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Everything posted by MarJhi

  1. The "speed up" they are talking about isn't going to have any effect on your case because you are already 18 months in. Besides, when a government agency talks about speeding up or improving something, they generally are just telling you they want more money to do so. They need to stop talking about goals of doing things in 6 months and instead talk about clearing backlogs starting with the oldest first. Once they get everything cleared up and caught up, then they can talk about their 6 month mumbo jumbo.
  2. I suspect they meant to say a US senator from their state, not "state senator", they just didn't word it properly. A state senator would probably not even respond.
  3. There are other articles out there and quotes from Walker himself. “I have four children. Three sons and a daughter. They’re not ‘undisclosed’ - they’re my kids. I support them all and love them all,” Walker said in a statement to HuffPost Thursday. The article also says he also has very little contact with the youngest, which from the article sounds like the mother prevents him from doing so. She sued for child support, which does not necessarily suggest he didn't want to take responsibility, it could suggest she wanted an outrageous payout. Are you an absentee father if the mother prevents you from being part of their life? Maybe when that 10 year old turns 18 and can make his own decision about having more contact with his father we will see who is to blame. Walker said he reported the four children to the federal government when appointed to the President’s Council on Sports Fitness and Nutrition by Trump in 2018. He reportedly shared with the Daily Beast a copy of the form he filled out for this appointment, which listed the names and ages of all four kids. This doesn't sound like he was hiding anything if he had listed all four children in the past. Sadly it seems people only want to use sources that support their bias. You can find articles that make Walker look like a hypocrite and you can find ones that do not.
  4. I am waiting for that Chupacabra that was over in Amarillo to run for office against a Democrat, it's easy pickins' these days
  5. I wonder if they keep track of who did initiated the withdrawal of the petition? If they did, it would probably look better for her theoretical future petition if she did the withdrawal and not the petitioner.
  6. The word "purchased" is a red flag. How much did you pay for this visa "purchase"? Who is "inputting it from the US", why aren't they helping you, did they vanish after your "purchase"? How did you find this service (or did they find you)?
  7. When you try on a pair of shoes in a store, your "intent" is to buy those shoes assuming they fit, the price is right and you like the way they look on you. "Testing the waters" sounds like intent to me.
  8. I don't think there was an attempt to trivialize anything. "Dear Abby" was/is a very famous advice column focusing on mainly on interpersonal relationships and how to deal with them. Your issues are not an immigration issue, they are an interpersonal relationship issue. My opinion, the problem is not between you and his parents, it's between his parents and him. They aren't changing their mindset, you aren't changing who you are, so he needs to step up and stand up to his parents. Your relationship is probably at the "it's them or me" stage. Good luck
  9. You have nothing to explain to her. Just because she is warped doesn't mean it is your responsibility to straighten her out. The husband needs to stand up to mommy and let her know that in YOUR home that she is the outsider. You two aren't living in her house, she is living in your house, so maybe she is the "illegal" in this scenario.
  10. Hmmm, maybe explain to her if she can deal with traveling to Saudi Arabia then traveling to the US will be a piece of cake. On a side note, show some confidence in your fiancé. If you show her your lack of confidence in her (or if she just senses it) then that will make her even more nervous. I think my fiancé would be quite offended if I suggested she couldn't handle a handful of questions that require nothing but honest answers. You may be wanting to help her, but you might be scaring her unnecessarily. I bet she is a lot more savvy than you are giving her credit for.
  11. I think each location has their own specific types of filings they handle.
  12. I can't answer that question with any authority, we are using an immigration attorney so he handled all of that. But I did find this, maybe it will give a better idea of what happens after you send in your petition. Sounds like the Texas location is just the first step, then it gets sent to California. Understanding I-129F Petition (Fiance Visa) Movements Around the Nation | Fickey Martinez Law Firm
  13. Get rid of the lizard and bring back the Caveman and I will let GEICO off the hook.
  14. I was under the impression that all I-129f's went through the California Service Center, so I looked it up just now. According to the chart the CSC does 129f's K1, K2, K3 and K4 and the Texas Service Center only does I-129f's K3 and K4. Service Center Forms Processing | USCIS
  15. Just In: US to End Covid-19 Test Requirement for Incoming International Air Travelers (thegatewaypundit.com) well, it's a start
  16. Our NOA1 was received in late July 2021, we are on day 319, not expecting anything until around day 400 which seems to be about the average wait at the moment. I hate to tell you, but the whole process is closer to 2 years right now, depending on your beneficiary's country maybe a year and a half if you are lucky. Be patient. When we started our process, the estimated NOA2 date for us was in March, we blew past that. Now I know the reality is probably in September.
  17. Invest about $10 on some bright colored, neoprene luggage handle covers in some bright colors. I bought some for my last trip in a flourescent green because my luggage looks the same as everyone else's. When it came time to get my bags at the luggage carousel in the airport I could spot my bags from a mile away. I found those on Amazon and it was definitely worth the $10.
  18. Search "Luggage sets" on Macy's website, not individual pieces. I got a 4 piece set on there once for under $150. It wasn't a high end brand but it survived a couple of trips to and from the Philippines with no issues. I fill one of the big pieces with gifts and then leave the suitcase behind for my fiancé to use when she eventually gets to come to the US. I won't spend a ton on a fancy suitcase because however nice it looks when its brand new, it only takes one flight for it to get scuffed and scratched up.
  19. Yeah, that is the thing you said that I wasn't going to mention. An application that is 4 or 5 times bigger than a typical one could take 4 or 5 times longer to go through, eating up time that could spent on others.
  20. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer about how many pages is too many, but I think of it from the standpoint of the USCIS worker who has to dig through one packet that has 30 pages and another that has hundreds of pages. As long as they can find the information from you they are looking for then that's all that matters.
  21. I was scared of getting an RFE too, any delay in the process, especially because of a mistake I personally made or something I omitted is my biggest fear. Today is day 317 waiting for NOA2.
  22. Yup, but I remember maybe a month ago someone on here sent in theirs with 400 pages, so by comparison this one is dreamy.😁
  23. In my trips to the Philippines, my experience is that the number of people trying to scam me was extremely low. And among the very few who did try to get one over on me, which was usually a taxi driver, they were trying to over charge me by 20 pesos at most. I am NOT going to get in a heated confrontation in someone else's country where I am the outsider over what amounts to 40 cents, you cannot win in those scenarios and it's not worth it. I only had one guy attempt to scam me out of an amount of any significance from a guy at a mall but you could see him coming a mile away. And he was extremely persistent, it wasn't easy to get rid of him but eventually he gave up. Another encounter was at the Museum of Natural History in Rizal Park. I was alone that day because my fiancé was working, so I went to check it out. This was another thing I read about before going. There was a guy (the boss) around 30 years old in the park with 4 kids, all boys between the ages of 8-10 years old. While I was waiting for the museum to open, he would send a boy up the steps where I was waiting and have that boy ask for money. When I said no to the first boy, he would just walk away, then he would send the next boy and the next, each becoming more and more aggressive than the one before. Then he sent the last kid who was extremely aggressive, he would not take no for an answer and yelled "you have money, I know you have money, give me money". I think the goal was to make a scene so that I would get embarrassed and give some money. Anyway, luckily the museum opened and the security guards came out and chased them away. Rizal park had a lot of homeless people and I worried that if I dug into my pocket to give money to those kids that I would be inundated by other people.
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