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Posts posted by RO_AH

  1. As others have said, do not offer any information that is not asked. But you should probably seek help about your cutting. Were you actually trying to kill yourself or just didn't know how to deal with your stress. You need to know why you did it so you can find better ways of handling it in the future. As jwlussow said moving to a new country and culture thousands of miles from your home will cause you a lot of stress and you need to learn how to deal with it in much better ways.


    Some thoughts for you:

    The only people without any problems are dead. Life is problems which are challenges to overcome. Each one makes you stronger and smarter. But being alive means we can experience love, joy, and happiness as well.


    My prayer to God is always for a stronger back not a lighter load. He will never give you more than you can handle so never give up.


    Please stay strong! I wish you the best! Let us know how it goes.


    30 minutes ago, jwlussow said:

    It drives me crazy when I go there. Everything is so laid back and unorganized!!!!  LOL

    Good to know I am not the only one.

  2. 1 hour ago, The-Journey said:

    Hi, I am the petioner and will be in Manilla on Tuesday to get the  Affidavit in Lieu of a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry. I was previously married and just realized my divorce decree doesn't have my middle name. My passport has my middle name just as my driver's license. 


    Do you think I will have a problem? Does the Embassy even check if someone says they were not married. 


    Thanks in advance! 

    I just hope that you already booked an appointment at the US Embassy online ;)

  3. My divorce will be final in about 2 weeks and I will have my decree. I will be getting married less than a month later. I don't see dates as an issue, legal capacity is what matters.

    I would recommend waiting for your decree, then getting married in your future spouses country. A spouse visa has many advantages over a fiance visa. Look at both options and decide what is best for you then move forward. But as others have said, in order file either K-1, or to marry and get a CR-1 you will need your divorce decree first.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Esme2504 said:

    I have been reading throughout the forum if you admit to using drugs in your  past it usually leads to a 1 year ban. 

    Lying can get you a permanent ban. There is also a big difference between saying that you use drugs and saying you tried something 15 years ago.

  5. 35 minutes ago, C & B_27 said:

    Yes he is crazy. After the cheating and lying stuff, he still want me to go to US.

    My case is ready for medical and interview, and I might have been leaving philippines in 1 month or 2.

    If i only wanted to migrate, i can do it.

    I am looking for true love. For serious marriage and not for citizenship.


    I am just thinking about the future and what ifs. I want to close the issue in visa that we started. Cause we never know what will happen in the future.


    But thank you so much. I really appreciate your comments

    Sorry but your originally post came off like you dumped him and already found another. That caused many to misjudge your intentions.


    It is still early and a lot of emotions involved, he may change his mind. Think of this also, if he finds another pinay he will have to withdraw his petition for you in order to file again.


    Good luck in your quest for love.

  6. 2 minutes ago, C & B_27 said:

    I dont think time is a basis to know when you love someone. Time is not a measurement.

    Sorry but I disagree. Also I was referring to LDR and relationships involving immigration. You need to have face to face time, in person. That is extremely difficult in these relationships. So you are saying that Fiance 1 is a liar and a cheat, but you also say that it would not be better to take more time to know this person before deciding to get married. Think about that.


    I wish you luck, but like I said you will need to find a way to get him to withdraw his petition. 

  7. Keep in mind that you illegally overstayed previously. You also admittedly illegally worked while here (all of which might have been better to post originally). That shows extreme disregard and respect for our county's laws. Put that in your mind when it comes to applying for any other type of visa because those things will be in the mind of the person deciding whether or not to grant you one. If your wish is only to see your mother I think she will have to come to you.


    42 minutes ago, CEE53147 said:

    It is irresponsible to expect relatives to pick up expenses for a guest - especially one staying a long time.

    How so? If I had a relative come visit me here in USA I would not expect nor let them pay for anything except their own purchases for things that they wanted to bring back.. 


    9 minutes ago, yatsek said:

    You missed the point. You think the  IO will be satisfied with a such answer? "I am unemployed and have saved up money"? And where are your ties to your home country? It's amazing how people think they can put one over during the interview and once - visa in hand - noone will check them again.

    What's more amazing is that you didn't take the time to read through all of the posts before commenting. The OP works in a family business. The OP has been to USA 3 times before as a tourist.

  9. 17 hours ago, az2014 said:

    What are you planning to do for 5 months? Where are you planning to stay for these 5 months? What job do you have that lets you take 5 months off? How much money do you have to support yourself for these 5 months?


    These are the questions you will most likely by asked at the POE.


    What are your answers?


    9 hours ago, az2014 said:

    I dont think you get it. 'Touring around' and 'busy when I get home' and 'enough money' are very vague answers. The CBP will expect specifics. Exactly which town, city and for how long, exactly what job you have back home (if any), exactly how much money you have.


    If you are already avoiding answering the questions on a forum then good luck at the POE, you will need it.

    It's one thing to advise him/her (sorry I don't know the OP's gender) of questions that may be asked and to be prepared, but why do they need to answer that to you? Then you expect answers that meet up to your standards? Who are you? Just a poster on a forum that is supposed to give helpful advice to people.

  10. You have met all requirements on your previous visits. I think you will be fine.  I think Coco8 made some good suggestions. As for members here that think you need to give them every detail of your trip,where you are staying, etc. don't mind them. It seems a lot of people come here to judge people rather than give advice.

  11. 20 minutes ago, kat.cap13 said:

    You wouldn't be allowed to get married in the US without the K1 visa approved.

    This is completely wrong. You can get married in the USA. She can apply for spouse visa. You can visit her or she can visit you until visa is approved. If you will visit her you need to show strong ties that you will return. Having a job and residence in Canada will help. The fact  that you married and then returned shows that you are not trying to get around immigration.

  12. I would never say anything is impossible when it comes to love. I am 25 years older than my soon to be wife. We will be married in her country in September and go the spousal visa route instead of fiance. Our relationship is 6 1/2 years old and we have spent a lot of time together so I have no concerns over scrutiny. Also in her country it is not uncommon at all for younger woman to marry older men. I can not speak for Morocco as I am not familiar at all with their customs and culture. However as other have said you will receive much more scrutiny if it does not fall within their customs and culture.


    One bit of advice. Our hearts seem to toss out all critical thinking in matters of love. I always tell people it is okay to follow your heart but MAKE SURE that you use your mind as a filter as to what makes it to your heart. Your mind will see warning signs that your heart will ignore. People have been scammed often look back and see all of those warning signs that were ignored. Is she talking to you a lot about coming to USA? You haven't even met in person yet how can either of you be thinking about spending the rest of your life together? Like one other person said, a good test is to say that you really want to be with her and don't want to wait so long for the migration process. See how she feels about you moving there to be with her instead. If she is not immediately accepting of that I would be extremely suspicious.

  13. 2 hours ago, brad walker said:

    1) she already graduated from 4 year facultad, she can enroll in "specialization courses" (of her degree) asap, and get some documents saying that she is currently studying (which she would be)


    2)her neighbors/good friends have offered to put her name in the documentation  of their house. she says that an easy process, and her friends say she could easily get documents saying she has this property..

    1) If that is her true intention and the CO sees it as a valid tie it could help, but there are no guarantees.

    2) You are asking about doing something fraudulent to obtain a visa which is against the rules on this site.

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