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Posts posted by RO_AH

  1. Each carrier has its own towers so depending on how close a carriers tower is tom her home is the determining factor on how good her reception will be. SIMs are cheap so she should just try each carrier and see which is best. This will have more effect that the phone although some phones have better reception than others.If she talks to people around her they should probably have an idea which carrier is best. There are 3 main carriers in the Philippines, Smart, Sun, and Globe. As Hank said you can get a phone with dual SIM which will allow for 2 different carriers so if you are in a bad area for one the other may have coverage.


    People talk about the antenna and that is only half the equation. The built in amp determines your outgoing signal. In order to increase battery life, along with much more towers closer to people globally, manufacturers have lowered the the output wattage and also made it variable. It will determine the amount of strength needed to reach the tower and adjust itself accordingly. That's why you will notice that if you are far from a tower (1 bar signal) your phone will get hot and the battery will drain faster due to using more power. Your best bet for being far from a tower is keeping your cell phone out of your pockets and the higher you have it the better.


    Hope that helps.

  2. 17 hours ago, aleful said:





    you have one or the other, if you are employed you get the W2s


    if you are a contractor or self employed you will receive the 1099


    one or the other

    Actually just to clarify there are many instances where you would have both (1099 & W-2). A 1099 is only reporting income that was not pre-taxed. You can be working for a company and receiving a W-2 and be doing side contracting work on the side and have 1099's for that. You can also receive 1099's from early withdrawal of 401k, written off debt, dividends, interest, or many other reasons (there are 19 different 1099 classifications).

  3. 3 hours ago, cyberfx1024 said:

    Yeah according to the news that figured out who he was and he was not a Caucasian as originally thought but a Filipino citizen. He worked for the DOF in the past and was fired for falsifying his SALN. He was a known gambling addict to numerous casinos in MM. 



    "My son was just a victim... he fell victim to the casinos," she said, according to a translation provided by CNN Philippines.

    She said that the family was struggling to come to terms with what Carlos had done.

    "I still don't want to accept that it was my son, because my son was a good person."


    I don't think that the 37 people that died or their families would agree.

  4. 4 hours ago, duckhunter1 said:

    I was 2 blocks away from Resort World when the Manila attack / robbery occurred.  It's my understanding Marshall law was declared for the Islamic extremist uprising in the southern islands.  Manila was a stand alone incident which Duterte declared 'friendly fire'.

    I don't know about friendly fire ;) but definitely not linked to terrorism. 

  5. I know you're frustrated. I plan on being in the Philippines in August then starting the long process of bringing my wife here. Something I have always understood about the Philippines is that there are pretty much only 2 ways for a single Filipina under 40 to come to America, fiance or spouse visa. Tourist visas are extremely hard to get. When my future wife does migrate I also know that if she wants to see her family or they want to see her, it will involve her going there. I wish I could give you the magic answer that would get her approved, sadly that is not reality. I wish you the best!

  6. 19 hours ago, The.Fab.Ella said:

    Many of you are right referring to "tampo".  Know also that after "tampo", the Filipina woman usually expects a "suyo", which means you've got to "woo" her back. These are concepts that are difficult to understand in the Western world where people are more straightforward and tell it like it is, as opposed to Filipinos who are normally shy and afraid to speak their minds, and hoping that by their actions, their husbands will pick up and read their minds.  Of course, this is bad for a relationship as this usually means mind games and emotional blackmail.  This is not an excuse for the Filipinas.  But know that our culture, our upbringing and a myriad of other things contribute to that.


    On the brighter side, I would also like to share that most Filipinas are eager to please their partners and can easily adapt, and so, there can be ways to reduce (or eliminate) this "tampo" in the long run. I am no expert but let me share what we as a couple are doing about it.  The husband, though a Filipino, has been in the US for two-thirds of his existence, therefore, has adapted to the American way.  I, living in the Philippines,  am guilty of "tampo" (my version is just being quiet, not talk to him) and of expecting he would read my mind and do what I am expecting him to do, and he clearly doesn't like that.  So we sat down and discussed it.  He made me understand that I should speak my mind and he would not be offended by it, as he would rather know exactly what I feel and need and shouldn't be held guilty for missing a "paramdam" (I am not sure if "sending feelers" is the right term for this?).  Me, on the other hand, because there is really no excuse for this behaviour, has resolved to recognize a "tampo" in its early stages and nip it in the bud. Usually, what works is asking myself "Is this really worth throwing a tantrum for?" plus always going back to the thought that I should only be thankful that I found someone who is very good to me. That usually solves it, my mind focuses on the positive and the desire to change for the better.  We have also agreed that if my silent treatment persists, he would just give me a hug and ask what he could do to make me feel better and that I should just hug him back and say I'm sorry so we can start discussing what's bothering me. Thankfully, we didn't have to do that for a long time now.


