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Posts posted by B_J

  1. 1 hour ago, Dashinka said:

    I would hate to be on this jury considering how violent those on the Left can be.




    It's insane but it will really take a lot of courage for the jurors to simply do the right thing.  They know that if they come back with a not guilty verdict they risk seeing their city go up in flames again.

  2. 11 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    I know you guys know better.

    Still think so?


    It really is shocking that normal decency isn't normal anymore.  Just because someone disagrees politically doesn't make them a bad person.  I have friends that vote the opposite of me on everything but I could easily speak at their funeral and list countless wonderful things about them.  


    Colin Powell may have been *gasp a RINO but that hardly makes him a bad person.  He may have supported the "wrong" people during elections but, so did a lot of my friends.  It should be so easy to talk about Colin Powell after his death.  All Trump had to do is say a few sentences about how Powell served his country.  That's it.  It wouldn't be a lie and it is the decent thing to do.  And doing the decent thing shouldn't be that hard.  But for Trump it seems impossible.

  3. 4 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    I think we all knew Trump has little tact, and I am think he knew he was going to be lambasted for his comments, but considering how he was treated, he probably felt what the heck.  As to canonizing anyone that is also a bit indefensible as well.  Powell appeared to be a good person that did some good things and also made some poor decisions, he should be remembered for all of them.

    This is similar to the problem I see today with a lot of our young people as they criticize historical figures.  Today's youth look at our founding fathers and don't see the good they did.  In order for someone to be praised, they need to be absolutely perfect; and they mean perfect by today's standards, not the standard from their time period.  Too many of us, both on the right and left, will only praise someone if they are ideologically perfect.  And that's not going to happen.


    With Powell, when we look at him as a historical figure, we should see the good he did and, as you said, acknowledge the poor decisions.  But we should also look at the totality of his life, including his accomplishments which are also very impressive.  But that is looking at him as a historical figure.  When we consider him immediately after his death, we should definitely focus more on the positive; as any normal person would know.

  4. From what I understand about OFW, particularly domestic helpers, it may not be possible for her to take time off; not if she wants to stay employed.  The conditions and expectations are nothing we would accept here in the states but its what the job is.  It's really commendable that you're trying to be understanding of her situation. 


    The issue with the K1 timeline is that there is going to be a huge backlog of cases that have to be taken care of.  Its really a mess right now.  I haven't kept up with the numbers for K1 and CR1 cases but if your relationship reaches that point,  you may want to look into the CR1 visa

  5. First off, I went to the Philippines after talking over a year with my gf, now wife, and I went with the intent of proposing. Your situation is whatever you feel it is, there is no set definition.


    Best suggestion, when you finally can travel to the Philippines, is to meet her and then spend every second of your time with her.  You are going there to find out if the two of you are truly compatible and spending time together is how you do this.  You will have great times and bad times, you'll fight and you'll make up (hopefully), but this is part of what a real relationship is.  Also, get to know her family because they are, most likely, a huge part of her life.


    Traveling in the Philippines is great.  Some seek out bars and other nightlife activities, I always look for things we can do with her family.  That will depend on what the two of you want.


    The K1 process is very simple.  With the way things are now, when you decide on the future of this relationship, you may want to consider the CR1 route.  You will get excellent advice on this forum, and Hank_ will be able to help you a lot.  There are many who participate on this forum but there are some who are extraordinarily helpful.  They will be the ones that you will rely on when you begin the process.  


    I have dated one woman from the Philippines and she is now my wife of almost 10 years.  Get to know your gf, her family, and enjoy your time together; whenever you are able to actually be together.  Good luck.

  6. 12 minutes ago, elmcitymaven said:

    The 13th Amendment doesn't prevent your employer from imposing a "no fish in the microwave" rule no matter, how much you want to nuke last night's cod.

    But there definitely has to be some type of  punishment for burning popcorn in the microwave.  Seriously,  you can hear that the popping has stopped,  just open the door. You don't have to wait until the clock hits 0:00. 

  7. 29 minutes ago, moxy said:

    What's the actual point here? I could just as easily wave any criticism of AOC, Sanders, Harris away, or any number of liberals who are mentioned frequently on these boards as "living rent free" in y'alls heads. But it has no substance. Might as well just post a meme and be done with it.

    Well, just my opinion, I think the majority of us on the right have similar opinions of Trump.  To some degree we feel that he did some good things regarding policy but he would have done a lot better if he got off twitter and acted like a normal person.  We also understand that he lost the election, he is not getting reinstated and we've moved on.  Regarding politics, we are looking at the 2022 elections and also thinking about who will be the nominee for President in 2024.  We aren't thinking about Trump at all.  


    But there are some here who hate Trump so much that they continue to bring him up.  Trump is brought by those who hate him far more than those who voted for him.  That's the popular TDS.


    The difference between AOC, Sanders, and others is that they are relevant.  Trump is not.  Sure he has those who are obsessed with him, both supporter and haters, but the rest of us have moved on.

  8. 5 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    We will never know of course.  China has no interest in an actual investigation, and Fauci is in full CYA mode.  

    This right here.


    Also, does the news media in the US want an investigation? Do they even want the truth about Fauci, hallowed be his name, to be known? Or are they content with Fauci being Saint Fauci simply because he's not Trump?

  9. 3 minutes ago, moxy said:

    Yep, I've seen this argument made in all seriousness, like it's something that could just happen. It's unfortunate we have so many adults in this country that just do not understand how government works, specifically the Constitution.

    My hope is that Trump sort of disappears and the Republicans just move on to a more normal candidate.  There are actually some people with potential but the party has to get out of the shadow of Trump in order for them to succeed, imo.

  10. 1 hour ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    What possible scenario could this possibly happen. I cant think of any?

    I think the plan is that the election is declared fraudulent.  There is a new election held where we decide if we want four more years of a Trump presidency or do we become a Trump monarchy.  Then we all carry Trump back to the white house on our shoulders.


    Yep, that's the plan.  It's all in the constitution.  It's really what our founding fathers wanted.

  11. Is this a serious article or satire?  


    He's not pressing charges because this is a generational poverty issue?  And he tried to open the door but the driver took off.  He was being dragged along until he let go of the door because he didn't want to hurt the kid.  You don't see this type of heroism very often.


    He asked why the kids weren't in school and, "why aren't we enforcing systems to ensure that if they are not in school, they're in recreational centers?"


    Seriously, if you tell a kid that they either have to go to school or to the rec. center to play basketball, well....we're going to need more rec. centers.


    This can't be real, it has to be joke.



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