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    Unlockable reacted to Daphne . in B2 to help US citizen after surgery   
    The B visa is not a good avenue to go and I would reconsider even doing it at all because he’ll lose his Esta if the B visa gets denied. The reason for applying + having a spouse and child in the US= a very likely denial..
    You can consider filing for adjustment of status or just leave it as it is, but I really don’t think you should continue the B visa..
  2. Like
    Unlockable got a reaction from Crazy Cat in Is our marriage legal in US   
    Honestly, I would not take any further advice from whomever told you that. At least any advice related to immigration. "They" were hilariously wrong on that theory. If you truly think about what they were suggesting, it actually sounds crazy. 
  3. Like
    Unlockable reacted to Mike E in Why are CBP now giving only 2 month stay in the US instead of the typical 6 month   
    Maybe CBP thinks they have been in the U.S. too many times spending too many days.  
    1. Why aren’t 2 months enough?
    2. Why do they apparently stay for 6 months  at a time?
  4. Like
    Unlockable reacted to Crazy Cat in Is our marriage legal in US   
    Stop listening to "They"..  "They" are 100% wrong.
  5. Like
    Unlockable reacted to Lil bear in How to File writ of Mandamus for k1 process   
    Fairness has nothing to do with it.
    Its why you need to know the consequences of what you are doing before you do it.
    The law and intent of WOM is very clearly stated. It is to force /require a decision ..  but it does NOT require the process to be “ expedited” or pushed through 
    I used to use the same reasoning with my kids ( now in their 40s)   They would want my decision now.   I would offer them this 
    “ If you want my answer now, it will be No.. if you are prepared to wait until i am ready to decide, it might be Yes.” 
    They always chose to wait   Clever wise bunnies 🤪
  6. Like
    Unlockable got a reaction from Chancy in My parents have an interview in casablanca what documents they need   
    You said medical or pleasure. Please clarify which one is it because each reason requires a different set of evidence and the medical reason requires a lot more substantial evidence. 
    If your parents are coming for medical reasons they would need evidence showing they will fund the medical treatment or procedure and they will need doctor's verification describing the reason for having the procedure done in the US.
    if it is for pleasure then there is no sponsorship from either you or your husband. You do not do anything towards your parents visitor visa. Your parents must show they have strong ties to their home country and must return home. 
  7. Like
    Unlockable reacted to Boiler in My parents have an interview in casablanca what documents they need   
    If it is medical then there will be a lot of supporting documentation needed 
  8. Like
    Unlockable got a reaction from Chancy in Please Help about immigration visa   
    No, you can not.
    You can not move to the US right now. Please do not overstay your visitor visa. It will make things more complicated. Just return home and continue to wait.
    Again..you can not move your case to the US now. And you can not stay in the US. 
  9. Like
    Unlockable reacted to OldUser in Cr1 vs k3   
    Forget about K-3. In entire 2020 only 2 such visas were issued! Just do CR-1
  10. Like
    Unlockable got a reaction from Chancy in Bank Statement for Tourist Visa interview   
    That is the million dollar question. But @Crazy Cat is correct. Not only are they not required but it is very common that they won't even have an interest to look at them if you insist. You will likely only be there for a few minutes. 
    It is safe to assume that the decision will have already been made before you even face the interviewing officer. 
  11. Like
    Unlockable reacted to TBoneTX in Using "Husband/Wife" in text messages   
    The short answer, to summarize most posts here, is:
    1.  Referring to a fiancé/fiancée as "husband/wife" can kill your I-129F petition at the USCIS stage or at the K-1 visa interview at the consulate.
    2.  You might get away with it, or you might not.
    3.  Do not -- do not EVER -- underestimate the crucial consular phase, in Bogota or anywhere.  Bluntly put, you're living on the razor's edge, and if the petition is returned or the visa is refused, you must marry, file the I-130, and start over.
  12. Like
    Unlockable reacted to Crazy Cat in i130 pending and want to legally stay in USA with my wife   
    You can legally adjust status.  However, you cannot return to Canada (or anywhere outside the US) or work in the US for as long as 8 months.  Are you prepared for that? 
