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    Almostthere08 reacted to NikLR in USC being threatned with VAWA.   
    You really need to learn to listen to advice this time. 
    We understand you don't want her in your life. People are making recommendations to help you.  I highly suggest that you listen this time.  I dont even know why you're waiting to file the divorce.  The sooner you get your seperation recorded the better.  Find a new apartment. Give notice and move asap.  Stop trying to get her evicted and just leave. 
  2. Like
    Almostthere08 got a reaction from mandajoy98 in wage and income transcript   
    We used a wage and income transcript and didn’t have a problem
  3. Haha
    Almostthere08 reacted to Cryssiekins in Huge age difference   
    LOLOL you forgot to switch accounts.  Excellent try though.
  4. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to Crazy Cat in My pregnant K-1 fiancee's i-94 expires in 17 days and she has no SSN to get health coverage   
    There is no law which requires a SSN to get health care....but you will have to jump through hoops........and yes, you made some mistakes......a SSN is not JUST for working......opening a bank account, getting a driver's license, renting an apartment, filing taxes are all reasons to apply for a SSN as soon as possible after arriving.......
    There is also a very good reason to marry very soon after arriving......once her I-94 expires, she will be out of status and subject to deportation.....once she files her I-485, she will be granted authorized stay pending adjudication......she really needs to apply for adjustment of status as soon as possible.
  5. Thanks
    Almostthere08 got a reaction from Russ&MaryAnn in Court Marriage in Houston with K1 visa   
    I live in Houston and my fiancé came a few months ago. We went to the Social Security Office about a week after he got here. You will need the I-94, birth certificate, and passport with Visa in it. They told him they needed to verify something in the system and we would get a letter in the mail. The Social Security card came about 2 weeks later. Then we used his SSN and passport to get the marriage license. Hope this helps
  6. Haha
    Almostthere08 reacted to SalishSea in Do I have to tell my Fiancee that I was married before?   
    You cannot hide it.  And yes, the CO can and will discuss it with the fiancé at her interview.  Also:  dude, really?!
  7. Thanks
    Almostthere08 got a reaction from Ilovecake in Any advise ?   
    I got a call today as well and the Called me by my husband’s last name. I haven’t changed my name on anything yet. I could barely understand her a she had a heavy Asian accent. She said my husband and I qualified for a grant from uscis. I knew it was a scam and just hung up.
  8. Thanks
    Almostthere08 got a reaction from ability in Any advise ?   
    I got a call today as well and the Called me by my husband’s last name. I haven’t changed my name on anything yet. I could barely understand her a she had a heavy Asian accent. She said my husband and I qualified for a grant from uscis. I knew it was a scam and just hung up.
  9. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to canadian_wife in Elementary school question   
    Have you thought about actually going to the school to judge for yourself?  Parents LOVE to complain about the school on-line.  Have your sister-in-law or your husband actually go to see the school before you arrive.  Maybe the comments are skewed or outdated.  Maybe the school has had an admin change and is on the right track.  Or maybe just the few unhappy parents are the most vocal.
    Good luck 
  10. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to payxibka in PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME. K-1 FIANCE VISA DENIED.   
    According to your post you did NOT submit passport style photos.   That error is on you 
  11. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to Jenny17655 in Common law marriage   
    He will need the certificate anyway.  It is a requirement for the K1 interview in JA
  12. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to tomuk in I-130 after NOA2 - when first call NVC?   
    My wife is visiting me in the UK since end of May so we know that it was approved and sent to NVC only from email notifications and egov.uscis.gov site. Approved June 4th, sent June 21st, NVC is saying on their website that they are right now processing cases received from NVC on June 5th. I think we will try to call in a week again and then we will consider to increase "the pressure" 🙂 
    We feel that we are lucky as we beat the estimation (we thought that we will be approved in November or December) so we should be patient, but it's soooo difficult! As we are closer, we want to have everything done!
  13. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to Pinkrlion in Affidavit of support   
    JA doesn't care about bank statements.  They want checkstubs, W-2s, and taxes as proof of income.
  14. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to Scandi in noid recieved   
    Cool if they have started taken action against people who try to adjust from VWP/tourist visas. 
  15. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to gregcrs2 in No income but assets?   
