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Pooky last won the day on July 7

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  1. Incompetence, you say? Hmmm 🤔 Maybe, just not, in this instance, in the manner that you imply.
  2. Anyone in any doubt where a Harris presidency’s priorities will lie in the Middle East need look no further. Jamaal Bowman may just be the start.
  3. No, I wanted the Democrats to nominate Tulsi in 2020. She was the one non-idiot they had running. Infinitely more qualified than Kamala “Kneepads” Harris.
  4. How can the current President of the United States be absent from public view and, apparently, his professional duties for six days, without explanation? This is looking more and more like a case of the Kremlin Flu.
  5. Yet another Catch 22. If he says it’s because he no longer thinks he is able to fulfil the role of President for the next 4 years, then he and his advisors (and the MSM) have been lying to the public. Lack of honesty. Not a good look. If he says it’s for the good of the country and to give the Democrats the best chance to win in November, then he just acted in an authoritarian and undemocratic manner by disregarding the will of the primary voters. This proves that DJT is not the biggest threat to American democracy, the DNC is. Not a good look. If it comes out that he was pressured to stand down as a candidate by Democrat power-brokers, then that exposes the Democrat Party as a complete oxymoron, as democracy will have nothing to do with their candidate, their platform or their whole ethos. Not a good look.
  6. The Democrats own democratic nomination process gave Joe Biden an overwhelming endorsement to run for re-election. Unless the DNC is willing to entertain the idea that everyone who voted for Joe Biden is as cognitively impaired as he is, rather than knowing his deficiencies and voting for him anyway, they just accepted the moniker of “Biggest Actual Threat to Democracy”, not that this was ever in doubt anyway.
  7. I’m not sure she can secure the black vote anyway. Not with her record in CA. She may be the candidate that brings the whole DEI house of cards crashing down. Which would be nice.
  8. The repercussions for doing that would fracture the party. A large number of Democrats aren’t waiting before endorsing her. She was the preferred candidate of the elites in 2020, but she got thoroughly mauled in the primaries. She ended up the DEI VP pick, a back-door way for the elites to get their preferred candidate in a position where the rank and file had less say over any potential nomination. Force her out and the black caucus will turn on them, the women with turn on them, the alphabet mob will turn on them (unless Mayor Pete becomes the chosen one). The DNC convention would end up a bloodbath from which the DNC might never recover. This has the potential to got delightfully ugly.
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