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  1. Haha
    Jinky&Bob reacted to JeanneAdil in From vaccines to testing: What travelers need to know before the new US travel system launches on Nov. 8   
    sorry but all i  got when vaccinated was an index card with information / plain old paper index card
    with today's computers and printers it would be easy to do a fake one
    there was a 16 year old that lost his job at McDonald's and copied the logo from a food bag and made out fake paychecks for himself to the tune of over $5000 before  he was caught 
    we can do anything on a computer 
    so, how do i really know the people around me are really vaccinated ?    i will keep wearing a mask 
  2. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to nykolos in Omicron Covid Variant and US Immigration Impact Thoughts?   
    IMO.. Omicron is a blessing in disguise, it's the most mild variant to date and it transmits the easiest and the fastest,  which means it will dominate, CDC already announced today that it's become the dominate.. Were well on our way out of this pandemic and into a endemic, fully treatable with therapeutics that will soon be on the market, but expect a long wait if you want it, the old dunce in the White House was asleep at the switch.
  3. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to JoBri in Proud of my Air Force wife   
    When my wife got here, she mopped rooms in a hospital for a job. In December she will become a Captain in the US Air Force. She is a nurse.  She was awarded 2 new medals today, for taking care of active duty COVID patients

  4. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Joe Kano in Travelling to the Philippines   
    You still have to stay in a "authroized" quarantine hotel for 10 days, and you still have to take a COVID test.
    The Philippines is still making money off this, Corruption at it's finest
  5. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Talako in Illegals Coming in on the Southern Border   
    Indirectly calling me a racist because I don't accept your occupier dogma should get you a vacation from this site.
    However, they are pretty liberal around here, so they may lower the bar for you.
  6. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Talako in Illegals Coming in on the Southern Border   
    I realize that you have a sense of entitlement based on "finders keepers," but if your unhappy here, may I suggest that you hump back across the Bering strait to your homeland.
    You have already threated parking lot violence for opposing views, so I'll stick to my original observation.
    So much hate.
  7. Haha
    Jinky&Bob reacted to andrewfromdenver in Illegals Coming in on the Southern Border   
    hate? am i the one targeting those south of the border and blaming them for my current situation while concurrently being a squatter? if you cant see the irony of this then you need to do some serious soul searching..... wanna talk hate? why dont you step up and defend them then?
    hey dont blame me......the topic of "south of the border illegals" in the PHILIPPINES section of this forum shows someone needs someone to blame
    you wanna blame somebody? leave the south of the border peeps alone and write your congressman and write duterte.......it probably wont get you far but its at least facing the right direction
  8. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to RO_AH in Illegals Coming in on the Southern Border   
    I am Mexican American and sorry, your heritage gives you no right to speak for me. My family comes from west Texas, it was once Mexicoand now it is America. You are taking this thread way off topic. How this country became America is irrelevant to the fact that this is America and we have laws. We have a legal process for immigration and everyone here is following that process. My wife just finished an almost 3 month medical exam process to allow her to come here. Did anyone that came in illegally do that? I had to collect mountains of documentation to support who she is and our case for immigration. I had to submit 30 pages of documents to file for CRBA's for my 2 sons citizenship. I have paid a lot of money in fees and waited almost 3 years to have my wife and children with me. I have to prove the ability to financially support my wife for 10 years from her arrival. But according to you I should be welcoming and accommodating to those who have total contempt for our laws and come across without doing anything that I just mentioned above. Usually they have no money to their name or identification. Who will support them? How do we even know who they are? It is a known fact that many are victims of human and sex trafficking. It is known that many are bringing in deadly drugs which are killing off Americans. The ones affected the most are in poor, minority communities. So with all of that said you are entitled to your opinion but you do not speak for me as a native American. 
  9. Haha
    Jinky&Bob reacted to andrewfromdenver in Illegals Coming in on the Southern Border   
    i understand the frustration......i am going through it too
    but read the thread...thats not where the direction of the thread was headed....starting with the title
    all i see on this thread are a bunch of squatter illegal immigrants complaining bout and blaming my south of the border half cousins....who i maintain have more of a claim here than any of you for the "right" that one illegal immigrant squatter person in particular called a privilege like a dangling carrot .....hell i live in my own homelands and get told to go back where i came from all the time......and to speak english before i even open my mouth!!! or if i do something wrong people want to know my legal status is as a citizen because i happen to have a spanish surname like most southwestern injuns do.
    all your ancestors either came here by conquest and thievary.....or the back of it when immigration was as easy as securing passage and getting processed at ellis island in a time when immigration was MUCH easier........maybe all you bilagaana need to be deported and made to re-enter by todays immigration laws with us redfaces deciding who can be here or not.......better yet how about we go to europe and decides who can enter any of those countries. lets see how easy it is.....
    i am not confrontational......but when i see this kind of talk you bet i stand up....this kind of talk in the real world would result in a invitation to the parking lot and 275 lbs of big ndn and 35yrs of boxing experience all over your azz
    but i am not trying to talk s***, i just want to some of you to think of what you are saying ......you may not like what is happening at southern border...but NONE of it affects your situation.....i understand the jealousy and frustration of them gettng away with what you waited patiently for....but what i dont understand is the low key hatred, the ridiculous attempts to tie it to the democratic party or the smug sense of entitlement when you yourselves dont even belong here....check yourself
    because whether you like it or not.....this country never belonged to you...this HEMISPHERE never belonged to you......so behave as a good GUEST because that is all you are....and this country is getting more and more diverse......and more than that....it is getting DARKER.....you dont have to like it......but its a fact...... i suggest if you do hate "illegals" that much that you move into a continent somewhere else......might i suggest europe?
