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Posts posted by theresaL

  1. I think this child has serious mental problems. I've never seen such disproportional hatred or blind rage in anyone's eyes as this child has. I only saw a short clip of her speaking, but seriously thought her head was going to start spinning around and start hearing a devil voice. It was like watching Exorcist, Poltergeist, Children of the Corn, Rosemary's Baby all rolled into one person. It was really very disturbing to watch.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Ontarkie said:

    The cut looks great at least. 


    I hated being a girl growing up and always looked like a boy in grade school. About 8th grade I started growing my hair. Pretty never cut it short again since. 

    Yep!! I refused to let her cut my bangs after years of "mom bangs". You know the ones that are way too short and uneven. My aunt is the one who started cutting my hair after that. She was a hairdresser, so at least everything was straight and even.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Ontarkie said:

    I'm going to guess this will be similar for them. Both need pretty high scripts and the doctor is starting them lower this year and will work their way  up next year. She has them both starting off wearing them for 30 mins for the Jedi and 1 hour for the Tornado. 

    I had glasses just like the Jedi's when I was in 5th grade. I'll upload a photo when I find it.

  4. 57 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    Perhaps the chickens will come home to roost when Barr, Durham, et al. publicize and act on their findings.  Optimal timing for that announcement might be about 45 days before the general election.

    If recent (non)action is any indicator of future action based on publicized findings, I won't hold my breath. I admit, my faith in any accountability for the anti-Trumpers is hanging by a very thin, very frayed thread. 

  5. 1 minute ago, JeanneAdil said:

    Islamic marriages are a contract signed by both 

    Ours was performed in clerk office in Morocco not a mosque

    in morocco the wife does not have to convert

    i settled for a small dowery / my airfare to morocco and back

    you will be asked to provide a translator as all is done in Arabic

    there is no ceremony like our wedding ceremony but in the following day (or days) there is  a celebration of the marriage:


    with Henna

    1st meal of dates and milk

    someone should come in and do your makeup and pile hair on the head for a crown

    they will bring in 1 or more beautiful dresses with matching jewelry and crown


    make sure you have the French marriage document as that will be accepted by immigration 

    hope that helps


    if you were to stay in Turkey you would go by that county's laws as far as wife and husband 

    In Morocco the muslim women have a lot of power

    but you will be coming here

    Thanks for the response. It's not for me it's my step-daughter and no immigration is involved. I'm asking for information is all.


    I do know that it is customary in Turkish culture that the man's family pays for the wedding and the party afterwards. Hey, maybe she could ask for the price of our rt tickets to France as her dowry?? :idea:

  6. OP, what do you mean by living in his past? Is this family and friends talking about old times they had together or about his life with an ex before you? If it's the former, tell him how it makes you feel left out. Then suggest making new friends together or to become better friends with one of the other couples that you click with.  If it's the latter, tell him how uncomfortable it makes you feel talking about his ex. Either way, you need to talk to him. Frame it as, "when  blah, blah happens, I feel  . . . ", be careful not to sound like you are blaming him or he might not be willing to listen. 


    It can be really hard when you're the "new kid on the block" but it's survivable. You said in your other thread you are in school now, make some friends, form a study group, join a campus organization. Find a Meet-up group that interests you. Don't just give up. 

  7. 24 minutes ago, mich923 said:

    I'm not positive on the Turkish wedding culture, but am familiar with an Islamic wedding. The husband and wife will sign a nikkah or marriage contract. The bride will have a male witness such as a father or brother and the husband will have the same. The groom will give the bride a specified amount of money agreed by the families. The money will be used by however the bride chooses. In the contract, the bride and groom list out what they want in the relationship. Such as how the children will be raised, where they will live, etc.

    Thanks for your response. I understand a little more now.


    Would this contain any requirement for her to adopt Muslim religion?

  8. Hello everyone and thank you in advance for your time and help. My step-daughter (non-Muslim) is marrying a Turkish man and I am curious as to the traditions, customs and in particular, what are the papers that are signed at the Mosque. They (stepdaughter & fiance) live in France and the marriage will be in France at the city hall (Mairie) as required by French law. I do not know anything about wedding customs in Turkish culture, so I'm hoping you all can help me. She said his family wants them to go to the Mosque a few days before the wedding to sign some papers. Is this a type of marriage contract? and what should she expect to see, agree to and does this give or take away any particular rights? Thanks for you help.


    Edit: Moderators, if I put this in the wrong place please move to the correct folder.

