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Posts posted by theresaL

  1. 6 hours ago, N-o-l-a said:

    Is this, your mother?






    Found a daycare for wee bears. Turns out of the 5 other kids that are there now, 1 of them belongs to my new coworker. Mind you this is an hour away from where we work.  😲



    yep, except she leaves all of the dishes and the kitchen for us to clean up after her. She has no problem making a big mess but never can clean up after herself. This is nothing new, she's been like this all of my life and if I ever left so much as a spoon in the sink I heard about it for weeks. I asked her not too long ago if she had forgotten where the dishwasher was. Well that led to a big set to.

  2. 3 minutes ago, cdneh said:

    The new dryer comes with a four prong plug, and we have a three pronged socket, the wiring in that was fried. There was also damage to that wall, after the lightning hit  the electrician had to take it down to find the vaporized wire. It's a mess.

    That explains it. I forgot about the fried wires. 

  3. 1 hour ago, cdneh said:

    Pea green with envy. No pool. There is a pond, but it looks a bit suss.


    I am going back out there again to do a bit more. Himself has put up a tiny bit of the wall, but has got very involved in framing the pipes in. Like very. I need to get that wall painted before the washer and dryer are delivered. So like this year.

    why didn't he just change the cord on the new appliance to match the existing socket????

  4. 1 hour ago, Ontarkie said:

    I know this is the rant thread but we must be very careful to not import anything from the other threads or violate any other TOS please. I hate having to put my mod hat on in here as this is such a great thread. 

    I love this thread because it's a comfortable place to be and we genuinely like each other. We have our quirks in here too, but we are accepting of each other and offer friendly support, give and get good advice, tease each other, and generally have a good time. Even if we do veer off into fallopian chat occasionally and scare off the mens.

  5. 12 hours ago, Asia said:

    I had braces in my 30s. Had them for 2,5 years. It was interesting and painfull sometimes, but I'm glad I decised to straightened my teeth. One of the best decisions I made! LOL Tho I thought it would be a great diet and I'd lose some weight, but it didn't worked :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I feel the same way. Braces and lasik eye surgery were the two best things I ever did. Oh yeah, the weight loss idea went out the window with the amount of mashed potatoes I ate because my teeth were too sore to chew on days/weeks after the ortho tightened them.


    Ikea closets. We've been looking at them to use for the boxes for our new closets in the French house. I don't need doors because I found 6, over 2m long, matching in perfect condition old wooden Parisian shutters at a local brocante. They were cheap too TB.

  6. On 8/31/2019 at 11:04 PM, N-o-l-a said:


    Braces at 40 must be interesting. Although, it is probably something you are more invested in keeping clean.


    It basically forces the upper jaw and lower jaw to properly align by making it impossible to keep the same bite pattern. In order to close your mouth, you have to push your lower jaw forward. 




    It wasn't too bad, but I was really happy when they came off. I had a top notch ortho too. Named Cash, hahaha perfect for his profession.


    Now that Mara thing looks positively awful. Pour petite.

  7. 10 hours ago, N-o-l-a said:

    Poor little guy.  


    The oldest one finally got her Mara on this week. It is hard for her to eat and talk.  Hopefully it fixes her overbite. 







    Finally got internet back at home. woo hoo


    What exactly does this dental device do and how does it work???? I've never heard of it. I had braces when I was 40. I unfortunately inherited my mom's tooth patterns. Receding two front top teeth, the next two popped forward and rotated, and blocked wisdom teeth that pushed everything forward. My bite was way off and starting to cause jaw problems. After 3 years and Many $$$$$'s later, I now have a perfectly straight smile and no jaw problems.  

  8. My link didn't work. See if this one does. Frenchy driving his new toy.



    13 minutes ago, Ontarkie said:

    Congrats on the promotion Niki, and the raise. 


    Nice car Theresa, did you at least leave with some peaches too :D


    I think I'm able to retire in about 10yrs. Man this 28 yrs just flew by hahahaha

    Yes we did. We're thinking about custom license plates that say "peaches"

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