    I think most people would advise you to continue the spousal visit process with short visits until the visa is issued.
  13. Like
    Unlockable reacted to pushbrk in i130 pending and want to legally stay in USA with my wife   
    There is nothing at all that a foreigner can do on their own.  The US Citizen spouse initiated the spouse visa process.  You as a couple do have the option now to adjust status instead but nine months in, I wouldn't consider it at this time.  Instead of asking questions without doing homework, it would be better for both you and your spouse to study the guides and learn the processes.  Maybe your spouse already did, when she chose to start the visa process.  Get your spouse involved and do some homework.  When you do, I expect you'll decide to ride the process out for the visa.
    As for visiting again, if you stay six months, you would be well advised not to try to return unless you are gone for at least as long as you visited.  You visitor privilege is based on being in the USA less time than you are out, over time.
  14. Like
    Unlockable reacted to Marieke H in i130 pending and want to legally stay in USA with my wife   
    I don't think you are getting what @Crazy Cat is telling you. 
    You are currently in the CR-1 process. Your options are:
    1. Continue with the CR-1 process. You can be in the US to visit, but you can't stay permanently yet. You will interview in Canada.
    2. File for Adjustment of Status. This is a new petition, with new fees. You will be able to stay in the US, but you can't work or travel until you have your EAD/AP, which can take 8 months. This option definitely is not what I would recommend.
  15. Like
    Unlockable got a reaction from Kanja in Bank Statement for Tourist Visa interview   
    That is the million dollar question. But @Crazy Cat is correct. Not only are they not required but it is very common that they won't even have an interest to look at them if you insist. You will likely only be there for a few minutes. 
    It is safe to assume that the decision will have already been made before you even face the interviewing officer. 
  16. Like
    Unlockable got a reaction from LexieJ in Our visa   
    I will say that it depends. Yes, problems occur in relationships but it is how the couple handles them that is the key to a successful marriage. If you are having issues and are likely to resolve them, I don't see a problem. However, if it is something that may break you two up, I can see hesitation of issuing a visa.
    I don't watch the show anymore but I often see and hear updates from couples from 90 Day Fiancé. I just saw a newsfeed that yet another couple is getting a divorce and this time after only 10 months. Now this is personal opinion but for a couple to only be married for 10 months is not worth issuing a visa to. I think that was a complete waste of a visa on them. And it is not just related to immigration. I hear about divorces for the most petty reasons. It almost seems like people are separating because their spouse ordered the wrong comforter on Amazon. (OK, that last sentence was me being cynical but you get my drift.)
    I also want to add that I have seen on this site where a person withdraws a petition after a break up, then come back later and want to know how to start things over because they have now gotten back together. To me that is too much volatility for a relationship to be going through an immigration process.
    @PEbode, I think the biggest issue is to assess how much of an impact your husband's family will play in your marriage. I have seen it go both ways. If you are willing to work through things with your husband then I don't see a problem. But if here are deal breakers and big issues you need to work on, an officer that is aware of this may harp on it. 
    Hope it works out for you.
  17. Like
    Unlockable got a reaction from kec523 in Have no idea where we are in this process and it's infuriating.   
    * Which is exactly the reason why people other than the OP asking questions in a thread that is not their own is restricted. 
    We know many may not know this rule but we ask members to try to refrain from what is known as hijacking other member's threads. And we also ask veteran members to try to refrain from responding to hijacking posts and report them instead.
  18. Like
    Unlockable reacted to milimelo in Validate my thinking here: renew GC vs apply for citizenship   
    If your wife's 2-year green card is expiring, you can only do I-751. Not eligible for citizenship yet.
  19. Like
    Unlockable got a reaction from Adventine in Tourist visa to US   
    You have gotten great advice so far. And i will say that I, too, do not think that you paying for their flights is a big red flag. However, you providing a place for them room and board for months at a time is more of a red flag in my opinion. 
