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    TBoneTX got a reaction from ineedadisplayname in Passport expiring in June 2025   
    Welcome to the forum.
    One possible solution is for her to renew her passport now, so she'd have her fresh one in hand when the interview occurred.
  2. Like
    TBoneTX got a reaction from Nous Eb in (Master Thread) 2024 Election Strategies, Issues, & Candidates [merged threads]   
    This was unexpected.  A step in the right direction.
    BREAKING:  Pennsylvania Court Ruling a Massive Election Integrity Win on Mail-In Ballots
    Remember during the 2020 elections, when several blue states (including the commonwealth of Pennsylvania) rewrote on the fly the laws about how, when, and where mail-in ballots (AKA vote by mail) would be counted?  It led to many voters becoming jaded and distrustful of a system that had been considered one of the most honest and free to hold elections in the world.
    Courts ended up striking down those revised laws, and now we have news of a massive win for election integrity on mail-in ballots by the state Supreme Court in one of those states--the Keystone state of Pennsylvania:  [...]
  3. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to Ban Hammer in Politics of Petulance (title renamed to match original post)   
    from October 8, 2010.............

  4. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to Demise in VAWA, Part 27   
    I-360: $0
    I-485: $0
    I-765: $0
    I-131: $0
    I-864W: $0
    I-693: $0 to file, civil surgeon will charge you for the medical exam
    Fee schedule can be found here, and while the fee hikes here and there have been a net negative basically all VAWA forms are free now. Only exception being N-400 and I-290B. Everything else: waivers like I-601, I-601A, I-212 and any related forms like renewal/replacement I-765/I-131, I-751, or I-824 are also free.
  5. Haha
    TBoneTX got a reaction from Nous Eb in (Master Thread) 2024 Election Strategies, Issues, & Candidates [merged threads]   
    RFK Jr. Really Really Hoping Nobody Asks Him Point Blank If He's Ever Eaten A Cat
    [...] "They taste delicious," one anonymous source claimed to have heard RFK Jr. say.  "Unfortunately, there are things from my wild youth that I don't want to get out."  [...]
  6. Like
    TBoneTX got a reaction from OldUser in Bringing infant to the USA (Merged threads)   
    The OP has received the advice that can be offered here, and tension among participants is increasing, so this thread is now closed (topic is not to be restarted or resumed elsewhere).  The OP is welcome to consult attorneys, many of whom might offer initial consultations for free or cheap.
    Thanks to everyone for their participation.
    VJ Moderation
  7. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to Dashinka in Politics of Petulance (title renamed to match original post)   
    We don’t really have a two party system though.  We have a DC insider group that is made of elite Democrats and Republicans, and people like you that support them.  Why do you think the Neocons like the Cheney’s and Bush’s support Kamala, it is not about her ability to be President, she has established she has no ability.  It is her ability to step aside and allow the bureaucracy to maintain their control.  It is no different than the bureaucracy that controlled the USSR, and controls Russia, and  China.  I know, you fully support the establishment in DC and are happy with them controlling everything, whatever, the DC establishment has proven they cannot be trusted.
  8. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to Demise in VAWA, Part 27   
    Priority date has to be current as per the "dates for filing" table or just current in general in order to file I-485. Aside for a I-526 (and maybe some EB-4s since there's like 30 of them) you don't need the petition in question to be approved first and can file while its pending.
    Currently the dates for filing dates for F2A are like 3 months back. So in theory you could file an F2A I-130 or I-360 and then a few months later file I-485 once the chart catches up.
    In this case if an I-130 was filed then the I-360 can inherit the priority date even if the petition was denied, withdrawn, or revoked, make sure to attach a copy of the receipt or some other information to help track it down and file I-485 concurrently with the I-360.
  9. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to Family in VAWA, Part 27   
    Getting an apartment will be nice and is a great long term plan…BUT you indicated you are bruised so just walk away to safety…to a friend or to a FREE women’s DV shelter .  Don’t fool yourself into thinking’ he’s not that bad..’ things can go nuclear very fast when you least expect it. 
    The DV shelter will also provide you w free legal help .

