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    Amit&Julie reacted to Naes in July 2017 I-129F Filers   
    This is a repost from May to give the information to everyone!
    Good News Everyone, I made a mistake! 
    @June2017UKtold me there were duplicates in June. And I will input corrected numbers in this post.
    However, Why does this important for May Filers?? 
    Because I manually put every April and May approval of 10/24 and realized a few things.
    1) I am 99.9% sure some of April RFE's were to gain time.
         Other than 2 of the April approvals & RFE's from yesterday was already RFE'd. 
         Some were responses BUT some were really weird. Such as the case that got RFE on 10/23 and approved on today.
         Some RFE's changed to approval without status change to "RFE received" 
    2) I am certain their system is not working properly.
        We already know this by people here telling us, however, now I am certain there are way more of these cases than we thought.
    3) I am guessing some new trainee or other people are at work, and their training period might have also affected April Filers.
         This also has the affect on RFE levels, they keep RFEing more than once, some of them late in the game, so I believe some RFE's are without screening the whole petition. What I read in the past was most of the time you get 1 RFE and it usually covers everything if given in 2 close timeline.
    Now as I am going to post this in all months;
     June Filers from my estimate, depending on things picking up to 700+ per week, your cases should start in 2-3 weeks.
     Yes it is longer than expected. However, this week and next week supposed to be May's peak time.
     July Filers should have a rather easy process however we cannot predict the effect of holidays.
     Although there may be some case workers coming back from holidays with bunch of status updates (all fingers are crossed ladies and gentlemen)
     Now the numbers;
       Virgin cases (As I'll be calling received cases from now on, cause why not? ) of April is going down slowly, 
       However, RFE's are moving way faster. But May has the weekly 70%, which is good for May filers, as most will finish eventually but awful for rest of us, for now.

    So when did the April started to pick up? Because It was really hard for me to believe it took this long for them.
     And obviously this is way more fun than what I am supposed to be doing at work (Let's thank to the 16 hour time difference that I am awake and my fiance is not...) So I did this 

    It's ok... I'm known to be crazy.. My future mother in law is as crazy so they accepted me extremely easily...
    Sooo I also did this cause I wanted to see a possible peak point! (by then I was hoping I had a predictive analysis software on my PC... but they don't let me use my work PC )

    So Everyone let's gather around and whichever power you believe in start doing your thing!
    Cause for your sake and ours and all the future K1s.. and probably your AOS to GC.
     We need 700s and then some (at least a few) 1000s...
     (Have I mentioned I used to work as a fortune teller in a Turkish Coffee shop when I was in high school? Yeah nah, we say don't believe in it so you won't get hurt; but listen to it so you will have hope)
    Now the links (UPDATED)
      I did check all the links, and the data. However, mistakes happen.
     If you have any concern or can't find your number, or seen duplicates, please let me know!
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    Amit&Julie reacted to geowrian in Requesting more evidence   
    A wet signature for the beneficiary's letter of intent to marry is not required. It can be a handwritten signature from a printout of a scanned version (i.e. printed original, signed, scanned, emailed to petitioner, printed final).
  3. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to agripa in Evidence for ongoing relationship   
    100% agree that this not the most compelling evidence. Clearly, evidence of in-person visits are the best type of evidence, however, with that said, there have been many instances of RFE's being given which asked for evidence of ongoing communication (phone logs, etc.). If you look at these RFE, the requirements they outline for this include records that show (i) your name, phone number, (ii) your wife's name and phone number, and (iii) date and length of duration of call. So if you DO want to provide such evidence, just take these requirements in account.
  4. Thanks
    Amit&Julie reacted to Hinapardeep in PCC from India for immigrant visa   
    It will take around week to 10 days
  5. Thanks
    Amit&Julie reacted to SatinderSabiee in PCC from India for immigrant visa   
    For k1 visa they denied pcc from police chief.They asked to submit Pcc from rpo office.Then we submitted it with passport again in vfs office delhi.
  6. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to Unlockable in Meet in person exceptions   
    What you are going to find in responses here are people who made sacrifices to find a way to meet the person they love. It may be very hard but you can find a way. Believe us, once you have done it it will be a lot better. My son was living with me at one point so after a few trips by myself I started taking him to meet my fiance's family.
    There is a reason this requirement is nearly impossible to exempt. You may very well meet the person and withing 30 minutes realize they are not the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Or vice versa.
    Do everything you can to find a way. Have family come stay at your place while you are away. You very well may have to wait until you have accumulated enough vacation time to visit.
    I have only heard of one case being exempt from the meeting requirement and that was due to serious debilitating medical condition.
    Good luck.
  7. Sad
    Amit&Julie reacted to Love To Teach in Officer makes decision before visa interview?   
