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Sparkle Sparkle

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    Sparkle Sparkle reacted to Bri&Alejandro in MARCH 2020 K-1 NOA2 to NVC to Embassy   
    Sure, I’m happy to help. Full discretion, these are the instructions given by just this one person I spoke with. We can only hope that this will actually work. 
    They stated that I should put in the request via the Public Inquiry Form
    - Go to NVC.state.gov/inquiry
    - Fill out the necessary information
    - In box titled “Type your question below” I was instructed to write exactly the following: “I am the petitioner and I wish to change the interview location to ______. Attached is principal applicant’s proof of residency for _______.”
    - Add proof of residency using the attachments. This can be a residency card or the bio page of principal applicant’s passport. 
    For my case specifically, I was instructed to write that I wish to change the interview location to Caracas Venezuela, despite the fact that we do not have an operating embassy in Caracas currently. The agent said that I had to put Venezuela because my fiancé’s passport is for Venezuela, but they will know that it is going to Bogota. 
  2. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from PTA petitioner in K1 applicants waiting for interview at us consulate Frankfurt (FRA)   
    Hello All
    I thought I would make a thread for Germans or applicants whose application is destined for Frankfurt embassy Germany or who have their CASE COMPLETE at NVC and are waiting for an Interview to be scheduled at the US Consulate in Frankfurt! 
    It might make it easy for us to keep in touch and update each other! 
    Both German language and English language is allowed on this thread.
    Start with stating where you case file is now presently.
  3. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from hopefulfor2021 in DECEMBER 2020 I-129F K-1 FILERS   
    By the powers vested in me, I hereby knight you Greatbaum ,because you do great things!!!!
  4. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from OlgaA in When to give up on our K1.... Never ending wait during Covid   
    While nobody here can tell you what to do concerning your relationship, it is still possible to have your visa issued in another country... If you have set May 1st as your 'move on' date just know when your withdraw your petition their is no going back... We have seen lots of folks come back to VJ to say how sorry their are to withdraw petition and if anything can be done to reinstate it.
  5. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from Verocopter in K1 applicants waiting for interview at us consulate Frankfurt (FRA)   
    Same with most of us... We all waiting for news come January 2021.We will be fine
  6. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from eggybreadb78 in Phased Resumption of Routine Visa Services UPDATED   
    Wake me up when we start seeing some real approvals
  7. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle reacted to olympik in APRIL 2020 K-1 NOA2 to NVC to EMBASSY   
    Finally got the email from NVC waiting for lost 7-8 months

  8. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from TiEy in K1 applicants waiting for interview at us consulate Frankfurt (FRA)   
    Same with most of us... We all waiting for news come January 2021.We will be fine
  9. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from carlovely in Phased Resumption of Routine Visa Services UPDATED   
    Wake me up when we start seeing some real approvals
  10. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from Ivy Hiebert in December 2019 I-129F (K1) Filers   
    Its been almost one year since this thread was started and most of us here filed...alot has happened including Bans, Covid, elections....some have been privileged to have their petition approved while others even obtained the highly sorted K1 visa and are presently with their spouses....If there is someone here that has not been approved...I hope you get your approval soon...and those of us still waiting, I hope January 20th brings us new beginnings and finally we can be with our fiancé/fiancée.
  11. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from seekingthetruth in Husband wont let me work, what can I do?   
    It's still a domestic issue... And should be handled as such... He has not threatened to divorce you or anything in regards to immigration... Don't let strangers advice you on your marriage. Marriage takes alot of work and if you must take advic5from strangers I would say let him cool off call him to a table and have a talk with him... Hear him out and hopefully he hears you out... Meet him half way same way I hope he meets you half way... If it cannot be resolved that way... Get a family member to talk to him even if it is over the phone... If that does not work them family counceling... Good luck 
  12. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle reacted to Leah88 in German people...rührt euch!!   