    The I-485 just asks you to check basis of VAWA and submit info on I-130. You can add a simple sentence to claim priority date of xyz from I-130 case # abc on the last page of the I-485. 
    ‘’Since you are filing concurrent only one set of supporting docs needed. So your B/C,marriage cert ,  proof of entry that are part of your I-360 will suffice. The I-360 should of course have documentation of abuse, victim statement, abusers LPR status, joint life evidence, your good moral character/police clearance letters .
    So I-765 is C-09 when filed w I-485
    You can look over Fee Waiver guidelines for I-485/I-765 and even I-131.
  10. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to Ban Hammer in Recovering from the journalism crisis:  Reporters need to learn to apologize   
    would not surprise me given the frequency democrats are busted for plagiarism.
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    TBoneTX reacted to Nous Eb in (Master Thread) 2024 Election Strategies, Issues, & Candidates [merged threads]   
    Democrats also want people to forget exactly that, that the United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. "Donald Trump is a threat to our Democracy". I think I heard that phrase thousands of times by now. IT'S NOT A DEMOCRACY!! As if anyone would want 2 wolves and a sheep voting what's for dinner. 
  12. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to Ban Hammer in Politics of Petulance (title renamed to match original post)   
    it is becoming more clear now with revelations about the deck being stacked against trump.  read other threads for more info.
  13. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to Dashinka in Politics of Petulance (title renamed to match original post)   
    So what you are saying is I am like you?  Kind of condescending, and sort of a cop out, as I like to look at all sides which is one of the reasons I participate in this thread considering you rarely participate in other threads related to how Old Corrupt Petulant Joe and KK are doing.  I will admit, it is a good thing to get many viewpoints before making a decision, I got quite a few from overseas during my visits, and it was interesting how many folks in Korea and Singapore recognize the way the Democrats have become the party of the elite.  Regardless, Kamala has yet to define herself policy wise, and in fact used the policies of Old Corrupt Joe finally on her website.  She is the sitting VeeP, and still in office with some level of power and yet she simply makes promises of what she will do if she wins, why not do something now?  Why not actually talk to unfriendly media?  She is an empty shell, and yes, my life was better under Trump than under Biden/Harris.
    I watched it over again and factored in the erroneous fact checking the moderators were doing.  Pretty simple and why teams watch game films.
  14. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to j26 in One way plane ticket significantly more expensive than return...will a return be okay?   
    I flew with British Airways and I cancelled the return leg a couple of days after I landed. I didn’t have to pay any fees, however I didn’t get any refund at all (which I knew would happen)
    I also kept my cancellation confirmation email just in case! 
  15. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to usmsbow in Horror stories at POE with K-1   
    If you've been reading horror stories about K1 visa holders trying to enter the USA, you must be seeking them out and putting in a lot of effort to find them. Visa denial stories are common, but denied entry?? I won't say it never happens, but it's very close to that.
    If you've been reading horror stories about entering the USA (and not specifically K1), then stop reading them :). People that tend to have horror stories entering the USA are foolish and/or are in situations that are not like yours whatsoever.
  16. Like
    TBoneTX got a reaction from Hope4me in VAWA, Part 27   
    Here it is:
    If it's confusing, you might post questions about it there.  People will answer.
  17. Haha
    TBoneTX got a reaction from Ban Hammer in 5 Weeks Into Homeschooling, Parents Google 'Military Boarding Schools'   
    5 Weeks Into Homeschooling, Parents Google 'Military Boarding Schools'
    CEDAR RAPIDS, IA — A local couple reached an important milestone in the homeschool education of their children today as they found themselves Googling 'military boarding schools.'

    Barely more than a month after excitedly embarking on what they expected to be a challenging but rewarding experience of homeschooling their four kids, Gary and Becky Starnes had been met with a cold dose of harsh reality, leading them to search the internet for military boarding schools nearby.