    In our case, it was obvious they were going through the motions, that their minds were already made up. The first guy was nice to my hubby. But he was sent to another room with two people, one of whom was a Pakistani who obviously was the intimidator. The Pak guy then spent the next few minutes smirking and trying to intimidate my husband. It was obvious what they were doing. As my husband left the interview, the Pak guy said, "A visa to the US isn't everything." Nice guy...NOT! I'm still po'd about the entire thing. I think my husband is one of the few honest people left in Pakistan. He refuses to pay a bribe or lie to get ahead there.....and believe me, he suffers for it.
  8. Thanks
    Amit&Julie reacted to geowrian in Officer makes decision before visa interview?   
    Let me scale what I said back just a bit. I don't want the thread to go OT over what "approved" means.
    I guess it's really a matter of the wording...being "approved" doesn't mean the visa will be issued. The case will still go through AP, and some of that includes checks (background checks, paperwork checks, etc.). Once AP completes successfully, the visa can be issued. There's cases of visa refusals (both 221g "soft" refusals pending paperwork/verification, and "hard" refusals) after being approved at the interview, but it's not common and certainly not something to expect. Something can turn up in or during AP that makes somebody ineligible for the visa (even something the CO missed or paperwork they forgot to obtain). I hope this clarifies what I meant above.
  9. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to Crazy Cat in K1 visa denial enquiry. Minor involvement.   
    1.  No.  Many, many couples meet on line.
    2.  No
    3.  No
    Study the guides on this web site.  Nigeria is considered to be a high fraud country, and some people experience difficulty getting visas from there.  You will need a lot of solid evidence to prove a bona fide relationship.  Multiple visits are highly recommended. Do NOT engage in any ceremonies which might be seen as "marriage" before filing your K-1.
    This is a serious and sometimes stressful process.  It is also very expensive!! I would suggest you both make sure you are 100% committed to a marriage before undertaking this task. 
    Good Luck.
  10. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to carolynhotstuff in US Embassy Islamabad - Marriage between Christian and Muslim   
    You have as your country as Saudi . Have you ever had dealings with the ignorant workers at the embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan? Pakistani men have been told by the person interviewing them that the embassy will have them hung and killed if caught in a lie. 
    How can you sitting at your computer screen tell a person that experienced them first hand what that embassy will and will not do? I still have the NOIR they sent me and my friend Emily telling us that it is against the law in Pakistan for a Foreign Christian to marry with a Pakistani Muslim. Didn't matter if it was Sharia law or not. My lawyer did teach them that they were wrong and that is why they finally issued visas to my husband and to Emily's husband. 
    I answered the original question from personal experience with  the embassy in Islamabad. Other embassy's work differently and do not keep people in AP for years then deny the visa like they do in Pakistan. 
  11. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to carolynhotstuff in US Embassy Islamabad - Marriage between Christian and Muslim   
    In Pakistan they are always looking for reasons to deny a visa so yes they do care about age, kids ,past marriages and religion. I know because I had a 4 year battle with them over all these issues before they finally issued my husband's visa.
    As long as a Pakistani Muslim man marries a foreign Christian woman under Shariah law and it is filed at the Union Counsel the embassy has to accept the marriage as being legal. I had to pay a USA lawyer good money to research my marriage and educate the American embassy in Pakistan.
  12. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to Mr Geminian in US Embassy Islamabad - Marriage between Christian and Muslim   
    Congrats to the new couple I  have gone through the following links based on Immigrant visas and I didn't get to read anything about embassy/consulate in Islamabad, Karachi, Peshawar & Lahore not accepting applications from Pakistani Muslim married to American Christian. I would like you to send me the link to the website where you've read it because if it's true then it will help me assist others in similar situation.
    Anyways my personal opinion is US Embassy/ Consulate will not judge your relationship based on religion but it's all about the genuinity of the marriage and how you guys will adapt coming from different backgrounds. I am a Hindu and married a Christian and I was approved. Be strong and your application will be approved. Good Luck  
  13. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to Greenbaum in July 2017 I-129F Filers   
    Your inquiry will be rejected with a letter stating you are still within normal processing time. 
    Common sense should tell you that the more people calling, writing and emailing only takes more time and clogs up the system for those who have more urgent issues. Like I have recommended to others, get the phone app (links are below in my signature box) and install it and forget about looking and calling and emailing omg I am out of breath just saying all the things people are doing. When you go beyond 5 months then you can do the following:
    *Email the Ombudsman at cisombudsman@HQ.DHS.GOV
    "The Ombudsman provides an impartial and independent perspective to USCIS in an attempt to resolve problems"
    Or contact your congress person link is here to determine who that is: https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
    You and everyone else will get through this, it just depends on how crazy you want to make yourself. You can't hurry the system. It is what it is.
  14. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to Geo_nerd82 in July 2017 I-129F Filers   
    There was a HUGE uptick in approvals in the app and on the May filers forum. The consensus is with the DACA thing out of the way they can reprioritize. As of right now, it's looking like the pace is going to pick up alot! Right now, that is. 
  15. Thanks
    Amit&Julie reacted to Mrs.C.M. in Where to meet up w/ fiance outside India?   
