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Posts posted by theresaL

  1. Sorry if this has been asked and answered before, but I couldn't find any specific info on VJ that addresses it.

    We received packet 4 today from the Paris embassy with our interview date already scheduled. I was able to pay the visa fee, but when I try to enter the interview date they do not have the March dates open yet and I'm stuck on the page where you schedule the interview and cannot get to the last page which is the instructions. Not sure what I should do at this point.

    Thanks and any help would be appreciated.

  2. Most Community Colleges offer free ESL classes. Check the online websites of the schools closest to you. Also, see if there is a CELTA teaching center that offers free classes. These are the classes that the CELTA trainees teach for their teaching practice. Try to find an English conversation group for him to join too. He will meet new people who are also learning English in a relaxed atmosphere.

    My fiancé speaks very little English and we plan for him to attend ESL classes for the whole first year after we are married. We are lucky to be in a position that he won't have to work and can look for jobs once his English is proficient. It's really important that your husband use his English as much as possible and not rely on his first language or his development in English will be delayed. I say this as both a language learner myself and as an ESL teacher.

    Good luck.

  3. Good evening everyone and thank you in advance. Everything has gone so fast and I thought the process would take longer than it has so now I need advice on how to slow the process down a bit. I know it seems odd as most everyone is wanting the process to take the least amount of time as possible. My fiancé and I want his interview date to be sometime in January after he returns to France after spending the holidays here with me and my family. I checked CEAC today and status is READY for interview. We have not received packet 3 yet, but we have all of the documents as per the Paris Embassy info here at VJ. So, do we:

    1. wait to fill out the DS-160 together when he is here in Dec. or go ahead and do that now?

    2. wait to send the statement of readiness at the same time as the DS-160?

    3. file the DS-160 now and then send the statement of readiness in Dec.?

    We both have personal business to complete before he arrives and ideally that would be late April or early May. Also, we have our wedding planned for late May. I am a little superstitious and don't want to jinx anything. All advice is appreciated.

  4. Hello all,

    I am currently waiting approval of a K-1 petition for my fiancé and I have a question about the I-134 and what is considered "financial support". I currently live with my elderly mother and she has asked that after my financé and I marry if we would continue to live with her as she doesn't want to live alone since my father passed away 6 months ago. In addition to being in my pentultimate semester for a Masters Degree I also teach part time as an adjunct at the same University. I meet the income requirements for a household of 2 based on my 2014 tax return however, for 2015 my income is lower due to class schedule conflicts and the need to finish my research papers. I foresee the potential need for a co-sponsor but I am uncertain what qualifies as financial support and household size. I pay no rent or utilities, we share the grocery expenses, but all other personal expenses are my responsibility. She does not claim me as a dependent nor I her on our individual taxes. So, the question is: for the I-134 would we be classified as a household of 3 or 2 and since we will not be paying rent or utilities does that qualify as financial support?

  5. Hello and thank you for reading my post. I am a new member to VJ and not sure where to search for the answer to my question. I am the USC petitioner and will not be with my fiancé for his K-1 interview. He speaks very little English and I'm not sure how to request an interpreter/translator for him so the interview can be conducted in his native language. Are there instructions in the appointment letter how to go about this or do I need to make a special request directly to the Embassy? I am fluent in his language so communication between us is not a problem, but I want to make sure he is comfortable and fully understands the questions.

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