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Posts posted by ch3john

  1. 18 minutes ago, Unlockable said:

    The problem is, even if it was not intentional, it could still lead to misrepresentation. We are trying to make him understand the gravity of the actions whether they were innocent or not. Immigration laws are pretty unforgiving. That is why I mentioned earlier that some countries have these practices (falsifying documents) that are acceptable but it cause a huge problem with US government. Even if he is 100% unaware that the false BC is a problem, the CO will not give them a pass.

    I completely understand what you are saying. My point is, if you go back to the original question, it has been answered many times. Don't do it, it's fraud if you continue this path, K2 is the way to go, etc. 

    I think he understands now and has the answers he needs to make his decision.

    I just don't see the point belaboring the issue with the same repetitive answers. I've seen many posts closed once the question has been answered when the thread continued down the same path.

    Anyway, I don't have any skin in the game, I just thought giving the OP a little slack would be the right thing to do.

  2. I am going to give OP the benefit of the doubt and assume he truly didn't know what he was doing and didn't clearly know the process. That's one of the reasons this site is so valuable. He hasn't come back to clarify anything and has left a lot of speculation, assumptions and possible false accusations, etc.

    I don't see the point in belaboring this issue with a barrage of the same replies. 

    This whole process is stressful enough without having people badgering and beating a dead horse into the ground. 

    If his is intent was to commit fraud, badger away. 

    I think the question has been answered and clarified many times over. The mods will do good in closing this thread since it's clear what is the right thing to do. 

  3. For what it's worth, FedEx "lost" my son's DNA sample from Indonesia to the US. It finally turned up two weeks later because it was mis-sorted and was sitting in a FedEx warehouse. 

    As USS_Voyager said above, it has to be somewhere and not destroyed. Keep calling FedEx until they find it

    The only money you will get from them is the cost of what you paid for the shipment. 

  4. 19 minutes ago, Gaiden79 said:



    Does it matter which service I use to send my petition? According to where I live I am supposed to send to Phoenix Lockbox. 


    I saw in instructions on this site to send USPS but on the USCIS website it has a different address depending on whether you send USPS or UPS/Fedex. Thanks.

    FedEx - More expensive but more reliable and better tracking

    USPS - Least expensive but fairly reliable, not very good tracking

    UPS - They are called "oops" for a reason

  5. First of all, the immigrant is the petitioner and beneficiary for I-751

    No, birth certificate is not sufficient evidence by itself. You need to show more commingling of finances. It's easy to add your spouse to your bank account. for the credit card, make copies of the card showing the account numbers are the same and your name on one card and the spouse on the other. Since you have child, you really need to get a will, at least. Medical Directives and Power of Attorney's are good evidence and also helpful in the unfortunate time you might need them. 

    What about health, dental and auto insurance. Are you both listed on the policies? Any club memberships like AAA, Costco, gyms, etc?

  6. 10 minutes ago, eckoin said:

    OK that makes sense, might as well do it then. I just wasn't sure if it looks dumb, but hey, dumb financial commingling evidence is better than none, right? I did add him as an authorized user on one of my credit cards at some point, and his score tanked next month. Removed him, back to normal. We compared credit histories, and there's no good way not to hurt one of us by authorizing each other, so we figured it isn't worth it. 


    How come you didn't include some or the other stuff, like cell phone bills? And why not add her to the utilities? I guess my question is, am I overthinking this already? 


    Yeah, I haven't done any of this for AOS, we just kinda went with what we have at the time. I plan to submit N400 before I even get to ROC approval/interview, so I assume I'll have a double interview for both. Of course anything can change, but my local field office currently adjucates N400s in 3-4 months usually. I'm sure that will come before ROC, at least in the current state of things. 

    Yeah fair enough. I just don't like lawyers. I consulted with two highest rated firms in our area before I found you guys, and was flabbergasted at how uninformed they were. The first one was operating in 2003 during 2017, and the second one was just totally winging it when she didn't know the answers to my questions. Don't like these guys. Then again, immigration is a totally different beast! 

    I didn't add her to the utilities or cell phone because I already had them established before she got here. I figured, don't fix something that's not broken and/or I'm just to lazy to do so. Would rather focus my time and energy on something else worthwhile. 

    Trust me, I would rather scrape my eyeballs with a razor blade then have to deal with an attorney for anything. I figured wills, etc. needed to have the legal mumbo jumbo in them that I know nothing about. 

