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Posts posted by RO_AH

  1. Just my opinion as I don't have personal experience with this issue, but, I think the USEM has to know by now how messed up people's birth certificates are in the Philippines. I I think they would be more shocked if everything matched up correctly. We went through the process of changing my fiance's BC to show female rather than male (seemed pretty important) but it wasn't until after that, that we noticed that her parent's birth dates on her BC were both way off. smh. We have decided not to worry about that part based on my above thought process. 

  2. 3 hours ago, murphy said:

    thank you. recommendations for a good immigration attourmey or service?


    I think in this case you will need an attorney in the Philippines not here. They can help you fix the birth certificate issue. You can look at past threads in here regarding changes to birth certificates in the Philippines. It can be difficult and frustrating. There is the local register and the main PSA in Manila. Sometimes their records don't even match up. I believe if you focus on the local register where the original was reported to get it fixed, that is the best place to start.


    It's probably best if your fiance starts asking around and checking with friends or relatives that know an attorney or someone that can assist. We were able to get my fiance's BC corrected for 2000 peso's. Her's was a little easier than yours as we only had to change it from male to female. You would be surprised (or maybe not) how many BC's in the Philippines are messed up with little mistakes like that and misspellings.

  3. 2 hours ago, SophieTheGamer said:

    Okay everyone, I stated in my last post that yes we were planing an unofficial wedding which was already planned before I asked that question and the petition was already filed before that to, so no matter how many times you tell me how stupid I was for doing it. It was already done before I posted asking about unofficial weddings. I have a 94 year old grandmother who cannot fly that I'm basically Doing this for. Don't assume things before knowing the story. I asked a question which was answered and I appreciate the people who have been very helpful, but it's unessesary to post stupid replies saying " well you should have listened before " it's bad luck on my part and we will pursue the CR-1. 

    I understand that your plans were too far along and too much money invested at that point. However, you were advised this would happen and you gambled. A better choice may have been to withdraw your K1 and make that ceremony official instead of unofficial and then file for a spouse visa. Hindsight is always 20/20. But you are where you are and the best advice is to get married and go the spouse route.


    The sad part is that your previous ceremony made you seem too married to get a K1 but I guarantee it's not married enough to get a spouse visa. Crazy right? He will have to return for an official ceremony. I would suggest doing it the quickest easiest way possible so that it is legal on paper then you can still have a renewal ceremony for his family when you arrive. Good luck!

  4. 1 hour ago, Scandi said:

    That's what they should've done from the very beginning (the CR-1 route) if it was so important that the grandmother could attend the wedding. I don't see why they chose the K-1 at all, this just seems like very poor planning to me.

    Agreed, and then have a second ceremony (renewing of vows) for his family once she arrived to the US.

  5. I do understand the OP original concern. He doesn't want there to be any chance that in the future if she goes to visit the Philippines that she could be charged with bigamy. If you want to try to clear it by all means go ahead. But prepare for a long effort and substantial costs. My feeling is that you have a valid marriage in the US and a cenomar which was obtained in order to have that marriage. If the PSA issued her a cenomar they have no record of her being married EVER. If she or both of you travel there I don't see how there would be any reason for anyone to check on any status of any marriage in her past. Of the millions of Filipinos that travel home every year do you think that their government has time to do that kind of research on each person? Especially if everything seems legit?


    Like I said this battle is up to you. If it were me I would let it go.

  6. The thing I like about Lazada is not having to worry about duty charges. I have ordered through eBay (and other places) and it takes forever and there is always a duty fee to get the item.  I have ordered TV's, tools, cell phone accessories, computer chair, split AC, washer, dryer, other appliances, etc. They all come right to my girlfriends door usually in 24-48 hours. The prices are always less than what she can buy locally plus she doesn't need to take a trike :) 


    I have the account set up in her name and whenever I order I just transfer funds from my PayPal to her PayPal and then pay with hers.

  7. 1 hour ago, Hank_ said:

    Hey now I said DECENT... and I did mention the MyPhone which are next to free.. in fact I did get one of those for free  :lol: 


    ... I don't buy throw-a-ways as we are here in the Phils regularly.  ;)



    I see a phone in this list for $20   http://www.lazada.com.ph/shop-mobiles/?spm=a2o4l.category-010000000000.0.0.PF0SBP



    I <3 Lazada. They probably love me too with how much I have spent there lol.

  8. I think the OP is asking about when he first lands. Here in Hawaii we have a large Filipino community so we can buy a Philippines SIM here and take it with us. Last I checked you can also buy them on eBay, or maybe Amazon if you check.You do need to have an unlocked phone though which you could also buy easily online.


    But now I have T-Mobile which has free international data roaming and free international texting included with their plans.You only need to pay roaming charges for calls. I sent my girlfriend a T-Mobile phone which I paid $20/mo. for service that she used for over a year before they finally sent me a cancellation notice that their service was considered roaming and it had been in the Philippines for over a year. Man was she bummed.

  9. 33 minutes ago, Suss&Camm said:

    In Sweden my freedoms were

    -Freedom to see a doctor without paying even when temporarily out of a job..

    Maybe you didn't pay but someone is. There is nothing free about it.

    -Freedom to make decisions about my own body as a woman (smth that this country is currently fighting) Nobody is trying to control what you do with your body. Now if you have another life inside your body, yea some people are fighting for their right to live.

    -freedom to walk in nature on other ppl's land and camp out without permission or threat of being shot

    So basically you are bragging about your right to other peoples land while forgetting that the owner has no rights if you can do whatever you want on their land.

