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  1. Confused
    annie1526 reacted to Boiler in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    So it is mean to require people to have health insurance? Somebody need to have told Obama that.
  2. Thanks
    annie1526 reacted to afrocraft in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    You can't see any middle ground between mean policies and open borders?
  3. Like
    annie1526 reacted to afrocraft in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    You know better. We just let them live their lives. But we didn't ask them for a health policy at Ellis Island.
  4. Like
    annie1526 reacted to afrocraft in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    Ah. But this is who we are. We're the country that took in persecuted migrants from Europe.
  5. Like
    annie1526 reacted to afrocraft in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    Give me your tired, your poor, 
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me (with health insurance),
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
  6. Thanks
    annie1526 reacted to GraceJ21 in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    To be fair, I've been a little concerned about insurance through the process and I think I was going to probably purchase by own even though I'm a completely healthy person. I work in healthcare so I know how a person can have an appendix burst from one day to the next and require surgery. 
    However, I do think this is gonna separate a lot of low income families, and it makes no sense to me considering a lot of US born citizens are uninsured themselves due to the broken healthcare system in America. Thinking that barring LEGAL immigrants is gonna somehow solve those issues, instead of actual restructuring the healthcare system is ridiculous, and won't solve any of the high costs of Healthcare in America. 
    Until I see straightforward guidelines as to how this is gonna be implemented, what I see is just another attempt to make things messy and difficult for legal immigration. Quite the dirty thing to do imho
  7. Thanks
    annie1526 reacted to Rose711 in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    Have there been any studies done to show the burden of healthcare from legal immigrants on the US taxpayer? I haven’t seen the numbers anywhere.
  8. Like
    annie1526 reacted to Sarge2155 in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    However or whatever they ask, we can be sure it won't be in the immigrants favor!!!!!
  9. Thanks
    annie1526 reacted to jasonlzak in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    Cheap excuse, victim game. I don't buy it. What you react in the first place determine who you are. You have a good day.
  10. Confused
    annie1526 reacted to Crazy Cat in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    I'm not laughing at anyone's suffering and depression.  I laughed at the assertion that people who favor the health care requirement are part of "Trump's Cult"........The need for health care insurance or the means to pay for health care is a necessity in the US.  That's why this rule is practical.
    EDIT:  Name calling is usually not productive in a discussion.
  11. Confused
    annie1526 reacted to geowrian in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    (I can't say if that post was directed at me at all, but it likely would be the first time somebody associated me with Trump!).
  12. Confused
    annie1526 reacted to Lemonslice in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    I'm not a Trump fan, I'm all for universal healthcare. Right now, it's not available in the US... People do need some access to healthcare (unfortunately, accidents and illnesses happen). If they're not eligible to Medicaid/Medicare/etc., I feel it's reasonable to ask the sponsor to demonstrate how they'll take care of the immigrant.  I've seen multiple posters over the years delaying/avoiding treatment because they could not afford it. 
    US healthcare is a big mess, but I feel that the new requirement will protect the immigrant.
  13. Thanks
    annie1526 reacted to jasonlzak in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    As expected, whenever a hardliner rule was set out to curb legal immigrants. You can see a bunch of elite members here who are done or almost done with their journey, gathering and chanting the rule is reasonable. I'm not going to reply or read any of you people replies, so don't waste your time. This forum is used to be good and filled with tolerant members, now it became a favorite gathering place of Trump's cult. Excuse for my bad English, I'm not from your 1st countries.
  14. Confused
    annie1526 reacted to SalishSea in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    I think that is fantastic news, and I'm certainly not a Trump supporter (quite the opposite).  I have been an RN for 20 years, and  I think everyone in the US should be required to have healthcare.  
    Btw, I read it as that immigrants would have to show evidence of a plan to obtain health insurance within 30 days, not that it would need to take effect within 30 days.  Like a letter or policy from USC's employer that the new spouse will be eligible to be added to the insurance, etc.
