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Just Paul

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Everything posted by Just Paul

  1. I would have gone this year but I've been miserable in Qatar many times in November / December. Then we decided to drop our satellite TV when we came back from Italy this spring. I'm surprised I am not in withdrawal.
  2. You can get married and start the process. 1) It may be easier for him to visit you and marry at which time you can get some joint accounts setup. He returns to the UK prior to the visa/ ESTA expiring. 2) You can marry in the UK but that does require a special UK visa on your part 3) you can marry any where else that you can. 4) you can marry online but can't file until you have actually met. (options 1 to 3 are better in my opinion.) Once you have married you can file and then find either a way to increase your earnings or obtain an Joint Sponsor or both.
  3. HCM processes immigrant Visas Use the webform for your request. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Supplements/Supplements_by_Post/HCM-Ho-Chi-Minh-City.html
  4. Are literally that. Where to you currently get your mail? Where do you currently live? Where do you plan to live? As a US citizen you have to file tax returns regardless of where the income is earned. If you didn't have any taxable income during the last few years you include a statement to that effect. If you have not started the "new job" prior to the interview a Joint Sponsor will be needed.
  5. It exists in statute and was created due to delay in getting CR/IR visas done. That delay was well in excess of the current (relative) processing times. It is an option that is available when there are issues preventing a CR/IR visa being issued. It might as well be considered at obsolete since it is so rare. In the last decade it has predominately been utilized in rare cases within Latin American "triangle" countries.
  6. Doing it the correct way leads to getting the process done faster. Stream across the border (ie without inspection) and you end up having to leave the country for an indeterminate time to process the visa and a waiver. It is not a fun or cheap process. Do it the correct way and there is a chance the steps after arrival go as fast and easy as ours. Another poster asked if you filed online. Your answers help us to help you. If you filed online then a receipt should have been generated that day. File a request. (won't go into the the details but it is an automated process but hiccups occur with credit card processing.) If you filed by paper and didn't do anything like staple, strap, put in a note book or include miscellaneous un needed items then file a request for the receipt. If you did staple or similar then you just wait for the lowest bidder contractor to have time to get to the pile of items to be manually scanned. That can be over a month. I've helped out at an immigration clinic in the past and I can tell you that those who entered incorrectly have tons of heartache trying to fix things - well at least in the recent past. I can also tell you knowing someone that did a k3 nearly a decade ago that it takes the worst things from a spousal visa and mixes it with worst things from a k1 visa. The brief 2019 occurrences of K3 speeding up I-130 approvals seam to have ceased but since it is free to try feel free to move ahead once you have the receipt number issue resolved. It is a long process but understanding it end-to-end and have patience is the only solution. In US Immigration the more urgent you want something makes anti-karma occur in the process.
  7. It is certainly up to you. There is a definite value in less hassle and cost in an IR-1 vs a CR-1. Most people just want to be together that fastest way possible cost and removal of conditions be damned. Two approaches to consider is: 1) ask the consulate to reschedule 2) to let the NVC do its thing and IF you get a date that means entering before your two year anniversary, do the interview but delay the medical. The expiration date is based on 6 months from the medical. I have seen this done in other consulates. The consulate does the processing and holds it until the medical is complete.
  8. She can interview in Canada as long as she is legally present there.
  9. A GF can not get temporary or permanent residency in Mexico unless she is a student or has another method. There is no Fiancé visa there and she would not be able to get it as a family member. Basically residency there comes in three flavors, RT which is renewable every year, or RP which is a 4 year visa. You apply for the green card at the INM office after arrival where you are going to domicile. There is very slight possibility of changing from a visitor visa to a resident visa but technically she has to leave Mexico to do it. That is harder to accomplish then the US system of converting from a B2 I hold a permanent resident visa for Mexico. When we married Mary was able to get a Permanent Resident VISA very easily and quickly in Hong Hong for $37. Mexican Citizenship is hard to acquire of one of her parents does not have Mexican Heritage.
  10. Yes it is no problem traveling once your passport is stamped. This even applies to "regular" I-130s. We entered on a Sunday and went back down to Mexico the next Friday. We paid the green card fee right after getting the visa.
  11. Apply as soon as she is eligible. If she has already been accepted into the MBA program then she can contact London. This is the easiest and cheapest way to do a spousal - assuming the consulate agrees.
  12. They need to AOS / EAD. Also after day 90 the ESTA is no longer valid so they need understand that.
  13. If they are fornicating, as the OP puts it, they are probably meeting in person.
  14. We married less than a year after we met. We applied 4 months after marriage. We did live together in Mexico for the last 2 of the months. You can file online from anywhere. I know people that have filed a week after marriage and had no issues. Each case is done on it's own merits. The key is having the nest evidence submitted that you can such as co mingling of assets, time together, etc. Letters from friends are not of any value unless you have nothing else to offer.
  15. The chances of a single Nigeran male getting a B2 visa is pretty slim. He can pay the fee, do the interview and hope that Immigration Officer doesn't ask why are you wanting to visit the US. The chances of a Traditionally married Nigerian male getting a B2 visa are much slimmer but the same procedure applies. His being denied a tourist visa does not have any affect on future immigration as long has he is truthful. If you want to visit him it is not a European visa you are asking for. You need a UK visa. The process begins online and take more the 15 days to complete, and that is after you get a biometric done, unless you want to pay crazy expedite fees.
  16. I would do this if A) she were dead B) I needed to pee C) it was nearby and D) it didn't have to be in the AM
  17. There is no standard timeline. Variables include the field office and your specific case. File now and get the ball rolling. You can always reschedulte appointments.
  18. This seems to be job related. The USC should contact the consulate to do a DCF. If that isn't accepted then file the petition online or by mail stateside.
  19. EITC is the Earned Income Tax Credit. That is different then claiming them as a dependent.
  20. Every case is different. You can use USCIS and the timelines on this site as reference points. We got to the US in 103 days in 2018 as a CR-1. Since you are going down the K1 route you need to be aware that driving will depend on where you live. You can't work until you get an EAD. You can't travel internationally with out AP. Get a SSN as soon as you can when entering the US. The whole AOS process doesn't even start until after you get married.
  21. I have help to file many petitions. I personally prefer online but when you file paper you can include a cover letter and include everything that you want in the order that you want. Send it via USPS and use return receipt.
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