  10. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Joe Kano in Illegals Coming in on the Southern Border   
    Yes, it feels like a knife to back for all of us who played by the rules
  11. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Talako in Illegals Coming in on the Southern Border   
    Note my name.  How much Native American blood is required to live in your world?
  12. Haha
    Jinky&Bob reacted to andrewfromdenver in Illegals Coming in on the Southern Border   
    not sure if i like the direction this conversation is going...and im a kind of a noobie
    the disdain for immigrants who have more of a claim to be here than your grandparents
    i am southern ute/taos pueblo.... those may not be my people but they are like "half-cousins".....do not let the system that is disappointing you  harden your heart towards another populace out of anger and frustration
    first of all illegal immigrants cant vote and dont vote....regardless of what the MAGA crowd tells you....and it takes a few generations for them to start voting......and that does not mean they will vote a certain way or another.....look at cuban immigrants of the 70s....how do their grandchildren vote? surprised many people didnt it?
    when you say they take up "our" resources and benefits that means also my place to speak since you say "our"
    truth is we are owed TRILLIONS in backrent and still getting screwed.....the largest legal debt the usa has but largely ignored and not even factored in politics, budgets ect ect ect....none of you are legit citizens until you pay up....up to that point you are the equivalent of generational squatting
    so until you all pay backrent or show proof of enrollment in a legit federally recognized tribe maybe its good that you all personally have no sway over outcomes of immigrants you show contempt for yet you so eagerly await sleeping with immigrants who an not any less of immigrants as those you show disdain for....if you can make sense of that
    sorry....i aint trying to get banned and know i am newbie.... but i dont let this stuff slide either.......EVER!!!
    maiku' tog'oiak
    prayers and smoke
    from a REAL american
  13. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to PWB in Illegals Coming in on the Southern Border   
    No surprise that those who come here legally and have endured this most invasive and costly process are disrespected by the very government that made the rules for them and then allows the rules to be broken by illegal migrants.
  14. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to kzielu in Owning a fire arm as a conditional PR   
    You probably want to research the law when or before you buy your firearm (not from citizenship point of view since there is no question you can legally own it) but so you don't commit a felony.
    Concealed carry has literally zero to do with military training and allows your to carry concealed weapon - which for example means gun in the glovebox in the car (depending on a state law). You also may want to research (and they will tell you that on a CCW permit class - hopefully) where you may not carry your gun ever regardless of the permit (school, churches, federal buildings, being drunk with it - depends on a state law - but that will make you a felon if caught and exclude from citizenship). And most importantly - learn how to safely use it, don't just buy it.
  15. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Rocio0010 in Owning a fire arm as a conditional PR   
    Thank you for your insight!!! I will enroll in a training class, and also my husband is going to train me as well!
  16. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Loren Y in Owning a fire arm as a conditional PR   
    My wife is an LPR currently, removing conditions this October. She actually got her CCW before she had her green card with no issues. I added her on one of my firearms as a joint owner so she could carry it. Since she received her green card she has purchased her own firearm with no issues, and there should be no issues down the line. And as other posters have said, the 8 hour CCW course ( 4 hours classroom/4 hours range time ( You only fire 40 rounds) as it is set here in Nevada) is a far cry from any military training. I personally agree the amount of training for the CCW is way to minimal, but better than nothing. If you do get a firearm and decide to carry it, I can't stress enough... Train, Train, and Train some more.
  17. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Boiler in Owning a fire arm as a conditional PR   
    CCP certainly in my State is highly recommended, now a friend taught the course and was well above the minimum.
    Also look at Hunters Ed
  18. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Crazy Cat in Owning a fire arm as a conditional PR   
    Under current law, buying a firearm does not pose a problem for citizenship.  I am not aware of any state which requires a Concealed Carry permit just to purchase.  However, check your state law for requirements to purchase and to carry.  
  19. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Joe Kano in The Curse of St. Lukes   
    Love me some Ted Cruz
    He has called out Biden for letting thousands and thousand of illegal aliens come into Texas with no medical, no Covid Testing.  Just welcome to the USA and enjoy it here
  20. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to PWB in The Curse of St. Lukes   
    A Philippine hospital was not the issue.  The Embassy requiring another physical when one was just completed less than a week ago was the issue.  Senator Ted Cruz understood the problem and got it done.
  21. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Rocio0010 in Sign Petition to stop Calling Foreigners as Aliens in USA   
    Oh wow. Did you get called a slave? 
    Why are you comparing the two terms?
  22. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Boiler in Sign Petition to stop Calling Foreigners as Aliens in USA   
    I object to being called a non citizen, just because you are not a US Citizen
    You are still a Citizen. just of somewhere else.
    Perhaps I need to start a petition.
  23. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to dbLA in Sign Petition to stop Calling Foreigners as Aliens in USA   
    The only thing alien to me is someone who wants to have a life in the US but offended by such a small thing, I was an Alien for years and never thought about the word once, 
  24. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Comic in Sign Petition to stop Calling Foreigners as Aliens in USA   
    If this is the most important thing you find in life to complain about when it’s come to the immigration process, then you my friend have been living a good life 😂 
  25. Like
    Jinky&Bob reacted to Scandi in Sign Petition to stop Calling Foreigners as Aliens in USA   
    I think some people just have to find something to be offended by and protest against to find purpose in life. 
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