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    JennaL reacted to Little_Vixen in cultural differences   
    What struck me most about America is the vastness and diversity. I am Dutch. My country is a quarter of the size of the state I will be living in and has twice as many inhabitants. If I drive for 5 hours I pass through 5 different countries. You can speak about 'the Dutch' or 'the French' but you cant speak of 'the American'. That's like saying 'the European'. All the different states are as diverse as the countries in Europe are. Each has their own mannerisms and cultures, all they really share is a language (and technically they don't even do that, lol).  I have learned that there is no 'the American'.
    What we do to get me adjusted is we share our day. He walks me through his finances while catching up his checkbook. He explained the way taxes work when he had to file those. When he went to pay car insurance and buy a new license plate he explained why he needed to do that. It helps me understand the daily things that need to be done and its also a very interesting conversation starter cause we often end up talking for hours comparing the United States to the Netherlands. He also sends me loads of pictures. A car he is looking at for me. Or his dad and him golfing. A squirrel playing in the yard. Just normal every day things that get me used to the scenery and the life over there.
    What I love most are the phone calls during supper or when he is cooking. The kids are home and they are joking around together. Sometimes singing songs or talking about their day. It makes me feel like I am there. It's not just him and me talking lovey dovey (although we do that a lot too) but its us as a family functioning in an American culture.
  2. Like
    JennaL reacted to wakeuplittlesuzy in I-129F December 2017 Filers   
    I received the email first, then the text message, and the old website updated first. (Still waiting for the new website to update.) The approval came about 5 - 6 days earlier than the estimation on my timeline (probably doesn't give much hint as to how they're processing this month, but who knows?) I've updated my timeline accordingly, and am awaiting our next steps.
    My heart is racing and I can't stop shaking with excitement! I called my fiance, and he said he felt like he was going to puke from the adrenaline, haha. I hope for many more approvals for December this week! Hang in there everyone, good news is coming soon!! 
  3. Like
    JennaL reacted to yuna628 in What's everyones opinion on President Trump?   
    But this is CEHST...... it's asking a lot down in here.  Ultimately someone is going to say how much they loathe him, which will lead to endless yelling of what a terrible person that is for doing so, and counter-arguing of what a terrible person someone is for liking him.
    Truth is, if you asked for it: imo he's a loathsome individual on every level. But even that is far too simple a charge. I was raised to hold leaders to higher standard of ethics and morals, and recognize when something doesn't smell right. Some people just aren't ready to smell that stink yet. But that's America for you. We have a long way to go until 2020, and I suspect a lot more things are going to happen between now and then. If anyone thinks we gained something, I fear and am saddened by what we lost. But historically people tend not to worry about the long term consequences over short term gains.
  4. Thanks
    JennaL reacted to kennharv in January 2018 Filers   
    OK, fellow Januarians.  I have captured summary scan data and have made available at http://harveysollano.com 
    This is only I-129F data. Out of the ~30,000 receipt numbers used in December, only ~3,200 are I-129F applications.
    I don't have the NOA1 receipt data prior to December 2017.  I'm in the process of capturing February 2018.
    I believe the data for December and January is fairly accurate info as provided by the old USCIS website. 
    I plan on updating December data each night and will start updating January as we get closer.
    Hope this proves helpful or provides insight how many applications are being processed.
  5. Like
    JennaL reacted to judithlee in I-129F December 2017 Filers   
    God let this coming week and month be ablessing to many of us still waiting for our approvals..Amen
  6. Confused
    JennaL reacted to Crazy Cat in Port of Entry - do they go through your phones?   
    Invasion of privacy? Do you place security of the nation above or below "invasion of privacy"?
  7. Like
    JennaL reacted to Teemo in Port of Entry - do they go through your phones?   
    Nice. Like I said I am open to everything else and I have nothing to hide. My question was if there is a limit or not, and if it was common or not. I believe those are fair questions. And if they say they have to go through my phone then I will let them go through my phone. 
    I can already see this thread is going to go south if an otherwise reasonable person equates asking about searching through phones with not caring about national security. 
    Mods feel free to close this thread please since i already received my answer. @Pitaya @Ontarkie
  8. Thanks
    JennaL reacted to Scandi in Expect more delays   
    Didn't Trump just sign an EO that will make it easier to fire government employees that do a sucky job? 
  9. Like
    JennaL got a reaction from Gina Salinas in I-129F December 2017 Filers   
    Not quite - if you click on "Immigration Timelines" at the top of the screen, it says mid-November K1's are currently being processed. December coming very soon though, I hope  
  10. Like
    JennaL reacted to Vintage girl in I-129F December 2017 Filers   
    Hi Everyone
    we are on day 155 still 25 days to go before we reach the 180 mark. I am not counting anymore and decided to be still, have faith in the timing of our life.
    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
    ♥ Soon we get good news and then we can all celebrate!
  11. Thanks
    JennaL got a reaction from Little_Vixen in I-129F December 2017 Filers   
    I would have an official translator do this for you. My fiancé had a document translated and the translator added their official stamp stating their name and date and that they were proficient in the English language. I've seen on other threads that the translator's info should look something like this:

    The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:
     Certification by Translator
     I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.
