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Everything posted by Pooky

  1. Just 10 degrees? Pah! I would spit on your 10 degrees, but my saliva would freeze in the -7 degree cold, which felt like -25 after factoring in the wind chill 🥶
  2. Good. As soon as they are out of the doors, self-identifying as terrorist sympathisers, lock the doors, shut down their access and hire new people. Problem solved.
  3. And the White House is complaining that Border Patrol can’t do its job, Democrats are complying that Texas is usurping Federal border control, everyone connected with illegal immigration is up in arms. Except the Border Patrol Union. The union for the people on the front line have welcomed the involvement of the Texas National Guard as a force multiplier, helping them do their job. Whimsy be the White House are looking at the wrong job description? 🤔
  4. The basic design is almost 60 years old. Boeing have stretched it and re-engined it twice now, but the original design, especially the ground clearance, has made each upgrade into one giant workaround. Right about now, I bet Boeing wish they had gone for a clean sheet design after the NG series planes.
  5. Bunch of idiots. ”up with liberation, down with occupation” Gaza needed no liberation (from Israel) as they gave it all back in 2005. Now, if they were talking about liberation from Hamas …
  6. The world’s most popular airliner is in trouble again. After Alaska Flight 1282 on Jan 5th lost a “permanently” secured exit hatch on climb out, a number of airlines are grounding the type again due to safety concerns Watch: Inside Alaska Airlines plane after part blows off mid-air https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-67900834 Thankfully this time the flight was still in its initial climb-out, low enough to avoid explosive decompression, with all passengers seated and belted in. Boeing must be thanking their lucky stars this didn’t happen at 38,000 ft. The continuing quality control issues at Boeing must be making the execs at Airbus more than a little happy right now.
  7. As SCOTUS has declined to hear Jack Smith’s motion immediately, his case is almost certain to be delayed, which, in and of itself, is a big win for DJT’s team. The Meese amicus brief (I never knew multiple moose ever went to law school) could be the icing on the cake. If heard directly by SCOTUS, I believe it has a chance to succeed and, if it rules that the Meese argument is correct in its interpretation of the law, not only does Jack Smith’s prosecution fail, but AG Garland’s position would be untenable. Not only that, such a ruling would reinforce the opinion that this was a political hit job. It is likely that every other case against DJT would be tainted by the fallout. A guaranteed outcome would be that DJT’s poll numbers would soar. It’s also possible that the fallout would reach as far as the White House, with Brandon being advised that the writing was on the wall and to withdraw from the 2024 race. The permutations are endless.
  8. I watched 90 seconds of this debate, before reaching my limit or irritation with both of the idiots (idiot is way too kind for the moderator) and changing the channel to re-runs of the X-Files (which make far more sense) 😒
  9. Pick the senator no-one on the D side can go after (sympathy vote) to say the things other vulnerable senators can’t. 😒 Dr.Oz was an idiot, but this guy is unfit for elected office.
  10. Why do the anti-immigration parties have to be labeled as far-right? Because the media need to make you fear the message, and the easiest way to do that is to fear the messenger. What 99% of high-education, low-information voters miss completely, often willfully, is that for all his evil, Hitler was a socialist and that Marxist/Communist/Socialist/Left Wing ideology has resulted in the deaths of far more human beings than Fascism/Right Wing politics. Not that I support the right, being an Independent, but the level of cognitive ignorance in the USA is mind-blowing.
  11. No worries, the UK will make up for it when the Tories get kicked in the nads by voters at the next election.
  12. All of the students involved should be easily identifiable, from the multitude of media resources available. Expel them, arrest them and charge them appropriately. Let them feel real consequences for the privilege of living in a free society, which protects its citizens from racial and political oppression. Oh, sorry, this is in NYC? Fuhgeddaboudit! 😒
  13. No, because there are too many low-information, but allegedly well-educated voters who are demonstrably unable to look past the mainstream media echo chamber at unapproved information sources and apply critical analysis to the larger data baseline to which they would then be exposed. And too many idiots.
  14. Sorry, but Michiganders can be so dumb. it is far better to manufacture stuff locally than import the finished product from China. Not only that. The benefits to the local community from investment in a project like this weigh in at a ratio right around 7:1, which equates to a boost to the local economy of a little over $16bn. Not a sum to be sniffed at. Plus the jobs being created. Likely good paying jobs. And then there’s the tax revenue down the line, which would be substantial. So they vote out the people intending to bring this sizable economic benefit to the locality, simply because of a China connection. Michiganders. Dumb.
  15. Because the bill isolates aid for Israel from the much larger aid package for Ukraine (and the 10% for the big guy). The administration knows that if the two get separated, the Ukraine package will likely not pass in its current form and that can’t risk that.
  16. No. Likely same number of Ukrainians dead, Putin would be a stronger thug (if he’s even still alive). The Baltic states would be next in line and, as they are NATO members, a Europe-wide conflict would be more likely. it may sound callous, but keeping the war in Ukraine reduces the likelihood of a wider, and far more devastating, European conflict. In turn, that reduces the chance that China makes a move on Taiwan, thus cornering the market on high-end microchips (hello TSMC). As a sidebar, the continuing war in Ukraine makes it imperative that the Israelis soundly thrash Hamas, with enough force to deter Hezbollah, the Houthis and the Iranians from joining in the conflict. The IDF needs to ensure that US forces are not committed to operations in the region, so as not to stretch their capabities , but keep them at a high state of readiness. Everything is related, in some way or other.
  17. Charges should be dropped and each party in this enforcement action, including the school, should be sued for everything they have 🤬 This is jackbooted tyranny at its finest.
  18. As with the word insurrection, the media and activists are attempting to redefine the accepted understanding of the word genocide to fit the agenda they wish to see pursued.
  19. The irony is that, given the chance, Hamas terrorists would do the same to them without batting an eyelid. They’re just too stupid to understand.
  20. So, Mike Johnson is the new Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Democrats are howling that he’s a far-Right, MAGA Republican. 🙁 Well, you voted to remove Kevin McCarthy, so live with it. 🤣
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