    There is nothing wrong with you trying to help. But as you are finding out, the more you are involved the more it will hurt your family's case. The interviewing officer does not want to see it as them using you to use the B2 to immigrate to the US. So doing things like putting money in their bank accounts to show funds that is not really theirs does not help at all. These officers have seen it all. 
    There is a reason why there are many denials of Filipinos for visitor visas to the US. It is because too many of them in the past got a visitor visa and came to the US and never went home. I think they even have a Filipino term for it, if one of the veteran members here can remind us of what it is called. But I mention this to give you an idea of what your family is facing when they are trying to present their case. 
    One last thing I want to say is please, please, do not put too much hope and expectations into them obtaining those visitor visas. You are having a baby and your emotions are high and you are excited. But the reality is that there is a very high chance that some or maybe even all of your family member may get denied. So you and your family should be mentally and emotionally prepared. One of the mottos here on VJ is "Expect the worst but hope for the best". 
    Hope it works out for you.
  20. Thanks
    Unlockable reacted to top_secret in Tourist visa to US   
    "TNT" (tago ng tago) 
  21. Like
    Unlockable got a reaction from Chancy in Tourist visa to US   
    You have gotten great advice so far. And i will say that I, too, do not think that you paying for their flights is a big red flag. However, you providing a place for them room and board for months at a time is more of a red flag in my opinion. 
    There is nothing wrong with you trying to help. But as you are finding out, the more you are involved the more it will hurt your family's case. The interviewing officer does not want to see it as them using you to use the B2 to immigrate to the US. So doing things like putting money in their bank accounts to show funds that is not really theirs does not help at all. These officers have seen it all. 
    There is a reason why there are many denials of Filipinos for visitor visas to the US. It is because too many of them in the past got a visitor visa and came to the US and never went home. I think they even have a Filipino term for it, if one of the veteran members here can remind us of what it is called. But I mention this to give you an idea of what your family is facing when they are trying to present their case. 
    One last thing I want to say is please, please, do not put too much hope and expectations into them obtaining those visitor visas. You are having a baby and your emotions are high and you are excited. But the reality is that there is a very high chance that some or maybe even all of your family member may get denied. So you and your family should be mentally and emotionally prepared. One of the mottos here on VJ is "Expect the worst but hope for the best". 
    Hope it works out for you.
  22. Like
    Unlockable reacted to EmilyW in Tourist visa to US   
    A couple of things (actually 3).
    One, there is no sponsorship for a tourist visa.  You can help them fill in the paperwork, but they must convince the CO that they will leave the US at the end of the trip, on their own merits.  
    Two, you paying for everything may be a red flag.  The logic being, if you are prepared to support them in the US while visiting, you would be prepared to support them if they decided to stay.  
    Three, I'm not sure applying separately makes a difference.  Current wait time in Manila for a tourist visa is 100 days so, even if you were to separate them out, that's going to be a while until they all get visas.
    I hope it all works out for you and the family!
  23. Like
    Unlockable got a reaction from Chancy in Have no idea where we are in this process and it's infuriating.   
    * Which is exactly the reason why people other than the OP asking questions in a thread that is not their own is restricted. 
    We know many may not know this rule but we ask members to try to refrain from what is known as hijacking other member's threads. And we also ask veteran members to try to refrain from responding to hijacking posts and report them instead.
  24. Thanks
    Unlockable got a reaction from Marieke H in Have no idea where we are in this process and it's infuriating.   
    * Which is exactly the reason why people other than the OP asking questions in a thread that is not their own is restricted. 
    We know many may not know this rule but we ask members to try to refrain from what is known as hijacking other member's threads. And we also ask veteran members to try to refrain from responding to hijacking posts and report them instead.
  25. Like
    Unlockable got a reaction from powerpuff in Have no idea where we are in this process and it's infuriating.   
    * Which is exactly the reason why people other than the OP asking questions in a thread that is not their own is restricted. 
    We know many may not know this rule but we ask members to try to refrain from what is known as hijacking other member's threads. And we also ask veteran members to try to refrain from responding to hijacking posts and report them instead.
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