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    Jai-Love88 reacted to S&J@2020 in Polygamy   
    Well, I'll suggest you hire a reputable firm that invistigates things like that to do a thorough background check for you. Preferably one that can go to where the subject lives. 
  2. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to R&OC in Petitioner considering divorce before ROC...now what?   
    I thought this is a really helpful response and I would like to add to it: Get your ducks in a row before you confront him with anything. And I repeat, the worst mistake in a separation or divorce is when you get carried away. Take the time now to set up your separate bank account(s), find a new place and move if possible, take him off your insurance if the car was yours before you got married...
  3. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to TBoneTX in Petitioner considering divorce before ROC...now what?   
    I concur with the above.  As a further addition, consider that you can take almost all funds from your joint accounts (and so can he), probably up until the Original Petition for divorce is filed.  When you set up your separate accounts, move as much money as you can from joint accounts.
    And remember to remove him from Beneficiary Designations on accounts -- your work insurance, bank accounts, CDs, etc. -- to the extent that their rules or your state laws permit a spouse to be removed from these.
    If you have estate documents (Will, statutory power of attorney, and all such documents), revise them as the law permits, removing him from control or beneficiary status.  Check with a divorce or estate attorney (some will offer free half-hour initial consultations).  When the divorce is final, have new estate documents (that exclude him) ready to execute (get notarized) the very next day.
    This can sound overwhelming or scary, but if you plan first and plan best, you'll have the chance to escape without a big hit, and he won't know what hit him.  Find a candid, trustworthy lawyer to talk with.
  4. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to PaulaCJohnny in Petitioner considering divorce before ROC...now what?   
    I really, really sorry for your situation.
    Your weight is not the problem and will never be!
    Sorry to be realistic but this person is a scammer! Counseling will not fix it up.
    Get a lawyer, file for divorce and let him deal with the rest. 
    And please don't tell him your plans until you get everything ready.
    The is a abusive person and sounds really narcissist. Be careful! Let your friends and family know about your situation,  transfer your money to some family account. Protect yourself!! 
    I hope you can get of this soon and find peace again!
  5. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to Boiler in Petitioner considering divorce before ROC...now what?   
    You need a Divorce Lawyer
    He can remove conditions with a divorce waiver.
  6. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to African Zealot in Need advice on divorce and sexless marriage   
    What is not fair is for a woman to expect a red blooded man to go without sex endlessly. I would also feel used in his shoes, if you were able to have sex with me before, it’s very interesting that now you’re secure you turn off the tap.
    From the limited information he’s given this relationship is almost certainly going to end in divorce and to me therapy is pointless. She knows exactly what’s going on. That said trying therapy won’t hurt.
  7. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to Eric-Pris in Need advice on divorce and sexless marriage   
    4 years?  It should've been over in 6 months.  Butting off sex is the biggest sign of a scammer to me.  By now, she probably thinks that you're ok with it or that you're a sucker and she can continue to live the good life without having to do it (just saying "having to do it" makes me sick, that a man would let a woman treat him this way).  She was interested in sex before the marriage and even after up until she came to the US.  First thing that comes to mind is that she's not into you and just using you to make a life for herself.  Yes, she has her green card and she could have left already, but like you said, you pay all the bills and she putting away her money.  Why would she leave?  She is cared and provided for so no rent, no bills, etc.  At some point, when she has enough saved, she'll leave but you don't want to wait that long.  
    If she is using you, then therapy is just a waste of time and money.  Also, would you want to be in a marriage with somebody who doesn't want to be intimate with you and only does it to avoid divorce?  I wouldn't.  As for your guilt for a divorce, that's what makes you a good person that you have empathy, but don't let that sit in the way of YOUR happiness.  You have one life, don't waste it worrying over her well-being, it sounds like she doesn't care about yours. 
  8. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to carmel34 in Need advice on divorce and sexless marriage   
    Divorce is a painful process but sometimes necessary in order to move on and have a better life.  The division of assets will depend on the laws of the state where you live, so consult with a good family law attorney if that's your decision.  Talk with her, open your heart and let her know what you're experiencing and feeling.  Communication is key.  Couples therapy and a visit to a good doctor to really find out what's going on and maybe fix the underlying issues may help with the lack of sex--both are worth a try if you really love her.  Who knows, with professional help, you may come through this with a stronger relationship?  And if in the end you decide to get divorced, do it together, with love and compassion.  Having gone through a divorce in a sexless marriage myself, I don't regret giving the marriage multiple chances through hard work and professional assistance.  Sorry to hear of your difficulties.  All the best whatever happens!
  9. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to Penguin_ie in Negative attitudes in the forum   
    I wanted to address the negative attitudes we have seen on the rise recently in the upper/ immigration forums towards those who ask beginner/ simple questions, or have unusually fast or slow VisaJourneys.