    Then by your logic, it should make more sense for you to apply for a diversity visa.  Try that route and see how that works for you.   No amount of venting here by you or anyone else is going to change the immigration laws.  You claim it is unacceptable to live apart for any length of time.  Sorry, but all of us that did the spousal visa route had to do that.  We did not like being separated from our family but that's the way it is.  Either do what's necessary based on immigration law or accept the fact that you'll be staying in Germany.  Or go find a sponsor.  
  16. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to Sarah&Facundo in Mother in US Illegally- I-130?   
    I have to say it, even though I am SURE there will be backlash about it but whatever. I won't reply to it.
    I think sometimes we forget that when we are talking about people's situations especially illegals, we are talking about other HUMANS. Family members. People that are very meaningful to others. We are all here on visajourney because somewhere along the way, we were separated from our loved ones so if anything, we should be understanding. It isn't easy. Do people make mistakes or poor decisions? Yes. Are they aware this was not a smart idea? Yes. But the OP's mother-in-law is still a person---a human being. And as far as we know, she isn't a murderer or did any type of dangerous criminal activity that hurts someone. Sometimes I feel like people act like those who crossed/overstayed did the WORST possible thing imaginable. 
    We know immigration is a hot topic and there are millions of illegal immigrants who have crossed/overstayed  in the US. But each one is a person with a story, family, etc.  But when these people want to try to fix it and do the right thing, there are literally ZERO options. If this country created some type of path to citizenship, these people could come out of the woodwork and  also become taxpayers. We could reunite families the right way. 
    For those of us who did it legally, that is great. We have nothing at all to worry about. I can sleep at night knowing my husband is not at risk for deportation and that is great. I'm glad we went the route we did and we were guided well. My husband was not in any type of oppressed situation and never once felt like he had to leave due to bad circumstances in his country. My husband's immigration status is not effected by anyone else. But it just drives me crazy when people who gained status through marrying in or whatever all of a sudden act like they are better and more deserving than anyone else. No, they were just lucky they met the right person. It is situational. 
    OP, I do not know enough about the system to advise you on how to fix your mother-in-law's situation. But I just want to say that I feel for you and your family and wish you the best of luck! 
  17. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to Crazy Cat in Engagement Photos with K1 petition?   
    If you are so confident, then why ask others here?  If there is an issue of being too married for a K-1 (which has happened to numerous others here on VJ), the problem will likely arise at the consulate interview stage.  USCIS is the easy part.  
    I'll have to admit that it certainly sounds like a wedding, but only the CO's opinion really matters.....good luck.
  18. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to Loren Y in I129F Rejection Notice   
    First I would send the 30 dollar fee to the address on the letter Via a money order/cashier check. Get your account Cleared first. Then about a week later I would send in the I-129 again with the payment via Cashier Check. Cashier checks can't be returned for NSF, only in extreme cases will they not be honored. This way you don't have to rely on any Financial Institutions saying NSF. A cashiers check is just like sending cash, so is the Money Order. With a personal check or credit card you run the risk of those being declined. I did a Cashier Check with my I-129 ( Credit card wasn't available yet), but I just filed AOS with my credit card and the payment processed no problem. From how I read the letter they want the 30 dollar fee separate from the payment for your I-129F, and if it is one thing I have learned is follow their instructions to the letter, as they are very literal in their meaning. For example if you try to send your I-129F with the 535+30 making the check 565 they will probably reject it again for the wrong payment amount, or even if you include 2 separate checks for 535 and then 30, they will have no idea what the 30 extra is for, and reject again. These people are like robots, and do not have the ability of rational thought, they have the rules, and they follow them.
    Also as a note, if you use a credit card some might decline a 500 plus dollar transaction depending on the settings on your account, so make sure the credit card knows you have a large payment posting after you mail the package. Unless you do a lot of large transactions on the card, but to be safe give them a heads up.
  19. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to Crazy Cat in Seeking advice on K1 Visa   
    That's what I call a 2nd cousin.......LOL.
  20. Like
    Almostthere08 reacted to Maria1989 in FIRST ATTEMPT, DENIED!   
    Of course her now husband visiting 5 times did everything for her K1. She said her B2s were denied and K1 Approved. Her then fiancé visiting 5 times shows the likelihood of a more “bonafide relationship” and at minimum at least one visit is required. 
    It seems she was saying to the OP that reapplying for a B2 is useless.
    So so do you mean to tell me if he now Fiance has never visited her K1 would still have been approved? No, because at that point it wouldn’t even meet the basic requirements.  
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