     Date Typed Name
  12. Like
    JennaL reacted to Deehotstepper in January 2018 Filers   
    I know, it is saddening to hear that there are couples waiting from previous months and they have moved on to new months. No one wants to be left behind from their group. we have to be steadfast in our prayers and remember there is nothing better than God's timing. Remember a delay doesn't mean denial.
  13. Like
    JennaL reacted to SusieQQQ in " American dream "   
    Don’t forget that the term “American Dream” was never coined by or intended for well off people coming from well off places. It was intended for the poor people who couldn’t move up at home because they were born into either the wrong family or the wrong geography, to find a place where hard work meant you could succeed even if you weren’t of the right “class”, religion etc.
  14. Like
    JennaL reacted to evapaula in " American dream "   
    My father-in-law came to America with his family on a diversity (lottery) visa 22 years ago. He's an incredible hard worker who was able to give his children a comfortable life and a chance at higher education, while in Romania, fresh out of communism at that time and ridden with corruption, hard work didn't get him too far and he was barely able to feed them.  That is the American dream for him. 
    My context was very different - I had a good job in a more developed Romania 20 years after they left. I never dreamed of leaving my country when I met my (now) husband. Leaving that life behind was hard and the American dream had no meaning to me at that time. However, I came to respect the things that make America different, the Constitution it's based on and the sacredness of individual rights. The American dream may have held more meaning 30-50 years ago, but I'm convinced that still, because of the way America was built, with no regard to "noble" origins, "clans" and who your parents are, ordinary individuals are given the same chances as anyone else, and that's a big deal.  
  15. Like
    JennaL reacted to Little_Vixen in " American dream "   
    Interesting question. And I will give my honest opinion here and I apologies for offending anyone in advance.
    I have never had the dream to move to the States and I am not moving to America for the American Dream. I'm moving there to be with my love.
    If life worked like a fairy tale and we could wave a magic wand a go *poof* he'd be moving to the Netherlands, cause in my honest opinion our social system works better. But reality is different. He is a single father to four, their mother deceased. He is all they have. Moving to the Netherlands would mean leaving behind his 19 and 23 year old and uprooting his 17 and 15 year old. There's no way I could do that to them.
    The American Dream to me is a historical one. Back when Europe was in such a bad shape, ripped apart by war and famine and America was an up and coming nation with great opportunities. A time where an impoverished Irishman could get on a boat and become rich by nothing more than hard work and determination. I don't see that any more. I see a lot of hardworking and determined people struggle to pay rent. Often working two jobs to keep food on the table.
    Perhaps the dream is still alive for countries less fortunate than western European ones, but I can only speak from my point of view.
    That being said, I have come to love the country and the people. Yes I still see it's flaws, but I also see the wonderful things. Things you do better than us Dutch or Europeans. I love how open and friendly every one is. How sociable. Its amazing to see how the way your communities work together. How when someone falls ill the whole community chips in to help them back on their feet. I love your customer service and overall friendliness. I love how neighbors still know each others names and help out when the dog needs walked or a tree needs cut down. I love the landscape and the wildlife. I love the fact that there's still so much uncultivated and even unchartered land. I love how most people still know that milk comes from cows and you need chickens to get fresh eggs. People are more self reliant. More resilient.
    And again I only speak of my own experiences based on a few small Midwestern towns in rural Indiana.
    All in all I cant tell you, I have traveled all across Europe. I've been to Belgium, Germany, Check Republic, England, France, Luxembourg and probably some other countries I forgot. But I have never felt the way I felt when I came to America. It felt like coming home.
  16. Like
    JennaL reacted to JSWH in Need advice please- extremely unhappy wife & stepdaughter   
    OP, perhaps, I'm too late, but  I would like to add my two cents.
    First of all, I'm amazed at how quickly some VJ members jump to conclusions and how eagerly they give advice like "send them back." People are not purchases from Amazon that you don't like, they can't be just "sent back." It is flat out inhuman to say things like that.
    Second, it is disheartening to see that the concept of "cultural humility" is so foreign even among immigrants and those who have immigrant spouses. The demands for new immigrants about quick and fully assimilation immediately after moving to the US are unreasonable and unrealistic for the majority of us. Acculturation is a long and painful process. Some it takes months, some spend years trying to adjust to their new country. Most immigrants go through severe mental challenges and need help with their adjustment. Guys, please be kind to each other!
    OP, I believe I can understand what your wife is going through right now. I can relate to her low self-esteem and her anxiety regarding her limited English proficiency. It is normal but, at the moment, she might be not able to understand that due to her depression. Acquiring English skills as an adult is a slow process indeed, it takes patience and perseverance. However, it's entirely doable. I'm 45 now, and as you can see my English isn't perfect. Nevertheless, two years ago I couldn't write in English. Currently, I am enrolled in a Master's program in a big university and am doing well. Ever since I moved here, I struggled, cried, and questioned myself a lot. But I am fortunate to have my amazing husband by my side, who never gets tired of reminding me how smart I am and how much he believes in me. Marriage is a team project. It is a long project. 
