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Clare and Claire

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  1. Very grateful to @Shaksaat for previous help on my port of entry questions. I have another and hoped someone might help... I'm the spouse of the green card applicant and we've had our (successful) embassy interview and are awaiting collection of passports. For practical reasons he's hoping to enter the US first, present himself with package etc and get his I551; and then for me to follow say a week or a month later - and get my stamp (I won't have a 'package' and it may all be online anyway). I'm wondering if there are any disadvantages in this plan. I know I won't get my green card stamp until I do but I'd be keen to know whether there are any other potential problems/ pitfalls in not going together.
  2. Had a successful interview and will do a write up in the review section. Just to mention though ... the queue at the Embassy was very, very long. We followed advice here and went straight to the staff on the outside desk and asked if this was the queue for immigrant visas. He told us to go straight inside and though security - with another person in the same boat. That saved a great deal of time. There was a long wait after that (in all we were at the Embassy for 2 hours) but at least we skipped the early bit. Looking ahead ... does anyone know how it works with EB visas (not fiancé visa) if we arrive on different days to the port of entry? I'd like to arrive on a later date to my partner (the main green card applicant) - is everything the same but I just have a delay before getting my green card stamp?
  3. Thanks so much. I'm not sure what 'When you get back' means - but I'd rather leave my UK passport at the Embassy after interview and let it go through the normal process. I'd prefer to do the second part of what you say - use my EU passport to fly out and back and in the meantime have my UK passport collected. It'd be my husband and my passport that'd need collecting so he could collect both I assume (using my driver's license).
  4. I received an email that I thought was slightly suspect - telling me I should have registered my appointment. The email shows my email address and case number correctly but felt strange. The link looked kind of ok - but enough for me to raise a question on another thread on VJ. I now see from this post that the link I was sent is slightly different. So I'm wondering if the one I was sent is a scam (it uses uscert-info mid-way through the web address instead of usvisa-info as it should be - and Wuozopo kindly shared) - the rest of the web address is pretty much the same and it links to pages that look similar to official webpages. The email is sent from donotreply@usvisa-info.com which looks plausible.
  5. This obviously is not ideal but is there any reason why I couldn't travel to the US on a different passport (and ESTA) after interview approval while awaiting return of UK passport? I need to fly out on the same day as interview and return two weeks later. After returning to the UK, I'd then fly out on my UK passport with visa stamp with my other half - with the ceremonial package from the Embassy. I know it'd be better to wait but I'd be keen to know if there are any legal restrictions on this. The two weeks in the US would be tourism. I'd definitely only travel if the interview approved me.
  6. I've had a scammy looking email about my interview asking me to register it on a rather scammy looking website. It's from donotreply@usvisa-info.com. I've not heard about needing to register the interview before anywhere (why would I need to register it when I've been told it's happening). As far as I know I only need to get my paperwork in and arrange the medical and courier. Has anyone else had this? They have some data on me which is worrying.
  7. So I assume I can work as soon as I get that stamp - I don't have to wait for the physical green card in the post?
  8. Thanks so much @Shaksaat - ok so I’d be a green card holder from that point. That’s very useful to know for tax purposes. I assume we pay US tax on any UK income from that point (and not before) even though we have to declare for the whole year.
  9. It's not that I'm deliberately stalling - it's just that I'm teaching and so trying to minimize the time I'm away in London. I've now booked the medical with 6 clear days before interview. We don't have/ haven't had any medical issues and have documentation - but I need to check to see if I can get anything further. They say that they also need a summary of medical history from GP - a problems list - a new requirement that they acknowledge isn't on the Embassy website. I'll make sure I have as much as possible.
  10. Thanks so much Wuozopo for replying - I hoped you would - your posts are always excellent. I did actually reply the day I received it - and then couldn't get on the website again - that was the day they did some sort of upgrade so maybe it got lost in the change over. Anyway, things have moved on slightly - and I currently plan for 5-6 working days in advance of interview. I still haven't booked the medical for complicated reasons. The medical place told me I needed 10 days before medical and interview (5 days for their clearance and 5 days for Embassy) and that I could have my interview cancelled if I didn't. I phoned a couple of days later, spoke to someone else who hadn't heard of such a cancellation issue. I messaged the embassy and after a good few days all they stated was that I needed 5 days and I trust they'll stick to that and not turn me away. I am conscious of your advice so I'll meet the 5 days (I can do that ok) and accept I may get dropped from the workflow for a bit but I'll ensure at least 5 days so there's at least a chance it'll be there for the interview.
  11. My interview is 30 November and have been told by the medical place that they need 5 days after the medical to process it and get it to the embassy and then the embassy needs another 5 days before interview - so 10 days between medical and interview. I've seen this mentioned under another topic. I see back in March that medicals were regularly taking place after interview. Any thoughts on what happens if I just book the medical 2-3 days before the interview, knowing that the prep won't be done and the embassy won't have the medical paperwork in time for the interview. Of course we won't get approved as anticipated on the day. Is it just a case of things being delayed after the interview - so instead of a, say, 5 day wait, it's more like 10 days? Is that risky? Would value any advice.
  12. Hi there - you should get instructions once you get your interview letter - but here are some anyway - https://visamedicals.co.uk/united-states/
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