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mam521 last won the day on April 22 2024

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Local Office
    Houston TX
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  • Our Story
    I lived in the US on an L1B visa for 5 years, 2 months. I met my husband in that time and we married. I left the US to prevent a visa overstay.

    Initially, DH was a PR. He received his citizenship in Jan 2019. We upgraded our petition at that point. After I-130 was approved, we endured 89 days, 22.5 hours of waiting before my I-130 magically showed up at NVC. The CEAC website was undergoing maintenance when I was trying to fill out the IV. After some frustration and losing data more than once, I learned how to manipulate the system to work and got the forms filled out. RFE setback for my CRC and a request for a marriage certificate for my Littles and we were finally DQ.

    We narrowly escaped the covid Consulate closure - our interview was the Monday, the Consulate closed Friday. We were approved and finally headed "home" on April 1, the day after our 2 year anniversary.

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  1. If you've received your receipt notice, there's nothing more to do until your case processes. You likely won't hear anything for a while. Processing times according to USCIS are at about 16 months. File that NOA, keep your login information for your MyUSCIS account and check it periodically. Don't hold your breath when it gives an estimated processing time because they are typically very incorrect.
  2. Hope you two are doing well! I remember it was a bit of a battle to get there. You *can* get an expedited passport if need be, but I'd just pay the extra and get it FedEx'd home. Driving. DL and GC is all she needs
  3. It's annoying that you go through all the effort of making copies and they don't even take them. At least that was my perception when I interviewed!
  4. This was going to be my suggestion. Then you both might get a holiday out of the deal and it will be just the 2 of you to really spend time together. Another consideration to manipulate flights to give you better options is to put in a time when you want to arrive. It often helps. Or, either plan to spend more to get a better route or make an overnight stop at JFK, grab a quiet hotel room, have a breather and then proceed.
  5. Definitely not mocking, denigrating or casting aspersions! Absolutely think you deserve someone who's the peanut butter to your jelly. Get yourself one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-Accessories-Kitchen-Cookbook-Whiteboard/dp/B09668W7NK/ref=asc_df_B09668W7NK?mcid=3f0fc7fa2cc83738882cddd14422ce0f&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693405620605&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5931506800820510992&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9189406&hvtargid=pla-1379446879414&th=1 It should open up the possibilities for you to try some different things. Basically anything can be cooked in the air fryer. I usually do refrigerated chicken breasts. Season. Toss in basket. Flip half way through. Since you're local, we quite like the John Henry seasonings and rubs. My brother makes me haul the Texas sized bags of it up to Canada for him. When I was stuck up in Canada waiting on our interviews, hubs brought like 4 or 5 bags of it. I was headed to visit and Kid2 made me bag the seasoning like 5 times because he hated the smell of it and, of course, it was in the back of the vehicle behind him for the 7 hour car trip 😄. Do you BBQ grill? We do foil packs with potatoes, carrots and whatever else, a little bit of olive oil, seasoning and chuck it on. When it's nearly cooked, we do the proteins. I also really like a sweet potato foil wrapped and cooked to perfection. I keep meaning to try some peanut butter on said potato because rumor has it, it's delish. Shouldn't you be working on flipping that around? I mean you were the other half of the whole life giving...indentured servitude required! 🤣
  6. This all sounds rather....contractual. If I think that and I'm just a layperson off of the street, how do you think that will look to a CO, trained to adjudicate a case and sniff out fake relationships?
  7. If you have a MyUscis account, you should be able to see the status. It should go from "Oath ceremony will be scheduled" to "Oath ceremony scheduled". You should be able to see the date and time in your MyUscis portal. You will be mailed a letter that you will bring with you to the oath ceremony, with your greencard. Considering how much has been going on in the government over the past couple of weeks and the upcoming President's Day holiday, 5 weeks isn't worrisome. If you're bored, start filling out a passport application so one can head to the passport office after receiving the Certificate of Naturalization.
  8. So, Ari and Bini...all fake news? She was all proud of him as he danced at the Superbowl halftime show. Didn't seem like simply a happy manager happy, either. Lil too happy for "just" a manager who used to control all of his socials.
  9. Valid point, honestly. I know canned and premade frozen items are quick and easy, but often carry unnecessary fat and carbs. It's recommended that you get 0.36g protein/pound of body weight. Getting 20-30g/meal is pretty ideal. The air fryer is pretty genius. I cook chicken breasts in it all of the time. Sheet pan meals in the regular oven are pretty easy, too. Put some foil over the cookie sheet for easy clean up, possibly some non-stick cooking spray, depending on what you're making, load er up, shove er in and a bit of time later, voila! Real food! I can't do much dairy, so my quick and dirty is an egg scramble (usually one full egg with added egg white for protein) with taco seasoned (watch the sodium) ground turkey and a smidgeon of cheese for breaky. We just got a new, gluten free taco seasoning because Kid1 appears to be gluten sensitive and it's delicious! Maybe a great dating opportunity, when you finally find a worthy lady friend, would be some sort of culinary class. Or, it might be a great thing to do with Mini TB. One day, he'll need to woo the ladies! I did a mozzarella making class with one of my besties and hubs and I did a sourdough class. I want to do a barista class at some point. Just something a bit different and totally fun
  10. Adding to this, CBP is NOT in any, way, shape and/or form obligated to give her a 6 month admittance. They could decide in that moment that it's a week and that's what she gets. Have you guys checked her I-94 to see how long she was legally admitted for with each stay? Visitors to the US should treat it as a privilege. Obtaining an immigrant benefit in future is also a privilege. The US owes her nothing. The same is true for you in her country - it's a privilege to visit her and her country owes you nothing. When you accept this and adjust your expectations, you'll find yourself in a better position.
  11. $22 later and the washing machine is repaired. Financially savvy! Sure beats a fat stack of cash to replace the thing when the rest of it was fine. Just needed a new cold water inlet valve controller.
  12. Agree! Hubs is going to be annoyed - he wasn't supposed to be home for another 2 hours so I made chocolate chip banana muffins for Kid1. He hates the smell of banana. Joke's on him, I guess. Now, if the washer part I need would just arrive already so I could repair the washing machine, one headache of mine would go away...
  13. F1 although Ben Sulayem is ruining it for everyone these days. When there's more time or something interesting: Hockey - I was born a Canuck so ya know... Football - CFL - Watermelon head for SK here...
  14. You may want to check out this thread: Yes, it says EB-2 but there's the gamut of EB's in there. Some people managed, after becoming documentarily qualified (I-140 approved) to get an interview within a couple of months, but many have waited a year. Not sure how many have had premium processing. What is your home country? That will potentially have an impact. Additionally, family reunification visas are prioritized (CR/IR) as they do not have limits. So, some months you will not see an interview letter sent for an EB visa case.
  15. Never received anything from CRA. if you filed your income tax and paid exit taxes, you should be good to go. You can probably log into your CRA account, if you still have access, and check from there. CRA are FAR from organized, so expect nothing. Especially the NR division.
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