him. That was it. I don’t think I was there for more than 5 minutes.

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San Francisco Review #17484. Entry: 2024-12-07




Review Topic: Port of Entry Review

Arrived at San Francisco. Was in queue for Border Control for less than 5 minutes before seeing a Border Official.

He took my passport and fingerprints and noticed the K1 Visa in my passport and then asked me for my Sealed Document Package. He opened it and then started looking at the... read complete review

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Miami Review #17483. Entry: 2024-12-05



Review Topic: Port of Entry Review

Very easy. We waited in line for a bit and when we got called up I had my envelopes in hand. The officer immediately asked if I had a K1 packet. After that we were walked to secondary and I handed over the files. Took about three minutes before we were called up. The lady asked where I would be stay... read complete review

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Boston Review #17481. Entry: 2024-11-24




Review Topic: Port of Entry Review

I (US citizen) accompanied my wife (first IR1 entry) to the residents line. We were sent to secondary screening, perhaps because of some confusion about our mailing address vs residence address, and when we got to secondary screening we waited about five minutes before we were called up. They just a... read complete review

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Chicago Review #17482. Entry: 2024-11-16




Review Topic: Port of Entry Review

questions about final destination, how much cash i have, phone number, address - 2 minutes that's it. no secondary screening

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