    Hallo zusammen, ich wollte mich auch mal wieder melden, habe seit Sommer ja nichts mehr hier geschrieben bzw. War nur noch aktiv auf VJ um den AOS Prozess zu starten. Ich finde es schön zu lesen, dass es allen soweit gut geht! Ich freue mich total, zu lesen, dass die meisten es in die USA geschafft haben. Den anderen “zuhause gebliebenen” drücke ich ganz doll die Daumen, dass sie auch bald rüberkommen. Ich hatte ja geschrieben, dass ich nach Mexiko bin und von dort aus ohne Probleme in die USA einreisen konnte. Wir haben dann auch eine Woche nach Ankunft geheiratet und leben jetzt gan happy hier in Alexandria Virginia, 15 min von Washington DC. Eigentlich sollten wir ja nach Georgia versetzt werden, das ist aber kurzfristig wegen covid ausgefallen und wir sind sehr zufrieden hier sein zu können. Mit dem AOS Prozess hatte ich echt Pech und musste 3 Anträge einreichen. Das hat mich natürlich mega abgefuckt und viel Zeit gekostet. Aber ok, mittlerweile habe ich tatsächlich das Gefühl ich will nie wieder arbeiten gehen 🙈 das chillen ist so schön muss ich sagen. Manchmal fühlt man sich ja schon faul, aber ich glaube ich habe das echt mal gebraucht so eine Zeit nciht zu arbeiten und keinen Stress zu haben. Ich habe mein NOA nun aber erhalten und kann dann 2021 meinen Führerschein hier bekommen. Derzeit fahre ich hier legal mit dem deutschen Führerschein, wobei mich die Fahrweise der Amerikaner tatsächlich immer noch nervt. Für alle, die noch planen herzukommen und die Möglichkeit haben ein anderes Visum zu wählen- ich würde definitiv niemals das K1 empfehlen!!! Bei uns ging es ja leider nicht anders, sonst hätten wir von vornherein das spouse visa gewählt. Ich habe hier diverse Probleme gehabt bei den simpelsten Dingen, zb. Ein Konto zu eröffnen. Davon abgesehen hat die covid Geschichte wohl gezeigt, dass das K1 nicht annähernd so hoch angesehen wird wie das spouse visa. Es ist noch dazu super teuer. Wäre ich nicht nach Mexiko gereist um hierher zu kommen, wäre mein Visum wohl eiskalt verfallen. Ich hätte dann wahrscheinlich Depressionen bekommen, da mir der lockdown in Deutschland und die Ungewissheit richtig schlimm zugesetzt hat. Da Nick in der Army ist und wegen corona nicht das Land verlassen darf, hätten wir uns einfach ewig nicht sehen können, das wäre einfach zu viel für mich gewesen. Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle nochmal bei allen hier bedanken, dass ihr mir geraten habt nach Mexiko zu reisen! Ich habe dort eine ganz tolle neue Freundin kennengelernt, mit der ich ueber Facebook in Kontakt getreten war und es war die beste Entscheidung ever, dass ich das gemacht habe. Das Risiko war’s echt wert! Ich habe in Mona eine ganz tolle neue Freundin gefunden, sie hat mich vor zwei Wochen hier mit ihrem Mann besucht. Ansonsten kann ich mich gar nciht über mein Leben hier beschweren, da ich glücklicherweise schon einige tolle Freunde kennengelernt habe und Nick mir netterweise auch ein Auto “geschenkt” hat - mein erstes eigenes Auto! (Ich sehe es natürlich immer noch als sein Auto). Wir haben auch einen kleinen hund adoptiert, das heißt wir haben jetzt zwei hier die mich beschäftigen und lieb haben ❤️ Ich vermisse meinen hund den ich nicht mitnehmen konnte leider immer noch total und kann’s nicht erwarten sie wiederzusehen! Ansonsten habe ich ja wirklich sehr viel Glück mit der Location hier, es gibt immer was neues zu sehen und ich finde auch die Natur super schön hier. Wir waren schon ein paar mal Campen und haben einige Ausflüge gemacht, ich kann die ganze Region hier wirklich nur empfehlen. Auf Weihnachten freue ich mich dieses Jahr nciht so sehr, da Nick am 3.01. Für 5 Monate in die Offiziersschule geht und wir dann wieder getrennt sind 😔 das ist natürlich nicht so geil, ist auch sehr weit weg in Arizona und ich kann ihn wahrscheinlich nur einmal besuchen (für ein Wochenende). Uncool, aber das wird auch umgehen. Ich hoffe alle bleiben gesund und wünsche allen weiterhin alles Liebe! Hoffentlich gibt es ja bald einen Impfstoff und wir können irgendwann wieder ein normales Leben leben..💓 viele liebe Grüße 
  13. Haha
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from WHATSMYSTATUS in Phased Resumption of Routine Visa Services UPDATED   
    Wake me up when we start seeing some real approvals
  14. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle reacted to Rose2019 in Visa issued   
    Hi guys! 
