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Posts posted by theresaL

  1. 30 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    Up to now the only people who could afford to retire in the US have been the wealthy and  the poor, basically the system effectively barred the people in the middle, now quite what the future will bring I do not know, but I know of no Country with any sort of benefit system that is comfortable taking on the elderly. And the issue is going to become more and more significant.


    I'm a US citizen and we can't afford to retire in the US. We will be moving to France for 2 primary reasons: healthcare and housing costs.


    OP, I don't know how you think you will be able to manage this financially with a growing family, aging mother, and siblings to support. You do know millions in life insurance are only good if you're dead right???


    Good luck.

  2. 11 hours ago, TBoneTX said:

    We must do it because Mrs. T-B. would never remember to calculate mileage, ADD she man.


    Calculate???? why not just look at the gauge??? It's a very simple concept. When it's on the F it means you don't need to get gas. When it's on the E it means you do need to buy gas and when the light is on and the  bell is dinging it means if you don't want to walk (die of heat stroke or freeze to death) it means drive yo a** to the nearest gas station now. Calculate. Sniffff, smh.

  3. 19 hours ago, cdneh said:



    15 hours ago, cdneh said:

    He has an autonomic disorder, dysreflexia, ordinarily seen in cord injury patients. His pressure can be very low, say 80/40, but in 15 minutes it can be 267/170. This goes on all day, every day. Lately his pressure has trended more to hypertension, with fewer lows. The meds were originally meant to bludgeon his system into some form of regulation, so that he would maintain enough pressure to allow him to be up and walking around without falling over. It would never have been as elegant as what the rest of us have. He had damage to the baroreceptors from his cancer surgery in 1984, and managed to cope, but the transplant surgery was emergent, and he was debilitated due to a  failed treatment attempt for HEP C likely from blood transfusions during his open neck dissection.

    The concern is now we know that he has no carotid function on his right, or good side, and a 60 percent blockage on the left internal carotid, no longer having an external. He isn't operable either, the risk is far too great. So, we juggle, all day, every day.  We are aiming for a sweet spot of 170 t 180 systolic, but given his poor flow issues, we can't let it get too low either. 

    Wow, I had no idea he had such serious health issues. I had to look up the med terms to know what it is. This is a lot to deal with on both of your parts. As my granny used to say, "There for the grace of God go I". Really puts the liquefied peanut butter and hot office in proper perspective. Here's praying his health improves and you continued strength.

  4. 2 hours ago, cdneh said:

    Wow. That's just wrong. At least I can hide inside where it is cool/ That said, I've just mown half the lawn, it's not at all late in the day, but it sure does get dark in a  hurry.  I will try to get to the rest tomorrow, provided it doesn't rain. Yah, sure. It's so dry here I am surprised we aren't under a burn ban.


    The Doc at the transplant center asked me to try and wean Himself off one of his meds. I will have to add it back. No wonder he said he was light headed, his pressure was  only 96/ 54.

    It gets dark before it cools off. Two stage mowing.


    Hope the hubs gets better. Why did the doc want him to stop taking it?

  5. 1 hour ago, cdneh said:

    Stupid hot here. I'm told the 'feels like" temp is 97. So it's August 96th.

    yep. We haven't had working AC in my office or classrooms all summer. One entire floor of the building has no AC and they turn off the air handlers at 5 pm, so we don't even get air movement. I took a jar of unopened peanut butter out of my desk drawer and it was liquefied, much like my brain at the end of the day.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    Narratives work both ways.  Michael Mann was caught fudging his data which is a big no no when it comes to science which taints anything he writes no matter how ardent his apostles are.  As to a paper disproving climate change, I guess you forgot, I never stated the climate was not changing, and in fact I believe in global climate change.  I am though against the globalism this movement and its narrative is pushing.

    He ceased being a scientist and became a political hack pushing a narrative when he changed the data to show a predetermined result. He has no credibility period.

  7. 12 hours ago, TBoneTX said:

    Lurking TL ma'am!

    We were referring to T ma'am, who differs from TL ma'am, si TL ma'am.

    Number of new Chinese students precised, see and :bonk: TL ma'am.

    Has anyone besides us noticed that most transliterated Chinese surnames that don't begin with B, C, L, M, or Q seem to begin with W, X, Y, & Z, huh man?

    Oh, so you're saying you DIDN'T miss me????? how is that even possible????


    The  surnames aren't the problem, since most of those are one syllable, it's the first names and all that tonal pronunciation stuff changing meaning.

  8. 1 hour ago, Unidentified said:

    I recommending going on google scholar and reading up on those periods and why the things were the way they were and how it is different now. And it is very clear we are to blame for a lot of it. 

    Interesting humor. 

    I wouldn't recommend Google for anything not if you want unbiased and unfiltered (read skewed) search results. I would recommend a good Library with access to multiple scientific databases. All google will give you is recycled opinion pieces masquerading as "science".


    We are responsible for a lot of water, air and solid waste pollution, but it's the sun that is responsible for climate change. Oh I believe there is climate change. There's plenty of geological evidence to show that. What I don't believe is there is any accurate evidence that it's caused by people.

  9. 33 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    Absent Steveklar!  Absent, ABSENT Steveklar!

    Absent Asia!  Absent, ABSENT Asia!

    Absent T ma'am!  Absent, ABSENT T ma'am!

    Absent everyone else man/ma'am!  Absent, ABSENT everyone else EVERYONE ELSE man/ma'am!

    I'm lurking, just not a lot of time to banter. I have 34 new students from China and I'm still trying to learn, let alone say, their names correctly, but it's rather hopeless.

  10. 13 hours ago, TBoneTX said:

    More probably disability abuse.

    And see this analysis:



    Interesting that Rush had the same/similar take on this as I did. I was also unaware that she is autistic. That makes this all the more sad because even though she is highly intelligent and articulate, her EQ is not as developed and her handlers are exploiting that for their own gain. It makes more sense to me now why she had such a disproportional emotional reaction. Poor kid.

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