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Everything posted by beloved_dingo

  1. Honestly you will get different responses from different people on this. It seems like people with plenty of evidence have no problem getting approved with quarterly bank statements. I sent every monthly statement just for my own piece of mind. If you have a lot of financial co-mingling I think you'll be good either way.
  2. Unfortunately this is normal, as in "normal for USCIS", not what should be normal. Then there are people that never seen that update and one day it just changes to "card is being produced". It makes no sense. I hope you hear something soon!
  3. I'd call that a win One less thing to worry about while ROC is processing.
  4. Each person applying for a tourist visa must apply separately and will be approved or denied on their own merits. Your travel history works in your favor to get another tourist visa once yours expires, but no one can tell you for sure if the applications for your husband and baby will be approved. Has your husband ever been to the US or traveled to another country before that required a visa? Has he ever been denied entry to a country? Does he have any U.S. relatives? The only way to know for sure is to apply. If I were your husband, I would go ahead any apply for the tourist visa and see how it goes.
  5. I would argue that it is with reasonable cause due to the short term nature of the change AND the fact that they will be returning to their current address. You honestly think OP would get deported for not updating USCIS of an address they stayed at for 12 weeks while their address on file was still their permanent address? I am ABSOLUTELY NOT advocating a "criminal act", I am saying the law is not remotely clear in how it applies to the OP's situation and my interpretation of the law is that it would not apply to their situation. Clearly you interpret it differently.
  6. In this case, it's not just about how long OP will be working out of state. It's the fact that they are still maintaining their permanent address, their spouse is still living at the permanent address, and they are returning to that address after 12 weeks. I think you also have to consider the spirit of which the AR-11 is intended and it's purpose. OP isn't trying to duck the rules and avoid having USCIS know where they are. Their current address will still be valid. Plenty of people travel for work and have temporary living arrangements while they work out of town, that doesn't magically change their residential address.
  7. I personally wouldn't trust USCIS with an address change in this situation. They are notoriously bad about processing address changes as it is, and filing 2 different AR-11s in a 12 week span could mean them using the wrong address down the line. If your permanent address isn't changing and your partner will be at the old address for the 12 week period, what is the purpose of updating? You would still want mail to go to your home, correct? Also, if you are going home on your off days, even less reason to change addresses.
  8. We mailed our I-751 2 days after the window opened. Double check the date you are eligible to file and mail it on that date or after (not worth the risk to mail it early - it will get rejected if it is even a day too soon). You do not submit a new affidavit of support. Not sure where you are seeing this, but the I-864 they already have on file is still in effect. Here is a post I made with our cover letter and everything we sent: https://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/773554-november-2021-roc-filers/?do=findComment&comment=10566777 Also yes those that went through AOS seem to get their interviews waived. Biometrics is usually waived as well but you do still have to include the biometric fee + filing fee when sending your packet.
  9. That's wonderful news! So sorry for your wife's loss, but I hope this gives her some peace of mind.
  10. If his current income is sufficient, he shouldn't need a joint sponsor. But if for some reason you did decide to be a joint sponsor, there is very little risk to you but there's no way to say that the risk is absolutely zero. However, the I-864 doesn't apply to an emergency room bill. How does that involve public assistance? If you're going to make a decision either way, you need to understand the actual obligation. The I-864 lays it out pretty clearly: The submission of this affidavit may make the sponsored immigrant ineligible for certain Federal, state, or local means-tested public benefits, because an agency that provides means-tested public benefits will consider your resources and assets as available to the sponsored immigrant when determining his or her eligibility for the program. If the immigrant sponsored in this affidavit does receive one of the designated Federal, state or local means-tested public benefits, the agency providing the benefit may request that you repay the cost of those benefits. That agency can sue you if the cost of the benefits provided is not repaid. Not all benefits are considered as means-tested public benefits. See Form I-864P, Poverty Guidelines, for more information on which benefits are covered by this definition. Regardless of all of this, if you aren't comfortable being a sponsor, you should not feel pressured to say yes.
  11. We are going to do it. My husband is eligible to apply on 10/31/22. We're not in a rush but will probably apply by the end of the year.
  12. There is a ton of bias on both sides and it just keeps getting worse. It concerns me more than just about anything else going on the U.S. today.
  13. Can you not get another similarly paying job? Assets will be irrelevant if you start a new position and still meet/exceed the income requirements.
  14. It's extremely hard to be objective about this. I disagree with you, but that is based on my own experience and the environment I am in (left-leaning in a very red state). Neither of us can see the forest for the trees.
  15. I think they were trying to say that USCIS doesn't automatically take a USC's claim of fraud at face value because there have been cases where the USC uses threats of deportation as leverage to abuse/control/manipulate the immigrant. Doesn't appear the case in this instance but OP would need more than just his vague suspicions to cause USCIS to investigate his wife.
  16. That is not true, it is pretty standard for spouses that make considerable more money to pay spousal support or alimony to a dependent spouse regardless of expensive lawyers or gender, however in OP's case he will have a harder time because the marriage is short. Regardless, it is likely that a judge would at least enter a pendente lite order stating that the marital bills must be paid fairly, so the wife would have to contribute to rent again (and pay towards past due bills, etc.) in that case. Judges do not take kindly to one spouse refusing to pay bills or contribute to the marital estate during the pendency of a divorce, so it looks even worse that she stopped paying/contributing before a divorce was even filed. (I worked in family law for 5 years)
  17. I don't think so, but I don't know enough about consulates there to give you specific info. If you go to the portal section at the top of the page you can search for your country, such as Estonia or Latvia, to get more specific info. Additionally, the regional forum may be helpful to you as well: https://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/95-europe-amp-eurasia-except-the-uk-and-russia/
  18. Same-sex relationship is not an issue - I do understand your concern, but no point in worrying about what may or may not happen in the nebulous future. Your ages are not an issue in the eyes of immigration. Of course, on a personal level you both need to take the commitment of marriage seriously and make sure this is what you both want, but you are close in age and being young will not affect your ability to go through the K1 process. Co-sponsor has no negative affect whatsoever as long as the sponsor meets/exceeds the income requirements. Edit: What is your home country?
  19. Call and say "infopass" to get a tier 2 person and ask them about the missing notice. Also you can try to use "Ask Emma" on the website to get info.
  20. Well that makes this a very petty hill for him to die on then, considering she is ALREADY a U.S. Citizen...
  21. Extension letter is usually received within 2 weeks. It is rare to see it take over a month.
  22. "Promoting atheism" isn't really accurate. More like promoting the idea that "religious freedom" includes people who are not religious and protecting those non-believers from discrimination (which includes atheists, humanists, agnostics, etc). Here's the details from the Department of State: https://www.state.gov/statements-of-interest-requests-for-proposals-and-notices-of-funding-opportunity/drl-fy20-irf-promoting-and-defending-religious-freedom-inclusive-of-atheist-humanist-non-practicing-and-non-affiliated-individuals/
  23. Unfortunately, the status "Case is Ready to be Scheduled for an Interview" can stay that way for months on end. Considering how long you've been waiting, hopefully you'll hear something definitive soon.
  24. Here is info on renewing your green card: https://www.uscis.gov/forms/explore-my-options/renew-or-replace-my-green-card You can file to renew if you card is expired or will expire within 6 months. A single DUI doesn't automatically mean you will have issues with renewal or with naturalization but if there are multiple DUIs or other convictions it could be a problem. I assume the "wet reckless" in 2018 was reckless driving involving alcohol. I am honestly not sure how this would be viewed by USCIS. Hopefully some more knowledgeable members here can chime in regarding the driving offenses.
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