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    TampaRishon reacted to Thunderbolt in Filing for N-400 While 751 is Pending   
    We didn't know that we should add anything to the N400 application regarding I751. 
    During the N400 interview my wife told the DHS employee that we have I751 pending. Then she asked me couple of questions and we were done. 
  2. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to Zoeeeeeee in Horrible experience with "Rapid Visa" CR-1/I-130   
    I totally agree. We didn't use Rapid Visa, we did it all ourselves and everything went smoothly. However, my husband used a very similar company for his divorce a few years back and they similarly screwed up, didn't file things, didn't file to the right place etc - and he ended up canceling and doing it himself, after months of inaction on their behalf.
    Essentially, no one is going to care as much about your petition as you. No one will put in as much effort to get it right as you. So unless you have a super complex case (and in that instance, I definitely wouldn't use a company like Rapid Visa, I'd use a well recommended immigration lawyer), it's definitely preferable to use this site and do it yourself. I'm sorry you've found this out the hard way and hope it doesn't take too long to get this issue resolved.
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    TampaRishon reacted to Boiler in Does owning firearms will affect my US Citizenship?   
    They could have asked about your cars, equally irrelevant.
  4. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to Loren Y in Does owning firearms will affect my US Citizenship?   
    I wouldn't thing it would matter at all. They are usually looking for groups with bad intentions, such as terrorist organizations and such. The NRA is not much more than a Boy Scouts rating I am sure. I don't see an issue, but I will watch to see the responses. I am interested because my wife is only an LPR, has a few guns, and her concealed carry permit even. I would hope this isn't a problem when she goes for Naturalization.
    From the sounds of things you should be fine, sounds like the interview went well.
  5. Sad
    TampaRishon reacted to Mark11 in My Wife (Brazilian immigrant) died from Covid during AOS -- how do I withdraw the application?   
    @payxibka  Thank you for the advice, but USCIS has put in a lot a lot of time processing our application and it only feels fair to notify them that we cannot follow through.  I don't want to use more of their time when others are waiting to get their applications processed.  Though it is exceptionally painful for me to ask them to close our application.
    To those who have offered condolences -- that means a lot to me -- thank you for your kindness.  Pretty tough when the love of your life makes it to the U.S. only to have her slip through your fingers.  What a world.  Sorry.  Just very depressed.
  6. Sad
    TampaRishon reacted to Mark11 in My Wife (Brazilian immigrant) died from Covid during AOS -- how do I withdraw the application?   
    Dear Group,
    I write with a very heavy heart.  My beloved wife came to the US on a K-1 visa in June 2020.  We married immediately and filed the whole I-485 packet including all the supporting forms and received the NOAs for all.  While waiting for the AOS interview, she died from covid and that has pretty much destroyed my life.  I called the USCIS hotline for advice on how best to withdraw the application, but they seemed very befuddled and recommended that I file form I-140 (which has nothing do with withdrawing a petition -- completely wrong) with the center that is handling my case.  They gave me an address based on my zip code, but I'm questioning if that's correct based on their recommendation of an incorrect form.
    I just got notice yesterday that the AOS interview has been scheduled and a notice has been sent out.  Should I wait for this notice and then send a letter with a copy of the notice and death certificate to the address on the notice.  That seems to make the most sense.  Thank you for any advice.  Normally I would be able to figure this stuff out on my own (we got this far . . .), but my brain is very muddled these days.  My apologies.
    Thank you,
  7. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to mimipimpaporn in Proving intent to return home   
    @aar0n2020 You're definitely right Lol I tend to overthink things. Everybody says that. 😅
    I just saw people getting sent back and it scares me. But seriously, I have no intent to overstay or do anything illegal at all. 
    I just visited my husband last December but at that time I wasn't in CR1 process yet. So I wasn't really worried. 
    I have been to the states several time and never overstayed. I need to calm down 😥
  8. Sad
    TampaRishon reacted to Amberose in Is K1 a good enough exemption to leave Australia?   