    I just thought I would mention, I have a 10 year tourist visa and had completed that process in 2 weeks, there was no expediting either.  The process is quite quick.  You actually process through a company called Cox and King. I received text updates each day telling me where my passport and visa was in the process....  The cost was about $150 which included a return FedEx.
    Happy Travels!
  16. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to TBoneTX in Child and I living with a stranger....Not the man I knew   
    My heart goes out to you and your daughter.
    Good advice above... follow it.
    There's no need to live for one minute like this.
    Go back to Canada and hold your head very high, because you will have shown more strength and resolve than 99.44% of other women who find themselves in abusive relationships.
  17. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to N-o-l-a in Child and I living with a stranger....Not the man I knew   
    Some people can hold it together while you are dating and living apart - but the stress of living together puts them over the edge.  It isn't normal to yell quite that often and you are right to worry and want to leave.  Couples have fights, we did for the first year or two or three, but they were extremely rare and my husband was always calm and never insulting.
    Nobody is going to judge you for doing what is best for you and your child and if they do, they aren't worth your time to even think about.  
  18. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to EandH0904 in Child and I living with a stranger....Not the man I knew   
    As hard as it is, as expensive as it has been, it was a big life lesson. It's great your sister is willing to help. At least you aren't married. Your friends and family - what have you to be ashamed of? That you stuck up for yourself and your daughter? That you had the guts  to leave an unhealthy relationship? We should be looking to you for admiration! 
    People are people. Things don't work out. Mistakes are made. I'm proud of you for coming here and recognizing a chaotic situation now before it worse. 
  19. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to N400fiasco in Where to meet up w/ fiance outside India?   
    Another vote for Thailand (only because I  met my fiance first time there). My fiance and I only chose it because it was Visa on arrival. Didn't get to see the 'beautiful' parts, just ended up hanging around Bangkok. Good for budget travel as food was cheap   and the air conditioning in various impressive malls was free. 
  20. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to Eric-Pris in Where to meet up w/ fiance outside India?   
    Few months?  My Indian business visa took 3 days, is it really that different for tourist?
    BTW- Dubai is not cheap, so forget it if you are looking for cheap.
  21. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to patientguyinlove in Where to meet up w/ fiance outside India?   
    My fiance and I are contemplating the same. How about a place with cheaper flights? 
    We tried to balance bringing my flight cost way down, considering what her flight cost would be travelling from India.
    UAE is on the list. Cambodia also. Sri Lanka had really expensive flights, Thailand also.
    Personally, I'd rather go to India than most of these options.
    I was looking at China Eastern flights to Delhi for less than $500. 
  22. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to JE57 in Where to meet up w/ fiance outside India?   
    I would suggest Thailand... Jamaica could be a challenge for him to get to given that he could not transit in the USA without a US Visa so the routing could be challenging for him..   Thailand is an excellent choice.  Being it seems that you are from Colorado it might also be an interesting experience to take a snow vacation with him before he eventually ends up in the Snows of Colorado assuming he is not from Snowy India I understand that there is some amazing skiing in India.    Another option he has is Macau he could take flight to Hong Kong and then do a direct transit to the Macau ferry without actually entering Hong Kong.  But I would not suggest 7-10 days in Macau.   So Thailand seems like the best option and would suggest a day or two in Bangkok followed by time in Pauket (so many things to do there) For that matter if you choose Thailand you could include Cambodia as instead or in addition etc.  So maybe meet in Hong Kong and then take onward flights to Thailand, Cambodia, Macau or Maldives etc.  He can't enter Hong Kong but does not need to to transit the airport here.
    Good Luck... 
  23. Like
    Amit&Julie reacted to amul in Where to meet up w/ fiance outside India?   
    How about Thailand or Jamaica? Both truly beautiful countries.
    I would not hesitate to pick Thailand personally ❤️
  24. Like
    No one here on VJ is going to advise you to lie, as it is against VJ TOS.
    Also, telling people not to post on your thread and to "keep shut" is also against VJ TOS.
    If you lie during your interview about how many times you've met, the IO is going to wonder what else you have lied about on your application...and it's very easy for them to catch you in the lie since you have to provide documentation proving what you say.
  25. Thanks
    Amit&Julie reacted to geowrian in Different Processing times at CSC for different countries?   
    I haven't seen any data suggesting a pattern or relation based on nationality. I know some members would disagree with this, though.
    Here's some numbers I ran using VJ members' data last month:
    URL: http://www.visajourney.com/timeline/filterlist.php?cfl=
    Visa Type: K-1
    Beneficiary's Country: <Varies>
    Service Center: CSC
    Date I-129F Sent to the Service Center (start) : 2017-01-01
    Date I-129F Sent to the Service Center (end) <empty>
    Taiwan (2017 filers): 116 days from NOA1 to NOA2 on average
    China (2017 filers): 115 days from NOA1 to NOA2 on average
    UK (2017) filers: 111 days from NOA1 to NOA2 on average
    Ghana (2017 filers): 100 days from NOA1 to NOA2 on average
    India (2017 filers): 119 days from NOA1 to NOA2 on average
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