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Posts posted by Puneetashley

  1. 18 hours ago, Trafton said:

    I live in Thailand and returned to visit the US with my gf for vacation. She is Thai with a tourist visa. At the airport, they accused her of lying about the trip and banned her for 5 years. She did not lie about visiting and even had a return ticket. We are very baffled and confused as to what happened. The lady at immigration was extremely set on sending her back. I went into this situation naive and didn't know this could happen. What a wake up call. 


    Is there any way to fix this?  We are both heartbroken. She was going to my sister's wedding and we really wanted to see my nephew. We had planned this for months. 

    5 year ban is big thing. People who get 5 year ban mostly who worked in usa while having tourist visa or other big things. There is no way they give 5 year ban just because she was lying. I see so many people get refused entry if they have spouse ,fiance or boyfriend. Is there something else too you want to share with us. 

  2. 46 minutes ago, sweetk328 said:

    My point exactly!  The odd thing is the platform is designed for people that are going through the legal immigration system which is a difficult journey own its own! I would assume the users here are also going through the same journey or they would not have joined,  so they should be aware of the stress it causes, a lot of the answers, not only on this question but the platform itself, receive ALOT of unnecessary Bs... say less and answer the question, but it seems people find it necessary to throw in their 2 cents, which frankly doesn't matter to the user, I'm sure. A question needs an answer, how hard is that ? Not their personal option on what may or may not have been disclosed. Weather they agree or disagree, like really ...get a life or better yet, stick to your own immigration troubles and stay of out others. 

    Please read carefully what we are talking about here. Op started this post mentioning her ex-husband and his girlfriend has a fake relationship. She belongs to poor country with no water and she's using him for green card. All I said is do not judge anyone base on there country or living condition. She can ask question without bringing her ex husband girlfriend living condition. Sweetk328 stop defending someone who judge people on there living condition. And please I don't even have time for your posts. Best of luck.

  3. 1 hour ago, sweetk328 said:

    Not sure you read her question well? She did get the green card, which you asked and she already answered. I would assume the reason she discussed her ex's personal life is because its an important factor to the case. How does she know the new girlfriend is using him, not really something we need to be concerned with, she has posted a question asking for assistance, I would assume she did not include her whole life experiences with him, perhaps she knows something we do not.  Simple answer would be as you said her green card is safe. 

    Ohhh do you have any idea what she talking about here??? Read her post carefully before judging my post. She saying women who doesn't have water in her country and poor living condition must obviously using her ex husband for green card. I am asking again how does she know she's using him. So did she used her ex-husband for green card too. They got divorce pretty fast.  Because apparently  we are judging people here on there country and poor living conditions. Let her husband do whatever with new girlfriend it has no affect on op.

  4. 18 hours ago, brendaaa said:

    So my relationship with my husband didn't work and we got a divorce, I received my GC about a year and a a half ago,  it's been a few months since the divorce was finalized and now he has a new girlfriend that lives in Colombia, they met online.

    He want's to marry her and bring her here, the girl is obviously trying to use him to get a green card but he can't see it, she has no internet or running water in her house, she lives in some poor rural area, has no job, and basically no life there.

    He is saying he will be telling that he met her while we were still married and that I used him to get a GC, this is obviously not true, but he want's to throw me under the bus to get what he wants.

    Can this hurt me? I have a 10 year GC.

    What happens if they suspect that their marriage is fake, will this come haunting me?

    How do you know the girl is using him. Didn't you got the green card? Why you are bringing your husband personal life here. Your green card is safe.

  5. 10 hours ago, Vaqar Malik said:

    I make a mistake to post my status i didn't get any advice i didn't get any positivity from any single member. I will remind you everyone this is my right to marry anyone no can blame me . And i will delete my post because not any other member will disappointed because of you guyz comments.thank you

    Please don't say that nobody helped you. Everyone here to help. People here on visajourney help with every single question. Our admins are so great here and always ready to help. They gave you fully advice on your case. They preparing you for your interview and the CO going to ask you same questions. You should be thankful to everyone instead of saying nobody helped you.

  6. Okay so traveling in pregnancy is highly risk during covid. My us citizen wife living with me in India and we submitted our i130 from India. In 2020 my wife was pregnant in India and gave birth during the whole pendemic and than we applied our son crba and got his us citizen and passport. Recently found out she pregnant again and we have to go through this all over again while waiting on my cr1 visa and this lockdown. It is probably best if you guys stay in India and finish your process and have the baby here. It wasn't that hard or scary delivering and going to doctor appointment. Be safe if you have more questions message me.

  7. Yeah guys they accepted i130 fees through credit card. But now we are at NVC stage and they are not accepting NVC fees from credit card. They want money from u.s bank. Which we are doing so hope everything goes well. But still Thankyou so much for replying guys. 

  8. Hello people so we are at NVC stage and my us citizen wife living with me overseas. So in 2019 her income was 0 she didn't work. But she filed her tax as a single. For 2020 she filed joint but separately. So we are explaining at NVC she did a mistake in 2019 tax but we are fixing it when my itin number comes in so she can apply 1040x form. Would it be alright? And the main sponser is my wife brother who got everything.

  9. Hello people so me and my wife got approved from USCIS. Next step is NVC so my wife brother is sponsoring me. My wife also need to fill i864 so does she have to write me as household member? We have a son he's also a u.s citizen. So her brother writing me household member. Help plzzz

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