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Posts posted by nykolos

  1. On 3/9/2022 at 11:58 PM, fiancee4ever said:

    My fiance has contacted a lawyer in the US and he suggested to make a Mandamus Lawsuit against the State Department for substantial processing delays.

    You know a lawyer is a crook when he suggests filing a Mandamus Lawsuit, it's nothing but a money grab, preying on the vulnerable.... Be a little more patient, the embassies have really stepped up processing for K1's, your's will come,

  2. On 4/20/2022 at 7:51 PM, Family said:

    A. Banks refuse to type up old fashioned “ Account Verification “ and almost NO ONE submits them

      ( if u have money in the bank, send a couple of statements, otherwise NO) 


    Would you say this applies to the self employed? from what I researched, the embassies give greater scrutiny to the self employed.


    As for account verification, I did get my bank to issue a statement showing date opened and current balance, but I cant them to provide a Deposit total for the year,  problem is, they lump ALL account to account transfers and credits in with check and cash deposits, which doesn't provide an accurate accounting of deposits for the year, I broke them down myself, but I don't think the embassy will accept it if it's not on bank letterhead. I think my only option it anyway, along with my bank statements for the year, (IF, and only IF they ask for it. 


  3. I'm filling out the I-134 for my K1 petition, and I'm stuck on the Dependents section.


    I have 2 of my young adult children living with me and I only claimed one (my son) on my 2021 Tax Return,  but in this year 2022, his status changed, he graduated last year from college and landed a job recently earning over 6 figures, but he still lives with me and pays me rent.

    I read many sites that indicate you must include any dependent listed on your tax return, but the question on the AOS is; "The following persons are dependent upon me for support" ;

    But he is not dependent on me at all, so the question is; do I include him?


    Same situation with my daughter, she works and lives with me, however I did not include her as a dependent on my tax return because she earned too much.


    If I do include either of them, I can always use the bottom section to add further information.. Any advice would be appreciated.




  4. This is the same Mark who denied Nikki a child right?, turns out it was a good thing for her, now she's free to pursue a real relationship built on love and not lust.. Mark came off as a controlling scum bag, he forced her into signing a prenup, which was the most sided prenup agreements her attorney has ever seen, it was either she sign or go back home, it doesn't get any scummier than that.. But Nikki got her green card :) and Mark got what he wanted from her, a sex partner, I feel sorry for his next victim. 




  5. 5 minutes ago, pushbrk said:

    Depends on the interview date.  You are posting in a spouse visa forum, but your profile says K1 which is a fiancee visa.  If the interview is after April 18, they will probably ask to see a copy of the 2021 return.  The year you sponsor an immigrant is not a year to file and extension or delay filing your tax return.  Get it done.


    Thank you.. I realized my mistake after posting in the wrong forum.  

    Doubtful the interview will be before April 18th, it’s cutting it too close regardless, I’ll have to file it. And the more I think about, I don’t want to give the interviewer a reason to deny it.

  6. On 2/24/2022 at 8:50 AM, attaboyshort said:

    Do not hire a lawyer waste of time and money, I started my lawsuit back in June 2021. Case is still sitting front of judge this day who will most likely rule in the favor of the defendants. So I will just have to wait. I just booked a flight to see my girl  today.  Covid wins. Government wins.

    You forgot the lawyers, they win regardless of the outcome, laughing all the way to the bank.


  7. 10 hours ago, millefleur said:

    Apropos of the Taliban... 🤣

    Taliban Call for Russia-Ukraine Peace, Say They Fear for Civilians

    Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Abdul Qahar Balkhi issued a statement in English on Twitter on Friday morning urging a resolution to the crisis through "dialogue and peaceful means."


    "The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is closely monitoring the situation in Ukraine and expresses concern about real possibility of civilian casualties," the statement said.



    The Taliban calling for peace is like an elephant calling for a ban on peanuts.



  8. I just about died laughing when Ximena said she wants to pursue modeling :rofl:


    Mike is a geek but he's got a big heart, and Ximena is taking full advantage of it...  It started with "pay my rent" then it grew to "buy me appliances"  then, "I know you want a child of your own, but I cant have kids, sorry I didn't tell you sooner" then " you disgust me"

    and now, "I want you to pay for a tummy tuck and breast implants",  what's the next one going to be?  "If you don't pay for it, the loan shark is going to harm me and my kids"?  


    Ximena is not only greedy, she's incredibly stupid.. I really feel sorry for the kids who are caught in the middle,  oddly, her sister is smart and has good head on her shoulders, it's unfortunate that Mike didn't hook up with her from the beginning..


    When a guy feels unappreciated and taken advantage of, it's game over, he's going to dump her.



  9. On 1/20/2022 at 10:03 AM, laylalex said:

    Then of course this is Jasmine so who knows? She might have put Gino up to it.

