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Dashinka last won the day on September 16

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About Dashinka

  • Birthday 05/28/1967

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    Who knows
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    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Detroit MI
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  1. According to the I864P, for 23, a person would need to make a minimum of $166,775. https://www.uscis.gov/i-864p
  2. To my knowledge all the derivatives need to be accounted for on the I864. I will though defer to @pushbrk as the I864 expert.
  3. Two weeks and the Dems/Establishment seem to be unraveling. What if Joe Biden was the better candidate all along? https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4941734-biden-harris-woodward-presidential-election/
  4. Also, ignore the statement about a visa not being available. She is applying for an Immediate Relative visa (IR1) which are not numerically limited. Beyond that, follow the advice from @Boiler and @pushbrk. Good Luck!
  5. I don't see the address mattering. Passports are not tied to a physical address. I know when my wife and I did ours, we used our (her new) address and her foreign passport for the marriage license and were fine. Good Luck!
  6. There isn't anything posted in the Documents tab? I am not sure where your local office is, but many are fairly open to walk-in biometrics appointments. I know my niece and her husband recently naturalized in Detroit, and their appointments were a week apart. She went with her husband and they were fine with doing the appointment early for her.
  7. Makes much more sense that you think. I expect there is a lot of CYA going on among the Democrat/establishment and the depraved glitterati in case Donald Trump gets elected. Personally, I would vote for him as it is the best chance of shining some light on the people that partake in the actions of an Epstein and Diddy.
  8. I believe "Ready" means that the consulate has finished the work they needed to get done, and they are ready to make a final decision although I could be wrong. Anyway, hopefully it changes to "Issued" soon.
  9. Wasn't this back when the Left/Democrats/Establishment loved Trump? I believe Diddy and Obama were BFFs. Kind like how Bill and Hillary were extremely close to Epstein. It is interesting you ignore that. Also, wasn't Kamala a frequent party guest?
  10. Correct, your father will fill out I864s for each sibling (one for each family), and then he can have up to two qualifying joint sponsors for each, so potentially a total of 12 I864s. Of course some of the joint sponsors could also be married, so it would be a good idea for their spouses to also fill out an I864A to go with the joint sponsor’s I864 especially if they file taxes jointly. Good Luck!
  11. Excellent take on Trump, but of course haters will hate even though it is blinding their common sense. Btw, I am a white college grad, and I would not vote for the establishment candidate Harris over anyone. Heck a bowl of fruit or even Old Corrupt Petulant Joe, even with his addled mind would probably do better. As I Said, This Election Is About Class, Not Race Or Party I am, broadly speaking, of the same class as Epstein, if not quite as fluent a writer or as deep a thinker. I am the child of two Harvard grads who became academics; my sister went to Harvard, and I went to a tony private liberal arts college and went on to teach in academia. I, too, admire verbal fluency and bespoke suits, even if I have never owned one myself. And, to be honest, I find Donald Trump crass and bombastic. Trump is not of my class, in other words, and I have a residual distaste for his Queens loudness of voice, his locker room talk, and his gaudiness. The difference is that I don't really care about any of that. It is not just superficial, it is stupid to care. After all, members of my class are worse in every way. They virtue signal by approving the murder of infants, the sterilization and mutilation of children, and the recruitment of teens into alphabet cults. They sacrifice the well-being of my fellow citizens and import into the country criminals and uneducated welfare recipients, hoping to recruit them to become low-wage workers in farms, nursing homes, and lawn-care companies. The educated class finds their fellow Americans so crass that they must be censored. They view us as disease vectors. They call us "deplorables," and want to restrict our mobility and reduce the energy consumption that we need to make a better life for ourselves. https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/10/21/as-i-said-this-election-is-about-class-not-race-or-party-n3796083
  12. Probably could put this in the Biden Tanking Daily Update thread, but seems more relevant here. ‘Serious Breach’: Alleged US Intel Docs Outlining Israel’s Plan to Strike Iran Leaked DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—Leaked U.S. intelligence documents allegedly outline how Israel plans to strike Iran soon, according to multiple reports. Israel is expected to retaliate against Iran after the terrorism-supporting nation launched nearly 200 ballistic missiles into Israeli territory on Oct. 1. Most of those missiles were intercepted. The timing and nature of Israel’s plan to retaliate against Iran have been shrouded in mystery, until now. U.S. intelligence documents that were leaked publicly in recent days revealed Israel’s preparatory actions ahead of the attacks, according to several reports. https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/10/21/serious-breach-alleged-us-intel-docs-outlining-israels-plan-strike-iran-leaked/
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