    I hope you find the right fix that suits both of you.  A heart and mind in the right place can overcome any challenge.

    This is an amazing post and great insight into the cultural differences.I will also say that your asawa is very lucky to have someone so insightful and willing to grow and change.

  7. 5 hours ago, Hank_ said:

    Hawaii... I never noticed before.  I know a Fil-Am couple in Hawaii, good people.  Not sure which island they are on, he told me but... memory.. :lol:

    Yea there are a lot of Fil-Am couples here. There are a lot of Filipinos here in general. There's a good chance the couple you know is  on Oahu like me since over 65% of population is here.

  8. As I said before, terrorists are out to kill innocent people. This guy had every opportunity to do that but didn't. He had also gathered millions in chips which is something robbers do, not terrorists. 

  9. 2 hours ago, eoughphily said:

    If Duterte declared martial law in all of Philippines due to Isis, would that be good enough evidence for humanitarian expedition of spousal visa?

    I kinda doubt that a lone robber who tried to rob a casino and then set himself on fire when he failed will cause Duterte to declare martial law, but what do I know?

  10. 2 hours ago, Pixierich30 said:

    Thank you all for your kind reply.

    @Hank_, I did have a green card but since we came back here in the Philippines, it's been 5 years expired. 

    @RO_AH yes, we've been married for 8 years, but I can't locate him anymore, I heard he's in Gensan,but the place is huge, I don't know where to begin and don't have the resources to find him, as for his family, I did contact his daughter back in Tucson,  but she's not much of help cuz her dad is not responding her messages either. 

    (Sigh) I'm running out of option here. I surrender everything to God now. He knows what to do,

    I feel really bad for your situation. I am no expert, but I would suggest maybe looking online and finding a divorce attorney in the city where you were married. Explain that you are in the Philippines and unable to get back to the USA and you would like to know how you could go about divorcing your husband who has abandoned you and you have no way to contact him. I am sure there must be a way to do it. Good luck  

  11. 4 hours ago, FilAm.Love said:


    That's what I believe too! My husband was once married to a Filipina before but they got married here in the USA. They never declare their marriage at the Philippine consulate so everytime she go home to Philippines she always bring her passport and birth certificate with maiden name.

    Several questions come to mind. You say once married to a Filipina, are they divorced now? If they did not report their marriage to the consulate closest to them  the Philippines government would not know they are married. But unless they got a divorce they are still married no matter what they do or where they go. Is there a specific reason for asking?


    There are several differences in a fiance visa and spousal visa. But the main thing is that a fiance comes here unmarried then gets married here. Spousal visa the marriage takes place outside of the US and then petition the spouse to come to the US. If you someone gets married in the Philippines there is no divorce. This can be seen as either a good thing or bad thing and also plays a role in the decision on whether to get a K1 or Spouse visa. 

  12. 26 minutes ago, j N j said:

    I did,Ive also seen more reports of more than1 gunman.AND explosions..sounds more than a lone robber to me.. I hope Im wrong.

    I hope you are wrong too. (not for the sake of you being wrong ;)) I hope it was just a robbery attempt gone bad. The sad thing is that I think there is a strong possibility that there will be terrorist attacks in Manila. That's how terrorists work. They have some sad belief that by killing as many innocent people and getting as much media attention as possible it is somehow for the greater good and helping their cause. It is a disease that needs to be stomped out quickly whenever it shows itself.


    Another sad fact is that in this day and age of instant communication globally, media outlets have even more of an obligation in getting out the facts when they report. Unfortunately news media has become opinion and entertainment all geared towards shock value and ratings.