    I don't think so, I think her tears are real... She made a bad choice from the very beginning, choosing a guy who's primarily into her for attraction and sex rather than a human being,, I don't think I heard him ask her one question about her life, likes and dislikes, or does TLC edit all that out?... About the nude pics, I'm not sure if she sent them before they met in person, assuming she did, she mostly likely used those pics to lure him in, getting exactly what she bargained for IMO. 



  10. My favorite train wrecks this season are;


    Caleb and Alina,  If he's really into her, he's a better guy than me that's for sure, I couldn't date a Dwarf, but if I could, it would be someone like Alina,  she's smart, witty, sweet, attractive and has a beautiful personality.. Unfortunately, I don't see it working out, the different in size is just too much to overcome IMO, I hope it does work out though.


    Mike and Ximena, He seems like a nice guy, his heart is in the right place, boring as heck and a little weird, but good intentions, His biggest mistake was getting on that plane without learning Spanish, it's nerve wracking when you cant openly communicate, Google Translate kills it!  As for Ximena,  she's clearly had a rough life,  a woman with very low self esteem,  who's trying to better her life and her Children's life, and willing to settle for just about any guy who will give her that better life.   


    Gino and Jasmine, what an idiot this guy is, reminds me of Big Ed, both have no clue how to treat a Woman,  Her Christmas gifts to him is a embroidered pillow and paired shirts, where she put in time and thought, his gift to her is Nothing,  Zero, no thought whatsoever, How hard is it to buy a $75 keepsake box with her name engraved on it? it doesn't have to be expensive you know, gifts are expressions of affection... And what kinda of guy doesn't shave or bathe before going to bed with a beautiful Woman? only a pig.. Yeah, she is a bit nutty and controlling, but I don't think materialistic, those clothes she chose were ALL for him, nothing for her..If anything, she's superficial, her implants look like they're going to explode.


  11. 21 hours ago, Mike E said:

    "were going to have to learn to live with it.”

    That's certainly where were headed, if this new mild variant remains the dominate, it's my  prediction Biden and the Democratic party will change course and claim an end to the pandemic and the start of a endemic, with Biden taking a victory lap, it's the only chance the party has in salvaging seats in the House and Senate this coming election year, and the mainstream media will shift course as well, after all, they are the propaganda wing of the Democratic party.

  12. 7 hours ago, JL & ML said:

    This argument seems to be that of most mainstream media outlets in most of the Western world, and I find it quite disingenuous - "no one's forcing you to take the vaccine... but, by the way, if you refuse to take it, life will be almost impossibly difficult for you, compared to those who just take the jab no questions asked." Yeah, no one's holding a gun to your head or forcibly injecting you with anything, but the people pushing these mandates are not indifferent to your choice, either. And if the vaccine is so effective you have to be de facto forced to take it, against a virus so dangerous that in most cases you need to take a test to know if you even have it, well, doesn't sound like health to me. Sounds like a power trip.


    If those pushing for mandates genuinely cared about the "health and safety" of "anti-vaxxers," the discourse would be less... menacing ("take the vaccine or else"). It would be more pleading... "Please, don't die, get vaccinated." And if some have misgivings, it would be "That's okay, it's normal to have questions, here are the facts" (NOT just appeals to authority but actual statistics). That is not the approach I have been seeing.

    To be clear, I'm not one of those pro vaxers or mask wearing nut jobs, I respect those who don't want to take the jab for whatever reason, my post was primarily addressing the ability to travel abroad and re-opening tourism around the world..  Anyone who wants to travel abroad, needs to take the jab because no country that i know of is going to let them in unless they are vaccinated, and the US should be included...


    Were 2 years into this damn pandemic and Americans still cant travel to many countries because the borders remain closed to US tourists, all because our case numbers are waaay too high. Something's gotta change, as imperfect as our vaccines are, it's all we have right now to combat it with.








  13. 8 hours ago, andrewfromdenver said:

    does the apostille need to be from philippines consulate/embassy here stateside or does it need to be from american office?

    Top-Secret is correct, NOT the consulate/embassy, it would need to be done at the State or County so they can authenticate the notary, consulate can't do that.  Ours was done in LA County.





  14. On 12/10/2021 at 4:15 AM, BananaBreadFanati said:

    Ours was approved on the grounds of the petitioner having depression.

    Consider yourself lucky, I used depression as a reason on 2 expedites and both were refused, I attached a doctors letter describing that I suffer from severe depression, coupled with a ER report and prescriptions for Prozac, From reading experiences like yours, it seems the only thing that matters is the person reviewing the expedite.


  15. 43 minutes ago, ketbc said:

    That's false. In GA records older than 2004 are gone I already tried.

    I'll try to get a letter for proof of destruction from DJJ THANK YOU

    It’s absolutely true, Felony convictions are almost never purged, it’s a matter of record forever, even if it’s expunged, it stays in the county system.. misdemeanors on the other hand are treated differently in many states, so it’s possible your conviction may have been a misdemeanor, I’d be very surprised if the State of Georgia purged all Felonies as early as 17 years,  that just doesn’t happen.

    My advice is, If it was a felony, disclose it, if it wasn’t, don’t. 

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