    First, there is a tone difference between the Progress forums- which are mostly for support and cheerleading, and the Info forums, which are mostly to have questions answered.   While all our forums are supposed to be welcoming to all and friendly, this is especially important in the Progress forums, which are not to discuss politics, or be negative towards  those fortunate to have their case dealt with quickly, or  critical of those who voice sadness about their own slow progress. These forums are there to uplift eachother!

    Secondly- in the info forums, you may get bad news.  When a question is asked, our members are encouraged to answer truthfully, even if this may not be what the Op wants to hear, because it is important to be informed.  However, the emphasis is still on being welcoming and friendly.  If you need to give bad news, do so gently, and stick to facts; constructive criticism of the Op's plans ARE allowed, but the emphasis is on constructive.  No need to dwell on mistakes (or tell members they should be on 90 Day Fiance- that is a personal attack and automatic suspension), or  illegal actions in the past- instead, encourage and explain legal options for the future.  And ONLY legal options- as per our TOS, VJ does not support, condone or encourage illegal (immigration) actions, and such posts will be removed.

    Ultimately, we are here to help all members, old and new, easy cases and complicated, those who write a fact filled bullet point post and those who are panicking and don't make much sense in their first post. Yes, sometimes questions can be easily googled, or answered via a search of our forums.  But if you feel that way, just scroll past- no need to criticise the OP for asking the question. 
  10. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to geowrian in Can we do our traditional engagement before fiance travels   
    Risky to do any ceremony even if not legal and only an engagement ceremony. They have denied others for doing so. Ghana especially.
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    Jai-Love88 reacted to Oliversmom in Can we do our traditional engagement before fiance travels   
    Many people on here have been denied for these ceremonies.  Not sure if they were from Ghana or not.  Maybe do a search and see what comes up.  You will find a lot of stories to read.  
  12. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to Cyberfx1024 in K1 visa interview prep - Evidence of intent to marry   
    The intent of marriage is usually just a signed document by the beneficiary that you will get married. That's it nothing more 
  13. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to aaron2020 in Can my US sponsor file for custody of permanent resident minor   
    Bwaaaa!!!!!!!!  She is such a stupid liar.

    She has ZERO claim to file custody for your child.  Being a stepparent gives her ZERO rights to custody of your child.  Being the petitioner/sponsor gives her ZERO rights to custody of your child.  She can't make you pay for anything.  
    Tell her to go right ahead and file.  Waste her time and money. 
    You have 10 years green card.  Divorce and move on with your life.  Get your daughter away from her.  
  14. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to cyclone27 in Do not Ignore Obvious Signs   
    Marriage is serious business. I can’t stress enough how important it is to take your time getting to know someone however long it takes. 
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    Jai-Love88 reacted to Amadia in Do not Ignore Obvious Signs   
    Then you can withdraw your application by contacting USCIS or NVC and letting them know that you suspect visa fraud and you are not willing to continue with the application.
  16. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to TBoneTX in Do not Ignore Obvious Signs   
    You've saved yourself a lot of time and future grief.  Thanks for the cautionary message, and all the best to you.
  17. Like
    Jai-Love88 reacted to Crazy Cat in Do not Ignore Obvious Signs   
    Our actions speak louder than our words..........Good luck, and I congratulate you for having the courage to take action.  Life is too short to spend the time we have being miserable.......
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