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Daphne .

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Daphne . last won the day on January 22 2023

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    Removing Conditions (approved)
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    National Benefits Center
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    Saint Paul MN
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  1. Which option is ‘better’ is a personal choice. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in the US without being able to work or leave for a while. Not being able to financially support myself would not work for me, I wouldn’t be okay with that. Never understand how people manage to leave for a visit, yet still manage to just stay. What do you do with your rent/job, etc.? This is why I got married in the US but chose the CR1.
  2. I don’t think that was OP’s timeline or info, I think they copied that from a facebook group to show a timeline from another person as a reference. To OP: your spouse can have short visits while the immigrant visa is pending but she should not push it and keep the visits short.
  3. Here you go: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/study/student-visa.html
  4. I thought you were the beneficiary, sorry! Correct, the rules are in place for the beneficiary’s safety.
  5. First check if you are even allowed in, not all embassies allow that. If they let you, you can join him if you want but it is not required
  6. Those rules are in place for YOUR safety.
  7. It could be because of website maintenance, this happens frequently on weekends. I see many posts on Reddit from people who have the same issue.
  8. It can take up to 90 days. She should have received that info when she received her passport back with the visa in it. Was the immigrant fee paid?
  9. You can still visit her while your CR1 is pending, I did the same thing and had no issues. So you could still see each other while your CR1 is pending. I am not sure what you mean by "traveling back and forth right now could cause danger while we're still dating and not married since we're already dating for 1.5 years"? If you have your mind set on adjusting status, you can of course do that now, just make sure that you don't make short-term decisions with long-term consequences. Good luck!
  10. From one Dutchie to another, please think very carefully about doing the AOS, you really don’t want to be stuck in the US without being to work or leave for a good few months. You mention that “since you’re Christians you can’t/don’t want to wait any longer”, don’t make huge decisions based on primal desires/needs. I assume that’s what you are referring to? If possible (not sure how much time you have left on your Esta) why not get married now, leave the US after your visit and do the spousal visa (CR1) instead?
  11. I understand, but the marriage will happen in the US, where it is legal and the staff at the Embassy will treat it accordingly
  12. Process will be exactly the same as for straight couples. Find a country you can get married in, or have you already filed the K1?
  13. There is no official timeframe and also no benefit to waiting. Do it as soon as you have the marriage certificate.
  14. Time to put on your big boy/girl pants and take control of your life! I know it’s easier said than done and there might be some cultural things happening here but again, you are an adult. Get a new job, see if you can crash at a friend’s house until you find a room, etc. If your partner is financially stable enough, they can also support you for the time being.
  15. OP can try to visit using their Esta, but that’s about it.. They won’t be able to ‘stay’ until the I-129f is approved.
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