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Everything posted by Pooky

  1. Which will annoy the TDS crowd hoping the EJC and fraud judgements would cause him financial difficulties. 🤣
  2. ‘Tis the season for the obligatory puff pieces, trying to put that glistening shine on the #######-in-chief 😒
  3. Not to be politically correct or anything, but who on earth would want to make financial contributions to that account? And should they be referred to an optician or a psychiatrist? 🤷🏽
  4. The continuing legal exposure seems to be doing his polling numbers the world of good. Probably NOT what the DNC/Never Trumpers envisaged when these balls started rolling. 🤔
  5. All the more reason to elect DJT in November and clean house at the alphabetti-spaghetti deep state in Washington. 😒 Which is precisely why the Washington machine will not allow it to happen.
  6. Both will get appealed and, once they’re out of the heavily-weighted battlegrounds they were tried in, it is to be hoped some semblance of rationality might set in. Especially in the “fraud” case, which represents a victimless crime, the judgement seems designed to either be appealed, or be featured in an episode of Ridiculousness on MTV. 😒
  7. Americans truly believe that the Super Bowl is the greatest sporting event on this planet yet there were more fans at the 2019 Checkatrade Trophy final between two League One clubs 😭😭 https://www.facebook.com/share/p/rPihCdmLNtxzrKC1/?mibextid=WC7FNe
  8. His take on NATO is the same as in his first term. NATO nations pledged to increase defence spending to 2% of GDP, or higher. As far as I know, apart from the USA, only Poland and the UK are honouring that pledge. So I can see his frustration. In his eyes, the other 29 NATO members are happy to rely on the U.S. military to shoulder the financial burden and to bail them out if and when a conflict arises. DJT isn’t the threat to NATO. The other members are.
  9. I do wish the bloody colonials would stop trying to mess with proper English! Inventing new words, because they’re too lazy to accurately define something with the words already in the dictionary, redefining words because their original meaning offends sensibilities and causes temper tantrums, removing the letter “U” from words and not increasing its Scrabble value, etc., etc.
  10. American football is rugby, played by three whole teams of overpaid players to cover skills gaps, with lots of rest breaks, in body armour, helmets and spandex. 😒
  11. Think of it this way. You can rig the votes to make up for a 2 point deficit fairly easily. A 16 point get would look just a little suspect 😎
  12. He’s not crying’ over Biden. He just lost his binky 😒
  13. To prove that the prospective new citizens are smarter than a Fifth-grader?
  14. Not by DJT, he isn’t. Latest side-by-side has Biden trailing by 2 points, well within the margin of error. Against Nikki Haley, however, he’s trailing by 16 points 😳
  15. Rather they were focused on the damage to democracy for preventing the electorate having their say in an election. ironic that, for all their bleating about a DJT presidency destroying democracy, his opponents are the ones trying to circumvent the democratic process. 😒
  16. In a sane world, he wouldn’t. But this is America. 😒
  17. I’d like to see the 49’ers do it just so Mr. Irrelevant can win a Superbowl. 😎 That and Patrick Mahomes has benefitted from other teams self-destructing in the playoffs. This year KC is overrated. Ooh, and Taylor Swift might need new stuff to complain about, rather than dissing her exes 🤣
  18. I thought Jerry Nadler was still in the House of Representatives? 🤔
  19. I’m including: The state of confusion The state of shock The state of indecision The state of my kid’s bedroom The plasma state of matter The state of the Patriots’ offense … and … The State of Independence (the Jon and Vangelis version)
  20. New Jersey is way too high. 😒 Should be at least 57th, if not lower.
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