    Yes, that is what I fear... I would feel absolutely awful if they couldn't get back...
    It's a struggle.  I'm hoping someone may have personal experience to help, but at this point, I'm not holding my breath.. Dumb virus!
  9. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to Busta in I have just been approved   
    I just got the message from NVC 😀😀😀.. God is good.  We just have to wait for 72hours before  logging in 
  10. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to Boiler in Vaccine Exemption for Philosophical Reasons   
    Well certainly possible  to file a waiver, but you are a long way off filing a I 601 if you have just started the process.
    Basically you will go through the process be refused a visa for being non compliant and be given the opportunity of filing a waiver, not a letter think package.
    Covid is not currently included but could be by then, who knows?
  11. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to Jesserose24 in Vaccine Exemption for Philosophical Reasons   
    Hello all, if this is posted elsewhere, please just help me find it. I'm Canadian, at the beginning of my Visa journey. I have my childhood vaccine record and likely won't need any. However, since becoming an adult and in charge of my own medical decisions, I am philosophically opposed to vaccines. There is a grey area around the TB shot (not required in my age group, I'm 36). But depending on when my medical is the flu shot could also be required. Not to mention when they'll add a C-ov-id vaccine to the list. I've done my research, according to the immigration website I can in fact decline on philosophical grounds. I simply have to write a testimony as such. I'm having a very hard time finding any one who has chose to go down this path of exemption on philosophical grounds. 
    I'm not looking to debate vaccines in any way. I'm Pro-Choice. Just looking for any one who's written such a declaration and what they put in that letter.
    Thank you in advance to anyone who can help.
  12. Like
    TampaRishon got a reaction from Busta in I have just been approved   
    So it was sent to me for sure. I’m the petitioner and I can’t remember if my husband received it too. 😬🤷🏻‍♀️
  13. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to Busta in I have just been approved   
    alright,  thank you so much.  I really can't wait!  
    This one came from USCIS,  I guess I have to wait for the one from NVC then.  Thank you so much for the info 
  14. Like
    TampaRishon got a reaction from Busta in I have just been approved   
    So I’m overseas and never received letters of any kind, just emails, but Mine went really fast. I think I waited 4 days to get the second email with login info. It’ll say “Thank you for your interest in moving to the US.” Then it’ll have all the login info. Just be waiting for it  you’ll get it! 
  15. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to Busta in I have just been approved   
    Thank you for this,  the mail we received only said our case was sent to NVC. We have to wait for another mail with login information right? It's kind of confusing at the moment. 
  16. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to Pinkrlion in K1 approved but Embassy says administritive processing required!!!   
    Administrative Processing is what  they call the time period until visa is issued. Everyone goes through this process.
  17. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to James Blunt in I have just been approved   
    Cool! Thanks for the info!
  18. Thanks
    TampaRishon got a reaction from angeljolie in Do I schedule my own interview at USEM or wait for their email?   
    I didn’t realize before writing this that it doesn’t have Philippines on the list so maybe you will wait for the embassy! 
    so in Israel I had to go to a website and register everything and then pick own interview date. 
    Because we expedited it’s really weird. They pretty much do nothing for us and so I had to do it all. Including emailing them to make sure I was set for my interview. 
    I just did this back at Christmas time. So it’s recent. They may have done things differently before Covid, but now it’s really awkward. Let me know how it goes! If you set an interview date, make sure to follow up with the Embassy afterwards
    Im not seeing phillipines on there so you may have to wait, but for other people, there are a lot of embassies on here doing what Israel did. 😬😬🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ If someone looks to this thread for info, there is some good info for other places. Sorry I couldn’t be more help🙈
  19. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to RamonGomez in Write to President Biden   
    The funny thing is, we also had a large hiccup with one of our I-130s thanks to USCIS, and NVC was actually the easiest to deal with. Whenever I picked up the phone I knew that usually within an hour I'd be able to speak to someone reasonably competent, and they were always very friendly as well. Emails were usually answered within 1-2 weeks with correct information. 