    I saw the other day a woman was getting things prepared for ROC and her attorney wanted to charge $4,500. I don't know how these people can sleep at night charging that much and taking advantage of people like that. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, eckoin said:

    Thank you! So basically, you have a joint account but only your income goes into it. That makes sense. I just don't use my debit card--it all goes on credit cards that we then use to pay for stuff. I'm guessing it's overall impossible to determine who uses the card for expenses anyway, it's not like there's a name attached to each one. Would you recommend I go with the plan for this joint account? It'll only show income coming in, an Allstate payment, and then transfers out... 

    Good idea! I'll explain in the letter as well.

    I lived in the US before we started dating, so I had my own little credit history going. It just so happens that the things that hurt my score (length of credit) and the things that hurt his (balances) are incompatible. Would you recommend I explain that as well? Or is that just TMI? 

    Good call! I've been thinking that we should get our living wills just in the horrible off chance we need it. I've read a little about medical directives and they seem relatively straightforward to do. Do you know if we can just write our own wills and powers of attorney, and just get them notarized? I've seen some websites that cater to this sort of thing, not sure if they're thorough enough. 


    Thanks again! 

    Correct, I just added her to my bank accounts and only my income goes into it. I, like you, use a credit card for almost everything to get the points. Our transactions are basically my income, auto debits for cell phone, car insurance, credit card bills, etc. Adding her as an authorized user on my credit card shows her name on the statements but doesn't show who charged what. Except for AMEX, they issued her a card with her own account number and the statements were broken down by account number and name. 

    Explaining your situation in the cover letter is probably a good idea, TMI is not a bad thing when it comes to immigration (and hopes of not getting a RFE)

    Our will, MD and PoA's were pretty straightforward. I had attorney draft ours and then had them notarized. I think the cost was about $400. There are online services that do them that should work if you don't have any complicated situations. I personally think it's best to have someone draft them that knows what they are doing versus writing them myself. 

  8. My wife just got her 10yr GC in February of this year. Our evidence was almost exactly like what you have and got approved without RFE or interview. We do have joint bank accounts although she is a stay at home mom with our son born in 2017. I bought our house in 2005 and explained in the cover letter that it was an unnecessary expense to add her to the deed since she is entitled to 50% of the house the day we got married. She wasn't listed on either of our car loans, one car was paid for and the other I bought soon after she arrived in the US and didn't think it was necessary to have her on the loan since she didn't have a credit history (score). I did add her as an authorized user on my credit cards which helped build her credit history.


    One thing you should consider is a will, power of attorney and medical directives. Not only for ROC but they are good to have in life in general.


    Good luck!


    Our list in comparison to yours


     a child born in 2017 in the US - Same 

    - taxes filed jointly in 2017 and 2018 so far - only 2016 was supplied because of timing

    - joint medical and dental insurance for the three of us  - same

    - joint auto insurance, cars owned/leased separately  - same

    - joint home insurance, home owned by my husband  - same

    - joint cell phone bill - have but didn't submit anything

    - electricity in my husband's name, internet/phone in my name  - all utilizes in my name, didn't show anything

    - some travel records, including airbnb host reviews that mention the three of us - didn't submit anything

    - pet insurance showing both of us as owners  - didn't submit anything 

    - Costco, AAA, museum memberships - Have AAA and sent copies of our cards

    - he and our daughter are beneficiaries of my 401k and employer-provided life insurance. He doesn't have either. - Listed wife as beneficiary 


    What we do not have:

    - joint utility bills... I'll finally add each other to our respective bills, shouldn't be a problem. - Didn't have 

    - joint ownership of assets. Adding me to the house deed is a pain, I checked, but we have one car paid in full. How hard is it to add me to the title? Is it a DMV thing or a county thing? My lease is ending, so the next car we get will probably be financed jointly. Any experiences? didn't show house deed or car loans

    - joint bank account. We had our respective accounts before we got together, and my bank doesn't even have a branch in my state. I recently opened a BoA checking account, and I plan to add my husband to it. However, it will be my paycheck only (he is self employed and uses a business account). I can pay our insurance out of it, but all of the other bills I prefer to put on credit for points. We don't want to add each other to our credit cards, because mine are new (his score goes down), and his carry a balance at the moment (my score goes down). Is that enough? A joint bank account that only pays insurance and the rest goes to credit card payments? We didn't have any issues with separate banking during the AOS interview, our IO understood exactly how we split bills. Not sure if this is even worth it? 

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