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Everything posted by Ontarkie

  1. Make a list and mark the boxes. A general item description on the box and list is all that is needed. Such as cutlery, pots, dishes. If you are using a moving company they may want a more detailed list.
  2. ~~Hijack post in a 5yr old zombie thread split off to its own thread.~~
  3. She is still legally married, but separated. I cannot remember the forms so if it asks and will let her list her status as separated. Then list it as separated, if she cannot mark separated then she puts married. What did she put her marital status in all her other forms up to this point?
  4. ~~Moved to the Regional forum, from K1P&P- the topic is about a Phillinnes BC~~
  5. ~~Moved to SSN subforum, from the Canada forum as it is about SSC delivery.~~
  6. The Expiration date is the date she must enter the US by. The 90 days do not start until the date she enters.
  7. ~~Moved to the Canada forum, from IR1/CR1 - As similar threads are discussed here.~~ I would highly advise you to sell the house before you move. It can be a royal pain in the butt selling it after the move. Tax wise and such.
  8. Zombie thread locked to further replies. If you have a questions please start a new thread.~~
  9. That's cute I picked up that crazy cat tower they have at Costco for the kitties. They are loving it. I anchored it to the wall. As crazy as teh girls get on their small cat tree, I figure anching it was a good idea. I'm glad they set it up that way.
  10. This is where you need to be a bit persistent. They have the records, they just don't want to look for them. They will not be digitized, so the person who you speak to needs to look them up in the old file log books. Then they will have to either send for them off site from storage or dig them out themselves. They are most likely stored off site. No need to be rude or pushy, just plead with them, pull on their heart strings begging for them to help you find a way to track them down.
  11. You will want to join your regional forum to see what others are dealing with at your embassy.
  12. I know it is hard to keep politics out of this thread but please try. I do not want to have to remove comments.
  13. I have 4 of them, so the doxie groups I'm in have been talking about this for sometime now. It's quite scary what they will go after next. A lot of breeds will be going extinct.
  14. ~~Moved to General Immigration Discussions, from USCIS Service Centers- As similar topics are discussed here.~~
  15. ~~Moved to Effects of Major Family Changes, from USCIS Service Center- as similar topics are discussed here.~~
  16. ~~Moved to the PI forum, from Bringing Family of PR- as the OP's questions is country specific (correcting BC and parental consent/custody).~~
  17. Check out the N400 forum. Others from Germany have gone through the process to get permission to keep their German citizenship and obtain US citizenship. It is very doable and you listed one of the reason that will allow it. Family ties and being able to raise your child(ren) with family. I found this off of google https://www.germany.info/us-en/service/03-Citizenship/-/2124886
  18. ~~Moved to Moving HEre and Your New Life, from Bringing Family of USC- the topic is not a visa related, but an SSDI question.~~
  19. ~~Moved to WOrking and Traveling, from Tourist Visas- the OP's spouse is a PR and wanting to travel to Mexico~~
  20. Zombie thread locked to further replies. If you have a questions please start your own thread.~~
  21. ~~Year old Zombie thread that keeps getting bumped has b een locked to further replies. PLease start a new thread or post in the existing IR1/CR1 Processing thread if you have questions.~~
  22. Ya a little too big. The Hillbilly said is has been messing with my breathing while I sleep. I also use my inhaler more because I can't tell if it is my lungs of my throat causing difficulty. I think I will pass on this advice. It seems I do have everything under the sun. Not likely scarlet fever as I was cleared of strep. That is how I got it last time. So this rash is something else. A very itchy rash it is. So far the cream is working I think on my arm. I tried it on the rest of the spots now too. I might as well try to see if it helps them too. Definitely not pregnant. That ship has sailed.
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