    Trying to get a T2 agent callback from USCIS, or getting in touch with the consulate abroad, or getting an InfoPass was a nightmare.
  20. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to Ann Blair in Write to President Biden   
    All - If you’ve been following U.S. politics and President Biden’s executive orders and initiatives then you know he’s expressed a desire to focus on a path for illegals in the U.S. I would like to ask him to also focus on fixing the legal immigration process. I want him to look at the K1 and CR1/IR1 process that so many of us are stuck in. I am a U.S. citizen and have been separated from my U.K. husband for nearly a year. Now we’ve run into yet another delay and I’ve had to hire an immigration attorney. There is a form to contact the White House and share your concerns. I don’t think, President Biden is reading this inbox himself, but I’m thinking about volume here. If enough of us send messages urging him to look at this, maybe someone will put these messages in front of him and say, ‘Sir 100’s (1000’s!) of U.S. citizens, voters, tax payers have been writing and sharing their stories.’ My message will include NVC’s 1 hour hold time, how our DQ got delayed due to NVC “misrouting” our case, about the 2 expedite requests I submitted including a Dr’s note and both requests were denied... and about the emotional stress and hardship that this broken process has caused us. Please take a minute and share your story. There is character limit on the form so if you’re wordy like me, you may have to edit your post for length. Maybe if enough of us write this could get looked at. I’ve included the link below. 
    Contact the White House: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi2sODSodPuAhXOHM0KHUNZC-0QFjAAegQIAhAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.whitehouse.gov%2Fcontact%2F&usg=AOvVaw12w3dIHKsIMB8cvnk4mAf-
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    TampaRishon reacted to In4theJourney in Are my reasons good enough? What kind of evidence should I include? NVC Expedite Request   
    My friend, try it. You don’t lose anything. Send to consulate not the NVC. The only approved expedited appointments for beneficiaries I’ve seen were for married couple which are technically family members unlike us k1’s are not considered family yet. 
  22. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to angeljolie in Do I schedule my own interview at USEM or wait for their email?   
    Hi all! We have been approved for an expedite and CEAC now says "ready." Do I need to wait for USEM to send me something or should I go ahead and schedule our appointment? TIA!
  23. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to Crazy Cat in Medical exam height   
    80% of all worries are needless.......this is definitely one of them.  Height is not an issue.
  24. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to Crazy Cat in CR1 stamp upon US entry   
    1.  The stamp is evidence of your status as a legal resident for a year.  It serves as your green card until the plastic one arrives.
    2.  You can file to remove conditions on your green card 90 days prior to the expiration date on your green card (2 years after US entry).  Do not file even one day too early. 
    3.  Your Green Card should arrive in a few weeks to a few months.  If you marked the box on the DS-260, you will also receive your Social Security card soon.
  25. Like
    TampaRishon reacted to laylalex in When to give up on our K1.... Never ending wait during Covid   
    When my husband and I started dating, we'd known each other for over a decade and were best friends. I still needed a LOT of time to make sure I was certain that I wanted a relationship with him. He was patient, VERY patient, and never gave up on me, even when I asked for more space and less pressure. I wasn't any less in love with him, I just needed to be sure I knew what I was doing before I committed to him. His attitude was, I waited this long for you, I can wait a bit longer. Giving up completely wasn't an option for either of us unless we figured out we weren't compatible. He gave me all the space and time I needed, and for that I am grateful. We married 2 months ago and the wait was worth it -- we worked out many potential problems when we were just dating or engaged so we didn't fly into the marriage blind and hoping for the best. 
    OP, why is a wait like this unsurmountable for you? It's not going to be much longer until we're all out of this mess. You are only waiting for an interview -- when K1s begin reprocessing, you'll be at the head of the line. What makes May a deadline for you? Most importantly, does your fiancee know this? What would she say if you said to her what you've told us today?
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