    During past ten months, I learned a lot about coping with a culture shock. Should your wife wish to talk to someone who had the same experience, please PM me.
    I sincerely wish the best to both of you. 
  17. Like
    JennaL reacted to CEE53147 in My Boyfriend is being Deported   
    Sweetie,  You need to see a counselor to understand why you are supporting a person involved with the death of another person.  Someone with the ability to participate in the killing of a human being could do a lot of harm to you or any children you might have. Your stated love for him will not keep you safe. His immigration issuses are not your biggest problem; it is you yourself. PLEASE, keep your safety first!
  18. Like
    JennaL reacted to AnnaMBoros in Need advice please- extremely unhappy wife & stepdaughter   
    Hi. I just read your post and I just would like to encourage you with the following:
    1/ Cultural shock is normal. It will take time for them to adjust, you just have to give them time and love them through it. 
    2/ Loving them through it does not mean that  you will allow your wife to disrespect you. Maybe you feel insecure, or " not enough of a man" because of your financial situation, but that is a lie. Your worth doesn't come from what you have or don't have. Your life is a miracle and you are deeply loved by God  You need to establish the power dynamics and borders in your relationship, it is called "tough love".Did you even tell her simple thing such as "I don't' want you to speak to me like this"?
    3/ Many problems in our lives have deep spiritual roots, and the only way that we can get rid of them are by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior and heal through His love. SIgn up for a local "12 step group" (e.g.https://www.christian12step.org/)  where they can help you and your family with hurts (anxiety, depression), hangups and bad habits. No pill in the world will help you resolve those deep hurts that at the end of the day we all carry in our hearts and souls. Your wife desires to be a part of community, belong...maybe she is watching Kardashians because  it temporarily fills in that void, but then she feels empty again. Get plugged in a  local church and start making healthy relationship in the community there and God will heal you through them, maybe you will even meet someone who will offer you good employment there.
    Me and my husband are praying for your family and wish you all the best. God bless you.
  19. Like
    JennaL got a reaction from Naes in January 2018 Filers   
    I believe "virgins" means those petitions that have not been looked at yet, "touched" means someone has began looking at your petition, and "approved" means the petition will be getting a NOA2 soon.
  20. Like
    JennaL reacted to Perfect two 💑 in How I feel :)   
    This is how I feel, admin free to remove this post if it not suitable for this website. However, I just want to share how I feel. I know that some of the VJ members feel like they are superior enough because of the rank that they have. Something like "newbie, junior member, senior member, gold member, platinum member" until sometimes they forgot one thing. They forgot that they are started from newbie until what they are now. They forgot about all kind of "silly" question that they asked when they first started. They forgot how unknowledgeable they are when they first join this website and starting this journey. I'm not saying that every VJ member is like that. However, believe me, every time I saw a post on this site asking a question, there few "senior" members who be like nagging, complaining, and sometimes even classified the question "silly" or "stupid" question. Please, kindly respect others post. It is fine if let say OP asking for advise, and you feel like they are done a wrong thing and want to voice out your opinion or advise to them. However, please don't be too harsh.. Especially if the person who is asking the question is the newbie who just started this journey or who just curious whether what they are doing is right or wrong, who is just curious whether what they are facing is normal or not. Please... 

    For example, when people were asking a question regarding guidance on the process. Instead of nagging and complaining a lot, it is much better if you can just reply by giving them a link to the guides. If people asking about they are submitting their petition in July, but still didn't get NOA2 yet and they at the same time asking whether it is normal to wait that long. Instead of expressing how annoyed you feel about the question, it is nicer and easier if you can just give a link to July Filer's forum and stated how long it takes now. 

    I always believe that you make life easier for others, your life will be much easier too. You make other members journey easier, your journey will be easier too. I'm really sorry if this post offends some of the members. Good luck with your visa journey everyone! Have a great weekend ahead! 
  21. Like
    JennaL reacted to KazuriSana in ****hole Immigrants   
    I became a US citizen on January 10, 2018, and as soon as I had become a citizen, we watched a video of President Trump welcoming us to this great country. In my ceremony, there were, if i remember correctly, 15 people, representing 12 countries. The majority in my group where people of color.
    The next day, January 11, 2018, the president of the United States wondered why immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and Africa -- countries and a continent that he called ****holes, were coming here.
    Being a native of Kenya, one of the countries in Africa, and my wife being a native of Haiti, darkness and gloom and disbelief enveloped our home. We could barely sleep. Our 22-year-old daughter, a Green Card holder, is old enough, smart enough, and discerning enough to know President Trump for what he has shown himself to be. Our 8-year-son started asking questions, and we had to explain to him and assure him that his parent's native countries are not ****holes. We had to explain to him what a racist is, what a person filled with hate and ignorance and bigotry is -- and that the president of the United States is those things. We did this clinging to our 3-year-old son, almost shaking in disbelief from the shock of the character and words of our president.
    Later, I retreated to the 'man cave,' the basement, to medicate and to pray for my children's future, and for my country - the United States of America, that God blesses and protects her from Donald Trump and those around him who fail to see him for what he has shown himself to be.
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