Valid point, honestly. I know canned and premade frozen items are quick and easy, but often carry unnecessary fat and carbs. It's recommended that you get 0.36g protein/pound of body weight. Getting 20-30g/meal is pretty ideal.
The air fryer is pretty genius. I cook chicken breasts in it all of the time. Sheet pan meals in the regular oven are pretty easy, too. Put some foil over the cookie sheet for easy clean up, possibly some non-stick cooking spray, depending on what you're making, load er up, shove er in and a bit of time later, voila! Real food!
I can't do much dairy, so my quick and dirty is an egg scramble (usually one full egg with added egg white for protein) with taco seasoned (watch the sodium) ground turkey and a smidgeon of cheese for breaky. We just got a new, gluten free taco seasoning because Kid1 appears to be gluten sensitive and it's delicious!
Maybe a great dating opportunity, when you finally find a worthy lady friend, would be some sort of culinary class. Or, it might be a great thing to do with Mini TB. One day, he'll need to woo the ladies! I did a mozzarella making class with one of my besties and hubs and I did a sourdough class. I want to do a barista class at some point. Just something a bit different and totally fun