  13. 8 hours ago, BroadDaylight88 said:

    We may drive to jacksonville lbc, but I'm scared the package won't arrive as per reviews. :(

    I understand being concerned after reading reviews, however like Hank said the only people that usually take the time to leave a review are those with a complaint of some sort. I can only tell you of my experiences. I am in Hawaii so the shipping time for me is 6 weeks. It was only delayed one time that I have shipped and that was due to the idiot mayor in Manila at the time banning all trucks in Manila during daytime hours to help improve traffic. Luckily that didn't last long since that is the main port and he effectively killed all commerce in the country. *Back to topic: I have made BB shipments 10 times with a total of 11 boxes sent. All have made it with no problem except for the one exception that was beyond their control. Hope that helps, and good luck with whichever service you choose.

  14. 54 minutes ago, notantifun said:

    I don't think it's crazy at all when we have a president who has used Martial law as a threat multiple times. I personally believe that it could affect visa applications especially interviews at the US embassy but only because a declaration of Martial Law in the entire country will surely result in massive protests. The US embassy closes if that happens.

    We could also ask what will happen if China goes to war with the Philippines and what affect that will have. You have your views I have mine. Only time will tell. I plan on getting married there in August and then applying to bring my wife here. I am not worried at all. 

  15. 6 hours ago, rjwen2 said:

    How does Philippine marshal law if it is in place for the whole country affect the visa process?  Also if the whole country is under marshal law will the US issue her a CR/IR-1 visa? Will this result in a person not being able to leave the Philippines if she has an approved CR-1Visa?

    To me it is crazy to even assume that the whole country will go under marshal law. There are rebel factions creating problems in one area. It's not like this will be something that spreads to the rest of the country. As for how it will affect your visa process, It will not have any affect unless she is in Mindanao, which might have issues with travel in some areas. But that still shouldn't affect the visa process. 

  16. About the tampo thing and just advice in general. People in your life will only do what you allow them to do. This goes for any relationship. Think hard about that one. There is definitely a difference between cultures and there are things that you will have to either accept, or make them deal breakers. You need to set boundaries early on and stand firm on them. There is so much more I could say about this but it could probably be taken the wrong way and I would be labeled a sexist pig in this politically correct era we live in ;)


    What I will say is try to learn and understand male/female relationships in the Philippines and the dynamics of their roles.That may be difficult because you said you have no Filipino friends. But knowing that would give you great insight.

    19 hours ago, Hank_ said:

    TAMPO.... that dog don't hunt in my house either.

    Best line of the day.

  17. 5 minutes ago, Sunnybanana1913 said:

    Well you shouldnt be too worried its mainly in just what 1 city? Marawi the issue and maybe a handful of other cities. Rest of Mindanao isnt too bad from my experience and what ive heard. 

    I won't even be close. I will be in Bulacan, just North of Manila. But I was referring to the Philippines in general being a lot safer.

  18. 17 hours ago, Greenbaum said:

    With all do respect I understand what martial law is and how it can and cannot be used.  My reference is back to Marcos and what he did to wrestle complete control over the country when he signed the Proclamation #1081 in 1972 and which wasn't lifted til 1981.  With that power, he controlled the Philippines for nine years under martial law and then another 5 years until the People Power Revolution. Amazingly he was able to garner the vote of 90% of the Filipino people to continue Martial law which was ratified by 90.77% of the voters during the Philippine Martial Law referendum. So, looking back at Marcos, he never received congressional approval after 60 days.  If the army is on the President's side or any President and backs him than 60 days means nothing.


    And their sir is my history lesson

    I am very well aware of the history, thank you. It does not change my opinion that it was warranted in this case. When you have rebel factions kidnapping and murdering citizens you must take action. When close to half of those rebels are invaders from foreign countries even more so. Neither one of us know the future so I guess we will need to see how it plays out. I will b e there for close to a month in August and I am not worried at all.In fact I feel I will be safer this visit than any visit in the past. 

  19. 6 hours ago, Greenbaum said:

    I see the beginnings of total Marshal law for the Philippines and another dictator in charge. I hope the Filipino people have the fortitude and stomach to rebel against Duarte if he chooses this path.

    Marshal law was in order for this instance. You should probably do some research on what is happening there from first hand reports rather than the news media. The constitution gives him the ability to institute marshal law for 60 days. Further than that he will need congressional approval.

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