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Posts posted by B_J

  1. My wife is in the Philippines now.  She downloaded the app and did everything required.  Nobody has asked for anything from it yet.


    It was really no bother and we figured we would rather her have it and not need it than need it and not have it.  


    She did say that they checked for her travel insurance.  They asked for that at the airport before they would even check her bags.

  2. 1 hour ago, Reu said:

    They check it upon arrival at the airport, in which the coast guard/airport personnel will just take a quick glance at your vaccination card. Either digital vaccination (on your phone) or physical card will suffice. 

    My wife is in the Philippines right now and this is what she told me the same thing.  They have the coast guard checking the cards and she said it is actually pretty organized and it goes quickly.

  3. 1 minute ago, yuna628 said:

    I just assumed that her decision had something to do with feeling more a part of her Chinese heritage and family, which is her right to do so. Many of us, if put in the same position would choose to feel differently, but some may not. That's fine too. I hope that her doing so was her choice, and not out of any pressure or obligation though.

    I also hope that, because of her age, she's not really aware of what's going on as far as the Muslim minorities.

  4. 1 minute ago, Operator said:

    So by all means let's vilify an 18 year old for the actions of the CCP.  And it's not like forced abortions or forced sterilizations have ever happened in this country.  I guess we all have our boogey man.


    I don't vilify her for what the CCP does.  But I do judge her by who she chooses to align herself with.  And we are not talking about what happened in this country in the past, we are talking about what is happening right now in China.  What is happening is truly evil and we should not look the other way and we certainly shouldn't choose to align ourselves with it.  That is what she has done.

  5. On 2/10/2022 at 10:27 AM, Operator said:

    When athletes talk politics some say "stick to sports".  When athletes avoid political topics we call them out for it????


    Let's unpack one of my new favorites, Eileen Gu.  If you don't know about her you should look her up.  Born and raised in the US and just won Olympic gold skiing for China.  The press keeps hounding her about what passport(s) she holds and people wonder why she isn't speaking out about human rights abuse.  If my respect for the press wasn't at an all time low it is now.


    Sure China doesn't allow dual citizenship, but they typically give mixed race kids some slack until they reach 18.  Why are people so concerned?  Do they feel like she turned her back on her country? 


    My opinion is "GET OFF HER BACK".  Maybe this is the type of thing that will begin the process that would eventually allow kids like my son to keep both passports.

    I couldn't care less if she speaks out or not. For me, it has nothing to do with speaking out.


    She had a choice to represent one of two countries.  She chose the country where there are legitimate human rights abuses including genocide, forced abortions, forced sterilizations, reeducation vocational training camps, religious restrictions, constant surveillance, and torture.  But hey, it's where her mom's from and she's getting rich.  She doesn't need to speak, her choice has said enough.

  6. 17 hours ago, laylalex said:

    Actually, that's not correct. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-japan-ivermectinandmandate-idUSL1N2TX1GK Japan has never authorized ivermectin as a treatment for COVID.


    Personally I cannot wait for all of it to end but I don't believe we're there yet. I am living my life responsibly and without fear. I also follow sensible precautions and wear a mask where required or requested (because I'm not a jerk). I have been doing what I've been doing all along -- not freaking out, listening to my doctors and medical professionals who have a background in the relevant scientific areas, adjusting my behavior in line with what's happening in terms of community spread, and understanding that the sooner we all pull together the sooner this will end. I still see too many people dying and getting very, very ill to believe that a week from now poof! it will all be over. I had to go to a funeral just over two weeks ago (death not from COVID) and half the family who intended to attend were diagnosed with COVID just a day or two before we had the viewing and burial. That was very, very hard, for everyone involved. 


    I share your enthusiasm for the end but I'm being cautious.

    I guess I handle things similarly.  I'm not so much into following sensible precautions or listening to medical professionals.  I just don't care.


    If I'm going someplace that wants me to wear a mask, or my wife thinks I should wear one, I put it  on.  But I do quietly complain the whole time:

    *mumblemumble*this is stupid*mumblemumble*

    *mumblemumble*I can't breathe*mumblemumble*

    *mumblemumble*my nose itches*mumblemumble*


    I just don't see the point in getting upset over things anymore.  Alabama lost, Tom Brady lost, and it's almost time for the Super Bowl.  Life is good.




  7. 1 hour ago, Dashinka said:

    The list of potentials this article referenced suggest Mittens may be a front runner.

    I think Romney will most likely run and I think he will be soundly defeated in the primaries. 


    There were quite a few others in the list that, without knowing a lot about them, I think could do well in the marathon run to the nomination.  DeSantis, of course, but also Haley, Noem, Cruz, Scott and maybe Cotton.  Rubio is a really long shot, IMO.  Pence, I think, has no chance.  I think Trump would openly campaign against him if he got the nomination.

  8. 1 hour ago, Mike E said:

    In 2020 the incident never conceded. 

    Lacking a concession, no world leader shoukd have offered congratulations to Biden until Congress certified the results. Anything else is interference in American internal affairs. 

    I don't expect the leader of another country to be too focused on our election.  I assume they've got work to do. My guess is that some aide let's them know that the news media has called it and so a standard polite congratulatory phone call is made.


    It's really not that big of a deal. 

  9. I am not bothered by most of the initial responses people had to the Smollett case.  I think most of us tend to believe the "victim" and their story.  However, the silence by these same people after more information came out, and particularly after the verdict was released, is rather sad but predictable.

  10. 11 hours ago, LIBrty4all said:

    But you're not really disagreeing with me that women can "do it too".  The same as men can.  Now, whether or not they CHOOSE to do it is another matter altogether.  The fact is, they have the opportunity to do so if they choose.  

    Yeah, there really isn't any disagreement with your overall point, just with the word "easily".  

  11. 13 hours ago, LIBrty4all said:

     And I would imagine that any woman who wanted to be a CEO could easily do so today.  Many have already.

    I have to, sort of, disagree.  I don't think anybody could easily be a CEO.  Kind of like what Peterson says about becoming a CEO, "why would anybody want to do that?"  You have to be a really obsessive type of individual to work your way up to becoming CEO.  You have to sacrifice so many other aspects of life, including family, in order to achieve that.  Women are just as capable as men of achieving this, but it definitely won't be easy.  But it isn't easy for men either.

  12. Many OFW choose this path as a way to help their family financially.  Most of the money made is sent back to the Philippines.  You should probably discuss if sending money back will continue if the relationship eventually leads to marriage. This has been an issue for many Fil-Am marriages and this is definitely something you would want to be aware of early in the relationship. 

  13. On 11/20/2021 at 1:50 AM, MaceMk said:

    I'm just thinking. Maybe she said that in a different way? Like, 'oh you don't want me to go back abroad, and have a job, I don't have any income now, or what, you gonna support me financially?' Something like that maybe? If you could hear the tone in which she said this you would have better idea but it was a text I guess, so it's difficult to understand. It does seem weird that she would say such thing after so long and especially since she did work and is willing to go back to work, so she's not some parasite depending on other people's money. You should talk to her and ask what exactly does she mean.

    This right here. 


    I would love to know the entire conversation.  She wants to go back as an OFW because she needs the money.  If he told her not to then he is putting her in an impossible situation. I would really want more info before labeling her as a scammer.


    However,  I  predict that,  if they stay together we will have future posts about sending money back home.

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