    "It's this, or we go mouth-frothingly insane," Gary whispered to his wife as they scanned the Google results.  [...]
  18. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to Ryan H in Legal help for foreign spouse with old conviction history   
    I now understand why other lawyers have said no, this situation falls under the Adam Walsh Act.  Overcoming this is next to nil.
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    TBoneTX reacted to Ontarkie in Legal help for foreign spouse with old conviction history   
    I would not do anything else until you contact one the two lawyers mentioned in this thread. Both of these lawyers are straight shooters. They will tell you if it is possible. Laurel Scott I think is retired but the firm is still going and can tell you one way or another. 
    The clean slate is good to go after but just remember it will not make it like it never happened fo US immigration. It will still need to be mentioned and have the court records submitted. 
    I don't know why the other lawyers said no way. It could be out of their wheelhouse or they it's because they know more then us. Regardless contact the two listed above and they should give you the honest truth, if your spouse is eligible for a waiver. 
  20. Like
    TBoneTX reacted to Crazy Cat in Recovering from the journalism crisis:  Reporters need to learn to apologize   
    Debate moderator Linsey Davis, Kamala Harris both Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority members (nypost.com)
  21. Like
    TBoneTX got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Recovering from the journalism crisis:  Reporters need to learn to apologize   
    Can anyone refute these arguments?
    Debate Moderators Bringing Up J6 But Not Trump Assassination Attempt Tells You Everything About Media Corruption
    Why would the debate moderators ask about Democrats inciting a would-be assassin when they can just keep recycling the lie that Trump incited a violent mob?  [...]
  22. Like
    TBoneTX got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Israel Declares 'Readiness for War' After Hamas Launches Rocket Barrage, Infiltration   
    See the list of UNRWA employees who were also Hamas jihadis.
    IDF Killed Hamas Terrorists.  At Least 3 Jihadis Were UN Employees.
    The United Nations frenziedly condemned a new Israel Defense Forces (IDF) strike as one of Israel's "dramatic violations of international humanitarian law."  The problem is that the UN workers killed were also Hamas terrorists.
    The UN and many other organizations and governments love to emphasize that the IDF strikes schools and "aid workers."  What they are not telling you is that Hamas jihadis have long used schools and other "civilian" buildings in Gaza as terrorist bases and that the "aid workers" almost always turn out to be active terrorists.  That appears to be the case once again with the IDF strike this week, where at least three UNRWA "workers" killed were Hamas jihadis.  [...]
  23. Like
    TBoneTX got a reaction from Crazy Cat in Recovering from the journalism crisis:  Reporters need to learn to apologize   
    Ah, here!
    Who Rigged the Debate for Kamala?  Her Best Friend and Her Sorority Sister
    [...] ABC News never mentioned it on debate night, but this video making the rounds on Thursday reveals that Davis was asked about their bond on the day Harris was sworn in.  [...]
    There was no disclaimer, either, for the fact that the woman who oversees ABC News is Kamala Harris's best friend, Dana Walden.  [...]
  24. Haha
    TBoneTX got a reaction from Nous Eb in (Master Thread) 2024 Election Strategies, Issues, & Candidates [merged threads]   
    Breaking:  If Elected Trump Promises To Create A Derogatory Slur For Canadians
    PALM BEACH, FL — In an announcement political analysts said was sure to earn the support of many undecided voters, former President Donald Trump promised to create a derogatory slur for Canadians.

    Trump's latest campaign pledge came on the eve of the highly anticipated debate against Vice President Kamala Harris, with Trump making a clear play to boost his popularity even further by vowing to unveil an epithet designed specifically to target America's neighbors up north.

    "It'll be the biggest, most beautiful slur anyone has ever heard," Trump said in the announcement.  [...]
  25. Like
    TBoneTX got a reaction from Darth Andrew in CR1/K1 Non-violent/non-drug related criminal record.   
    An excellent firm to hire to help you decide and to navigate the process is one of our VJ partners:
    I have no conflict of interest in suggesting this avenue.
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