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    LeftCoastLady reacted to Leatherneck in How is it possilbe?   
    You have no idea how much you will have to spend if you do not start to protect yourself and think in terms of the very first law of nature -- self preservation.
    I understand you don't want to be where you are emotionally -- but listen to the advice you're getting here. You now have to start thinking defense and strategy, you never thought your wife would pull a move like she has already -- did you? No you didn't, you trusted her. If someone had warned you a year ago this would happen, you would have thought they were crazy. Well, consider us crazy! We're now trying to tell you what can happen -- and what has happened to many.
    You better believe someone has your wife's ear -- and they're putting ideas in her head. Why else would she go off and stay with another man? Loyal, committed wives don't meet other men and stay with them for 4 days. There are only 2 ways your wife can adjust her status and remain here, a successful self-petition after divorce or the ole' nasty sucker punch -- VAWA with a dreaded domestic violence accusation. Self petitioning would be a challenge unless you provide her with all the documents she needs. A successful VAWA is a long shot also -- don't give her that option. You want to avoid being thrown into the dv meat-grinder and spit out a very damaged guy. Take the advice given to you earlier in this thread. Good luck.
  2. Like
    LeftCoastLady got a reaction from Kathryn41 in Quota for Positives + ??   
    What point would the -1 serve? If someone is giving bad information, someone will come along and correct them. Considering there's a topic on "Politics & Religion," I'm sure the lion's share of the -1's would be there because it's easier to be anonymous than to state an opinion.
  3. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to VanessaTony in How is it possilbe?   
    I'm not wrong. I'm ignoring most of your post because it's useless fluff trying to bolster your position but totally irrelevant to my stance which is: while yes you CAN wait to file ROC you ARE in breach and CAN BE DEPORTED!! so you MUST file ROC as soon as you are divorce to maintain your status and make sure you are protected. I WILL say there's more to this process than a couple of instructions. There are LAWS at play here... specifically the INA.
    The INA clearly states the rules. For your viewing pleasure - INA Sec216(b) http://www.uscis.gov/ilink/docView/SLB/HTML/SLB/0-0-0-1/0-0-0-29/0-0-0-4223.html:
    I have bolded the relevant sections. You try and claim you are an expert (though won't go into details) but claim you have helped many people through this same thing and yet you do NOT know this law? I certainly hope you're not charging people for your poor advice.. especially when said poor advice CAN result in their deportation!
  4. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to afoyoswa in USCIS Processing Time Information for our Texas Service Center   
    The Texas Service Center does not process K-1 petitions, and is not the same thing as the Dallas Lockbox where K-1 petitions are sent to be redistributed to the 2 service centers that do process K-1 petitions: Vermont and California. Your NOA1 lists which of these your petition was sent to: when you figure out which one it is, update your timeline with the corrected information and then check the timeline for that location.
  5. Like
    LeftCoastLady got a reaction from luckytxn in Quota for Positives + ??   
    What point would the -1 serve? If someone is giving bad information, someone will come along and correct them. Considering there's a topic on "Politics & Religion," I'm sure the lion's share of the -1's would be there because it's easier to be anonymous than to state an opinion.
  6. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to AR y MD in We got APPROVED!!   
    After such a long time waiting for this to happen it finally happened!!
    it still hasnt hit us yet lol!!
    but everything went great! we thought he was going to get denied due to the immigration problem he had but nope it still got approved!!
    I want to thank all of u visa journey family who has been there every step of the way! thank u!!!
    all have to say is keep ur faith and hopes up never lose hope!!!

  7. Like
    LeftCoastLady got a reaction from K&E2009 in I134 - Need Help Urgently   
    Sheesh, you should stop with Thomas70. He does this in literally every thread that comes up about the I-134/I-864 on here. He does not take into account that different embassies in different countries have different requirements. Instead, he'll just continue to copy and paste the same information from the I-134, which, unlike the I-864, is not legally binding (but don't mention that to him!) over and over again. He probably has a MS Word document at the ready to quickly bring up the text to paste into a thread.
    Many people have had this "conversation" with him and he still goes on and on and on...
    That's why whenever I see him post in a thread about support, I do this:

