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Everything posted by SalishSea

  1. Sometimes I notice ones without formal spelling or grammatical errors, but there is just 'something' about the way it is written that sounds like it comes from someone who is not used to writing in 'business English.'
  2. Middle eastern background and tech background is why you’re in extended AP. Would be same situation had you been petitioned for a visa instead of adjusting.
  3. Why do you expect an RFE? it’s not a way of “updating” a petition. It’s because the petition lacked initial evidence. Not sure where you got your info from, but the vast majority of I-129fs are approved without an RFE.
  4. No judge is going to annul a marriage of that length. Can you look for a free legal advice clinic? You wouldn't necessarily find someone to represent you pro bono, but perhaps you could get advice on how to proceed.
  5. Spend some time reading the guides and researching. Becoming educated about the process can save you valuable time (and money). It is not fast or cheap.
  6. Petition approval is only part of the process. Entire process takes around two years.
  7. Soon your friend will learn that a King from an unnamed country wishes to transfer one million dollars into his account, and all that is needed is all of his banking information.
  8. By coming back so soon, you risk the privilege of ESTA, which might be something you’d want to hang on to during the long K-1 process (expect ~ two years). Do not lie about your intent at the port of entry, if you do come back. You need to be properly petitioned.
  9. Clock resets after the interview. The time elapsed prior to the interview is not relevant.
  10. WC is nongendered. It is Water Closet. Every English house has one. Quite the opposite!
  11. Affidavits written by friends and family are not great evidence. You and your partner will need to work to overcome whatever the issue was that led to the withdrawal. It is by no means insurmountable, but the CO will want to see that you are now serious about the relationship. Best luck.
  12. The battery arrest is most likely to impact you if you attempt to naturalize, as there is a 'good moral standing' component to that. AFAIK, there is not the same for ROC, as that is more based on your marriage being bonafide.
  13. The only impact is that her days of being able to visit on ESTA are gone, and likely she also would not get a B visa. It will not affect her eligibility for a K-1.
  14. 1) Lawyers cannot speed up the process. 2) You cannot pick your service center. Processing times fluctuate all the time. Why must you start over with the petition process?
  15. No, you will not go to jail. The federal government can seek repayments of means-tested benefits used by an immigrant who is not eligible to use them. There isn't a set "payment plan" associated with the responsibilities of sponsorship. Does your wife work? Or if no, does she have the capacity/intent to? There could be court-ordered support payments, but that is a family law issue, not immigration.
  16. Wherever you end up interviewing, the overall process will be about two years until you can move to the US. You are free to hire a lawyer of course, but most people do not need one. A lawyer cannot make the process faster or affect a denial/approval.
  17. Considering it is a federal crime and can receive a $250k fine/5 years in prison, I would also be worried about my child's care and safety.
  18. You should apply for the baby's birth certificate via CRBA at the local consulate.
  19. You cannot apply under the 3 year rule if you are separated and not living in marital union.
  20. Sorry to hear. Also keep in mind that USCIS is quite used to receiving fabricated reports of fraud.....sour grapes, revenge, etc are sometimes big motivators.
  21. Anyone can 'report' whatever they want. Without concrete evidence, her reports will be ignored. Like others, I advise you guys to get an attorney. This person sounds quite unstable.
  22. They can’t adjust status while here. You can petition them. As others have said, it will take many years. Kids will likely not be able to come with them, depending on their ages.
  23. You’ll need to obtain all court records associated with the arrests.
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