  15. Like
    annie1526 reacted to Cathi in New Healthcare Requirements for US Immigrants   
    So how many here who are petitioning for relatives still think Trump's making America great again?
    Asking for 320 million friends. 

    Mods feel free to move this if it's in the wrong forum.
  16. Like
    annie1526 reacted to Marieke H in Request for additional help   
    So what is your question? You received a pretty clear list of documents that you should or may submit.
  17. Like
    annie1526 reacted to Lebanese23 in New AOS rules started 10/01/2019 Hosed us at the interview today.   
    This is not a new rule, it's always been an effect, if you don't bring your own translator and the officer isn't sure what you are saying, they will have to find other ways.
    If i don't understand someone, it will make my job harder to do, it's really not the officer's responsibility if you don't come prepared. Perhaps the phone call thing is new but regardless, you are RESPONSIBLE to bring your own translator, it avoids delays like these and even denials. What if your wife said something but the officer misunderstood her and gave her denial based on that. They are trying to help you, not waste both of your times.
    my husband was nodding on few questions and she told him you have to say YES or NO, sign language isn't even allowed if you can clearly speak. They could be recording this for all we know. Good luck on your next one though!
  18. Like
    annie1526 reacted to kris&me in FELONY CHARGE   
    if none of my business , why did OP post here?
    she made it all of our business
  19. Like
    annie1526 reacted to kris&me in FELONY CHARGE   
    seriously , you want to marry a convicted felon??
  20. Like
    annie1526 reacted to cd37 in JUST A RANT(update merged)   
    Looks like gold digger who intentionally doesnt work so she can get alimony and other free stuff. Runaway from this child.
  21. Like
    annie1526 reacted to purem4g1c in JUST A RANT(update merged)   
    if she wants a trip, tell her to get a job and pay for it, life ain't free
  22. Like
    annie1526 reacted to Bynx24 in JUST A RANT(update merged)   
    Divorce and move on, theres nothing else that you can do at this point. It's clear that you still love her and are looking for comfort in the midst of this but if you continue in this relationship you will only be continuously abused and heartbroken. Your eligibility in this country is not at risk, you have plenty of proof that you have done your part and all they are trying to do is intimidate you using tactics that are abusive and manipulative, this lady is clearly not right in the head.
    You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and will make it out of this. How old are you if you dont mind me asking?Country? I ask because it's surprising to see the immigrant being screwed over. It just goes to show that bad behavior can come from both sides.
    Good luck.
  23. Like
    annie1526 reacted to E & J 2018 in JUST A RANT(update merged)   
    It sounds like she doesn't want a husband..... She wants an ATM card with an unlimited amount on money..... Run fast, it will only get worse for you.
  24. Like
    annie1526 reacted to ClickityClackity in JUST A RANT(update merged)   
    Right, because the only basis for divorce is violence or bestiality. Also, reading what the OP is writing this does not seem like a "one-off" kind of thing. This is continuous and deliberate.  It isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things? How hard do you work for your money?
  25. Confused
    annie1526 reacted to N-o-l-a in JUST A RANT(update merged)   
    This is like some weird alternate universe version of me and my husband.  😂
    Wait, you aren't my husband posting with some details changed, are you?  Just kidding.
    I graduated that weekend too, he's the breadwinner and the immigrant. I didn't throw a party because that sounds dumb and expensive, but to each their own. I did however request a solo graduation trip, which he vetoed, but now says is ok. I decided to get some tattoos (they require hotels and travel) and go to some concerts instead. 
    I, like a few other women I know who've graduated recently, went through some sort of weird post-graduation depression and existential crisis. I tried to kick my husband out of the house on Friday night. Why?  I have no idea. It was pretty out of character. He might have been mocking my life crisis and impostor syndrome issues.  Maybe.  
    I definitely spent more than your wife this weekend, though. I like to shop too. 
    Sounds like you both jumped the gun here and need some time to cool off, grow up a little, and figure things out. 
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