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Posts posted by belinda63

  1. You indicate the Philippines so it is even longer. Currently processing Aug 2002 so at least 21 years, children will be at least 30. 

    You won't have to worry about the affidavit of support for at least 20 years and more realistically 25 years. How many people will be immigrating might also change as the children might age out or marry, spouse might divorce, a lot can happen in 25 years. 

  2. My understanding is social security DISABILITY (which is what we are talking about here) cannot be paid if you don't live in the US. So no SS for the child or her in Columbia. She has to be resident in Georgia for six months to file for divorce so how does she plan to do this without overstaying. 

  3. Long and short of it is if he manages to get a tourist visa you or he will have to pay all the medical expenses out of pocket. So you are looking at thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars for his medical care depending on what the issues are. He is not eligible for Medicare/Medicaid/ACA or any other US insurance as he will be a tourist and not a resident (and other reasons).

  4. Can you be more specific as to who "those" are. It is real simple, the embassy provides you with the name of the lab(s) in the US and you go and have a sample taken. The children go to the named lab in their country and have the samples taken. I have never heard of a four year back log for taking a DNA sample.

    The sooner you get it done the sooner the process will continue. 

    There is no way around this, either you submit the DNA samples or no visa.

  5. You divorce and leave the US.

    You weren't married long enough for either of you to receive alimony. The I-485 was withdrawn and along with it the affidavit of support. As of June 9 you are no longer authorized to work in the US. No reason to even respond to the divorce attorney unless there are major assets or money that was acquired during or brought into the marriage. The divorce will be granted by default if you don't respond. 

  6. A waiver for the K1 would involve showing that 1. He cannot travel to visit you supported with medical evidence why he can't travel to your country or evidence that he can't obtain a visa to your country.  2.You cannot travel to any other country. It would have to be supported with strong evidence such as medical records showing your condition and why you can't travel to any other country.

    Only by showing both of the above would you even be considered for a waiver for the K-1. 

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