    God is great. My fiancées visa has finally been issued after 19 months of being in administrative processing. Couldn’t be happier! 
    thank you visa journey... I would always come in here for support, and there would be some people on here that would really help. 
  15. Thanks
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from Greenbaum in DECEMBER 2020 I-129F K-1 FILERS   
    By the powers vested in me, I hereby knight you Greatbaum ,because you do great things!!!!
  16. Thanks
    Sparkle Sparkle reacted to Greenbaum in DECEMBER 2020 I-129F K-1 FILERS   
    For those who have just filed your I-129f application with USCIS, this thread has been created for your needs and for you to be with others experiencing different aspects of this journey. This is a place to ask questions and to share experiences. All are here to learn together. Good luck because this is a lengthy process currently running 5-6 months from filing date for your NOA2 approval.
    Also, since your application will go through several background checks this is a primer on what goes on with the background process.
    I know it really sucks, but the best way to get through this is to lower your expectations and try not to compare your timeline to anyone else's. Don't forget that the people here on Visa Journey represent a tiny percentage of all the petitions the CSC (California Service Center) must work through! When someone gets to your file, you'll hear from them. Stay busy, talk a lot with your fiancé about non-visa stuff, don't forget to hang out with your friends, take up a new hobby, go to a sporting event, and your time will come! Good luck
    The explanation why is it taking so long.

  17. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from Pinkrlion in Husband wont let me work, what can I do?   
    It's still a domestic issue... And should be handled as such... He has not threatened to divorce you or anything in regards to immigration... Don't let strangers advice you on your marriage. Marriage takes alot of work and if you must take advic5from strangers I would say let him cool off call him to a table and have a talk with him... Hear him out and hopefully he hears you out... Meet him half way same way I hope he meets you half way... If it cannot be resolved that way... Get a family member to talk to him even if it is over the phone... If that does not work them family counceling... Good luck 
  18. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from Treasure1 in Trump's Travel Ban Mega Thread   
    Its not over yet
  19. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from Rose2019 in K1 National Interest Exception -Schengen Area   
    Once again Sir/Madam says who... Give us sources... It's not about what you think that is happening... It's about how the the embassies work... She has been in AP for months before COVID now she qualified for NIE and she has been contacted by the embassy that her case is moving forward.
    How do you know that don't have enough info presently?  Embassy decides who goes into AP and when you come out of it.. There are no set rules for AP as you claim, So how do you come about AP cannot be expedited?
    How do you know that Sir/Madam ? 
    Do you have a source so that we can all learn please. 
  20. Confused
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from Daisy.Chain in K1 National Interest Exception -Schengen Area   
    Am sorry Maam, Your promises are baseless when we talking facts.
    If you going to talk about things that affect peoples lives and state of mind, at least be humane and give us sources .......she is pregnant and she already has alot on her mind....offer words of encouragement!! 
  21. Like
    Sparkle Sparkle reacted to Doxie in K1 National Interest Exception -Schengen Area   
    Funny how some people on this forum talk as if they are the VO’s. 
  22. Confused
    Sparkle Sparkle got a reaction from Boiler in K1 National Interest Exception -Schengen Area   
    Am sorry Maam, Your promises are baseless when we talking facts.
    If you going to talk about things that affect peoples lives and state of mind, at least be humane and give us sources .......she is pregnant and she already has alot on her mind....offer words of encouragement!! 
  23. Confused
    Sparkle Sparkle reacted to SalishSea in K1 National Interest Exception -Schengen Area   
    There are no exemptions for unapproved cases.  If a case is in AP (which means they do not have adequate information to approve/deny), the AP will need to be resolved before a visa can be issued.
  24. Confused
    Sparkle Sparkle reacted to SalishSea in K1 National Interest Exception -Schengen Area   
    Huh?  Who?  The OP said nothing about being pregnant.  Rose is pregnant, and has had her NIE approved, so obviously the AP for her case has concluded and the visa will be issued.
    Please stop twisting things.
  25. Confused
    Sparkle Sparkle reacted to SalishSea in K1 National Interest Exception -Schengen Area   
    AP cannot be waived or expedited for any reason.
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