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Posts posted by Unlockable

  1. 1 hour ago, Sarah18 said:

    I filled for my mother and she is now in the us with Green card. My mother was living with her grandchild since my younger sister passed away. My mother filled for her grandchild Hand the case is currently in review at usciss 


    50 minutes ago, Sarah18 said:

    No I add a copy of death certificate on it. When I filled for my mom I mention a name of all my brother and sister including my death sister. I will wait to see if there ask something else. The application have been accepted and is currently under review.

    Please keep us posted if you can. We have never uncovered a direct line for grandparents to petition for grandkids unless there was legal adoption. Even if death of the parents occurred there doesn't seem to be an option, outside of adoption, for grandparents to grant immigrant benefits to grandkids.


  2. 1 hour ago, African Zealot said:

    I think you should pump the brakes on your indignation, it unfounded. We’ve already condemned the OPs fraud however nobody has talked about “abandoning” the child.


    There are tens of thousands of immigrants in America who left even their biological children behind to migrate and those children are well taken care of. That’s not abandonment. Typically African immigrants send money home to take care of children, parents, cousins, nephews and nieces etc. 


    We have extended family systems in Africa and millions of children across the continent being lovingly cared for by non biological parents and uncles and aunts. So let’s not rush into calling this abandonment and get indignant.


    If I had time to search for it, there was a thread a few years ago on a beneficiary being requested to do DNA tests on her 4 children. The couple was married during the birth of all 4 children but something must have triggered the suspicion of the IO on the petitioner's time in the beneficiary's country and the possible conception dates of the children.


    Turns out the last 2 children were not the petitioner's . 


    The petitioner came on the forum asking if there was a way to still immigrate all the children even though it was revealed that 2 were not his. We never got a follow up.

  3. 17 hours ago, Olori Oko said:



    I have my nephew listed on my application as my biological son and at the Visa Interview the CO requested that we should get a DNA test to show that the child is mine. Since birth, my brother and his girlfriend (mother) abandoned the baby with me as they described the poor boy as a mistake. In 2015, my brother eventually got killed in the cause of his hooliganism while all efforts made to trace the mother totally proved abortive even till date.


    The boy is today 12 years old and in 2018 he was required to submit his birth certificate at the school, and I had no option left than to register his birth under my family's name. Thus, the birth certificate shows me and hubby as his mother and father respectively. This is the same birth certificate presented at the embassy.


    I don't want to do the DNA test and need your advice pls.

    Please what can I do at this point? 
    Is there any possibility of removing the Child from my application?

    @Olori Oko


    To be blunt, this does not look good at all. It will impact you and your entire immigration journey and not just the child's. Even if you correct this, it is on file that you misrepresented yourself and also falsified important documents. There are serious penalties for those infractions.


    What you did for your nephew may have been admirable, and I think you had good intentions. But when dealing with government entities you can not do those things, even if you feel you had a legitimate reason to do so. I wish we had better news for you but this does not look resolvable from an immigration standpoint.


    God speed.

  4. 59 minutes ago, PleaseHelpQuickly said:

    Please answer my question. Can someone sponsor more than 7 people? I have a joint sponsor (she make more than 60k yealry), but she is already sponsoring 7 other people. She makes more than enough to sponsor those people, but I'm worried about the NVC not accepting her as a joint sponsor for my case, since she is already sponsoring so many other people. My last year income was very very bad and I have been claimed too. But this year I will be making approximately 40,000. Any suggestions what would the NVC do to my case? Should I look for another joint sponsor or my current joint sponor is fine? 


    I think we will get an interview date very soon. 

    Yes, the above in bold is a legitimate concern. And I agree with @Crazy Cat that you should consider finding another cosponsor. Even if this cosponsor makes more than enough they can still not be accepted as a cosponsor based on the totality of circumstances.

  5. 13 minutes ago, GinoNiña said:

     Now If I ditched K1 and switch to cr1, it might take me more than 10 months.  I have to think about this real hard. 

    Spousal visas are taking about 18 to 24 months on average. Remember, if you get married, you have to start all over from square one with a spousal visa. They do not add the time from the K1 petition to the spousal petition. You'd be starting over with a new timeline.

  6. 21 minutes ago, GinoNiña said:

    I’m going back there this coming August. Do you know if Rapid visa can help me on this?

    I agree with @Boiler, why not wait until you go in August and get married then? Because even if you did the online marriage now, you can not file anything for her until you go over there and meet her in person which will be in August.




    I-129F applicant

    NOA1 received @03/31/2022


    You do know that once you marry that you would no longer be eligible for that K1 you just filed for? This is extremely important as you will be starting all over with the spousal visa

  7. 6 minutes ago, bigpot38 said:

    Not a formality. I was just referencing the several posts I've seen indicating the K1 has a pretty high approval rating and the scrutiny isn't that bad in the Philippines. I would love to get married and go the CR1 route for several reasons. My question was only a theoretical one; it was if the CR1 was harder to get than the K1, which again, I've been informed is pretty simple to get in the Philippines. 

    I have not seen that claim of CR1s being harder to get than K1s. 



  8. 9 minutes ago, USmann said:

    Contacted the USCIS and received following answer

    "Sadly we would not expedite for that reasoning, as that would not meet our expedite criteria, please review the expedite criteria on our website for further guidance on what meets our criteria"

    Thanks for the update. Not surprising. As already mentioned in this thread, even if your spouse was here they would not be able to work immediately until the acquire the appropriate medical licenses and etc. I personally know an immigrant who was a MD in their home country that came here and it took him a year to get the license for him to start practicing in the state he was in.

  9. 1 hour ago, Prisonmate said:

    Good point. However, everyone's financial situation is different.  I knew the monthly remittance was part of the package. My wife has been the bread winner of her family for a long time. There was no way she would cut off her monthly support of the family. I could afford to support both of us without any of her income.


    1 hour ago, Prisonmate said:

    Yes, she has been feeling the effect of working everyday lately. By chance, her second job working on the weekends has ended. So for now, she will enjoy her weekend to rest. Healthcare is very expensive in the USA but better than what she had in the Philippines. That is another subject I can rant about.

    If you have an agreement where she is able to send the money she makes to her mom then that is good. But there is a reason you are here seeking advice. And it may be because you see the entitlement of your MIL getting worse or that she is ungrateful or that one day the figure may get to a point where you and your wife can't afford. Regardless, something is bothering you to the point where you are seeking advice here so this needs to be a conversation to have with her once you figure it out.


    But one thing I want to point out. Your wife may be working for the money she sends to her mother, but she would not be able to send so much without you paying for both your bills. Do not downplay your role in this by thinking your wife is doing this all by herself. If she did not have you to financially support the household, she would have a difficult time sending her mother that much money. And it also brings to question that if your wife was alone with 2 jobs, her own place, and all bills to pay for herself, would her mother be guilt tripping her into send more money? Not to mention that your wife is feeling the effects of working the 2 jobs. So she is busting her butt to satisfy her mother. And her mother is still acting like it is not enough. The quote I stated about setting yourself on fire to keep others warm was not just for you. 

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