    -freedom to love whom I would choose

    No one in America has ever not had the right to love anyone or anything they choose to love.

    -freedom to wear what I want when I want without being sent home from school or sent away from a "public place"

    I am sorry that you believe that there should be no standards at all.

    -freedom to not be sexualized because I'm a woman,  deciding by myself if I want to swim topless (without any judgemental ppl interfering in my life)

    Sorry but there is not a place on this earth that you can walk around topless and not be serialized. If you don't think so you are in denial.

    -freedom to 6 weeks vacation per year

    Your employer has lost his or her freedoms because they are now forced to give you what you consider freedom. But I guess your employers freedom doesn't count here.

    -freedom to stay home with kids for women and men with full pay for over a year per kid.

    Same answer as above.

    -freedom of not having to choose between having a career and a family.

    So who chooses for you in your home country?

    -freedom of income security even if I get an unexpected disease.

    Again your freedom comes at others expense

    -freedom to not be charged a fee as soon as I walk out the door..

    We used to have that freedom until socialism slowly started creeping in.


  10. Looks like a good move to me. This is also regarding short term visa's which have a large number of people that overstay. Maybe you and the news sources are distracted by tweets. That's up to you on how much energy you want to put into them. I look at policy over personality and this seems like a good move. In the article it seems that Obama opened the flood gates. It seems now they want to regulate the flow and make sure we know who is coming in and why. So rhetoric aside, how is this a bad thing?

  11. Just to add to my post. The guy we use drives a newer van with AC. The full day is 3000 peso (about 60 USD) which includes the parking and tolls to and from Manila. We travel to Bulacan about 90 to 120 min from Manila. Another good thing is my girlfriend can bring a friend or family member or 2 along which is better than her being alone in Manila waiting for me.


    One last thing is if you are staying at a Hotel while there you can make arrangements with them for airport service. 

  12. On my first trip there my girlfriend inquired with friends and family if they knew someone that did airport service. From that she found someone close to the family and I usually pay him for a full day and we uses him for airport travel or other times when we are in need of transportation for a full day. I have used his service on 4 different trips there.


    But that is my suggestion. She can do some checking around and find you transportation. If she is going to the airport to meet you she will need transportation anyways, you might as well make it round trip.


    There are other precautions I take while the entire time I am in the Philippines as well. I have a small wallet that I bring with me and use whenever I go out. I only carry enough cash for the day and 1 form of ID. I keep that wallet in my front pocket. I leave my actual wallet, passport and money where I am staying. I dress very casual mostly in a T-shirt and shorts and I don't wear jewelry. Mow are these precautions necessary, or do I ever feel unsafe, threatened there? No. Most people treat me like a celebrity and I am twice the size of most people I see. However being in a foreign country and so far from home I feel it is always better to be extra cautious. 

  13. 20 hours ago, Techniix said:
    • Will the two denied visas have any effect if we apply for the K1 visa? No effect
    • Is an immigration lawyer going to be a significant help and would it be worth it? You can easily do it on your own, if you found this site you already show your ability to find the information you need.
    • Would my age be any sort of a limiting factor or does that sort of thing even matter? None. Your income might be. If so you can get a co-sponsor 
    • What kind of proof and how much will I need to collect to prove a legitimate relationship? (been reading online a lot about this... thus how I found this website... I've seen people go as far as writing an entire auto-bio) Sounds like you have it covered on this.I think communication logs especially talking about your future is very good as well as boarding passes, travel docs and photos with you together and with her family and friends. Most people say quality over quantity when it comes to evidence. 

    Good luck! I am going to Philippines in August to get married then I will be taking the spousal visa route.

  14. 2 hours ago, France said:

    How will I know if indeed my visa was cancelled. He said he was not aware that his lawyer already cancelled the visa when he informed her that we were not getting married. I got my visa April and just decided to go there July to see if we could still work it out and get married like as planned. Prior to booking the ticket around 2 weeks ago he I informed him he said its okay for me to go.then now he changed his mind again and informed me last min my visa was cancelled

    At this point it does not matter if it is cancelled or not. He has no intention of marrying you so any entry into the country using that visa would be fraud. I am not sure if your desperation is to get him back, or to come to USA. If it is to get him back, I think it would be a mistake. He put in a lot of effort to go through applying for and getting you a visa. I am not sure what changed his mind, but that seems to be a big problem which we know nothing about. As others said, call the embassy. But, don't call if it is still valid or not, call to make sure that it has been cancelled and inform them that you will not be using it. This is you best chance for ever being able to come to the US in the future if you meet another American.


    Others have mentioned other types of visa or entry. Being a single Filipina you have almost zero chance of coming to America other than a fiance or spouse visa. It is sad but that is the fact. Good luck to you.

  15. 4 hours ago, Bob_B said:

    I cannot say enough how devastating this is to us, as I now have to re-schedule her flight to me

    I am very sorry to hear about this. As everyone always says, do not purchase tickets until you have visa in hand. 

  16. 21 hours ago, jmana said:

    It's so hard to know someone when you're under a time limit to get married,

    Where is the time limit? I don't understand where you are thinking there is a time limit. If your need to have someone physically with you is so strong, maybe long distance relationships are not for you. In that case find a Russian that is already here as someone else suggested. If you had 2 marriages last less than a year maybe you should start looking at your ability to judge someone properly before marrying. Slow it down, life is a marathon not a sprint. Good luck!

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