  9. I see this post is over a month old but I thought I would chime in here regarding the TESOL. A BA+TESOL certificate will only take you so far as most US Universities and Community Colleges require an MA. This is mostly due to the type of accreditation that the school has. An MA TESOL will open more doors as well as potentially increase the salary and flexibility in choosing an employer. Another advantage of an MA is when you are finished you will have a built in networking group from your fellow graduate students.


    If you really want to be qualified to teach do a CELTA program along with MA. The CELTA is a practicum based program offered by the British Council and pairs very well with an MA, which tends to be more theory based. I have a BA in Speech/Theatre and BS French + TESOL Certificate and an MA in Second Language Acquisition (MASLA) with English focus. The school where I teach requires a Masters. If you decide to get an MA, most MA language programs require a minimum of 2 years of Foreign Language study or demonstrated proficiency in a Foreign Language.  I chose to do a second Bachelors because it was only another 12 hrs of course work.


    The profession is currently undergoing a lot of flux, especially in Higher Ed, because of uncertainty in revenue streams and changing political/economic climates around the world. California may not see as much change as other states however due to the large populations of non-English speaking immigrants residing there. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

  10. 14 hours ago, N-o-l-a said:


    I did that to a roommate once with his pans. He must just pile them up and never clean them.


    Now there are almost always dishes in our sink because we run the dishwasher multiple times per day.

    We run ours about every 2-3 days, so the dishwasher is full is never an excuse. She's just lazy.


    She did it again last night. I had cleaned-up the kitchen around 9pm not one dirty thing unwashed anywhere in the house. Frenchy and I went to bed at 12. Get up this am and there's a plate, fork, knife and glass in the sink next to the dishwasher. She made an after mid-night raid on the chocolate cake that she's not supposed to eat because she's diabetic.

  11. 2 hours ago, yuna628 said:

    A weekend rant:


    We have a landline. It is terrible. Being in a rural area doesn't improve this. That means the internet is down the copper, and that copper is bad. It's so bad now I can't even use the internet and it's terrible speeds without the phone being off the hook (a delightful problem called 'high-open'), there's also times when the phone just stops working. Of course when you need to call someone or someone needs to call in, well the phone is off the hook. The constant spam calls sometimes repeating once every fifteen minutes make having the phone off the hook a delightful prospect anyway.


    My husband said enough is enough - let us go to the cable competition and see what they offer. The salesman is a bit of a young dope, rather disinterested in his job and offers a price at one figure which of course will go up much higher after a year + the cost of router rental. Husband grows annoyed at salesman and leaves store saying he'll think about it. After doing research he finds the quoted price wasn't just for internet but a bunch of stuff we said we didn't want and finds we can just buy our own router. He finds a cheaper price. Then he asked me to check if we had fios yet. I laughed and said we do not, because we don't live among civilization, but he insisted so I humored him.


    Inputting my address reveals that not only is fios not available but apparently no internet at all is available.. which is weird considering I'm using it to type right now. I open up a support webchat with some noob who tells me ''I'm sorry we don't provide internet service in your area but we'd love to have you as a customer some day!"


    I said ''gee that's strange considering I'm using your internet service to talk to you right now and have for years!"


    Gobsmacked the chatnoob stumbles to say that perhaps the website is broken and perhaps I do have internet afterall, after poking in my account. ''Oh you have copper dsl, we don't offer this anymore''.


    ''So you don't offer copper dsl, but I have copper dsl and pay an extortionist amount for it, but you won't offer anything else. So what you're really saying is you don't want me as a customer some day because you're unwilling to keep me as a customer now?" :diablo:

    Bravo !!! Did he hang up on you??? Once I realize they are total dopes, I love to mess with them to the point they hang up on me.

  12. 9 hours ago, TBoneTX said:

    And precisely what is amiss with this as a philosophy and practice, huh huh huh TL ma'am?


    Hmmmph, man.  Next, you'll be claiming that "I see what I eat" is the same as "I eat what I see," obviously man.

    It's not the eating per se, it's that she leaves all of her dirty dishes in the sink, food on the counters, garbage can in the middle of the floor and then expects us to clean up after her. This happens on a daily basis and there is a long history behind it that I won't go into. Suffice to say, there is one set of standards that she applies to herself and a totally different one that is applied to me. I really don't want to live with her, but Frenchy likes having a yard, veg. garden and flowers and doesn't want to move. I've reached the point where I truly believe that she only loves me because I'm her child, but really doesn't like or respect me. I heard her telling my aunt that I was obligated to take care of her, my brother on the other hand is exempt from everything, because he's a man with his own family according to her. 

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