  8. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to VanessaTony in How is it possilbe?   
    Yes and no.
    The reason she wants you to wait to file for divorce is because then it looks REALLY bad that divorce was filed right after she got the greencard. It screams fraud so her ROC will be harder (harder to prove co-mingling and a genuine relationship if she split so soon). She doesn't need months, she wants those months so it looks like she "tried to make it work".
    ALSO, she needs to file ROC as soon as the divorce is final. The longer you wait the more time she has to save money to file for ROC. She is deportable once the divorce is final if she doesn't file for ROC and runs into ICE.
    So my advice is this: File for divorce on Monday. Do not tell her and just have her served ASAP. Some people suggest a restraining order as well so she can't come and abuse you and act crazy or you'll call the police and have her arrested. She will probably try and fight the divorce but without much money she won't be able to do as much as she is probably planning (filing for support under the I-864 etc). Then once the divorce is final send a letter to USCIS letting them know with a copy of the divorce decree and perhaps a letter stating that she left you for someone else and while you wanted to work on the relationship she wasn't willing to (whatever the story is). You'll need her A# etc. They won't actually do anything except put it on her file.
    Also, make sure you change the locks on the doors (she has moved out and therefore it is legal for you to do but double check with your lawyer). Make sure you take her name off any bills. Take her off any bank accounts (if possible) but if you can't (some won't let you without that persons permission) then change where your work pay is going (so she can't take it out). If she has an authorised card to your credit cards or anything like that shut them down. Some people suggest taking all of the money out of the joint accounts, some say don't. I personally would until your lawyer tells you whether you are obligated to leave it in there and if so then you can just put it all back (the withdraw/deposit will match so not a biggie).
    Make a copy of any of the paperwork you have submitted (I-864, K1 stuff etc) and keep it in a safe place. This should have her information on it and might be useful one day (say you file for someone else you'll need to know some of her info).
    You should file for divorce asap. Do not wait as she is suggesting. She has something planned and that's rarely a good thing. Oh, and never see her alone. If her ROC documents are weak she might try and claim she HAD to leave because you were abusive. So do NOT be alone with her. EVER. Until the divorce is final. Even then be VERY VERY wary.
    **Edit - on re-reading your OP I thought I should warn you a little more.. the waiting 2-3 months to "do what she needs to do to be able to stay" could be:
    - giving her more time to make it look like she tried
    - filing for ROC based on abuse and that she HAD to leave you because you were abusive.
    She is permitted to stay now she has the 2 year card (so 2-3 months to "do what she needs to do" is a lie so something else is planned) but divorce makes her in breach of the "marriage to USC" condition and so she needs to ROC immediately. So soon after getting the card looks suspicious so yeah... she's got something bad planned. Stop talking to her. Stop dealing with her except through your divorce attorney who you will see on Monday and who you will have file for divorce ASAP (same day if possible). Also, the person who files is able to set the grounds for divorce. To make life simpler I wouldn't make the divorce conditions difficult. just "this is the end. You owe me nothing I owe you nothing". She could be planning some big convoluted "divorced on grounds of abuse" thing if that's what your state permits.
  9. Like
    LeftCoastLady got a reaction from C-ma'am in I134 - Need Help Urgently   
    Sheesh, you should stop with Thomas70. He does this in literally every thread that comes up about the I-134/I-864 on here. He does not take into account that different embassies in different countries have different requirements. Instead, he'll just continue to copy and paste the same information from the I-134, which, unlike the I-864, is not legally binding (but don't mention that to him!) over and over again. He probably has a MS Word document at the ready to quickly bring up the text to paste into a thread.
    Many people have had this "conversation" with him and he still goes on and on and on...
    That's why whenever I see him post in a thread about support, I do this:

  10. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to KayDeeCee in I134 - Need Help Urgently   
    You are like a broken record with this. Over and over all the time with different(or sometimes the same) people. It has been stated time and time again that it does not matter what the travel gov site or the I-134 instructions say. It is up to the consulates and the individual interviewing officers as to what qualifies for financial sponsoring. I do not need to repeat it all here again, in yet another thread as it has all been said before several times now. You just won't let it quit or give it a rest, no matter how many times it stated to you. You know best because the travel.state.gov site and the I-134 instructions for a non-legally binding form that was meant for use by the USCIS for non-immigrants not intending on staying and adjusting status to permanent residence state. Good for you. You go and do that for your own immigration case, if you even have one pending at the moment. There is no need to repeat this continually to anyone asking about the I-134. Most of us are trying to provide the best answers to people here that will get them moving through the system and be approved in a timely manner so they can get on with their lives together as a married couple. I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish with all of this all the time. Seems to be getting rather troll-like now.
  11. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to Laure&Colin in sharing expenses?   
    IMO you should just stop counting who pays for what. You're married now, it doesn't matter at all. Whoever has money available can use it for immigration related expenses. It all comes from the same pot, tracking everything is just going to cause argument.
    As for having him pay the fees at NVC stage, well, you can only pay using a US based bank account so I don't see how he could make the payment.
    There's no "favor" to be done and returned, your expense are made for a common goal!
  12. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to Tara N Jay in Don't get frustrated...   
    Almost a year ago (11 months) my wife (Tara) and I were getting ready to submit our K1 forms. A few months before we had no idea what a K1 was.
    We had heard many horror stories about the politics, and policies involved.
    It just made being apart that much worse.
    However I've always said nothing worth having ever came easy.
    Our K1 flew through, and in no time we were together. Now when we were apart our it didn't seem that way. The lonely nights aparts, emails, and phone calls that always ended in, "I love you, and I'll see you soon". We didn't know when we would see each other in reality, but we tried to stay positive. Staying strong was hard. Being apart from the one you love like no other ripped me apart.
    Why do I write this? It's easy to get down in the dumps during this process. Have faith, and good will happen. We've had a few hiccups in the process, but no complaints what so ever. Be honest with immigration, and treat them with respect. You will get the same in return.
    Tara and I married in September. It was the best thing to ever happen to me. Well she was the best thing to happen to me.
    A year ago we both were a wreck, and now we are together. We went through the same process. Trust me when your loved one arrives it will all be worth the wait. We all are here because we have been blessed with a love in our lives. Go for it, and don't look back. Also remember again nothing worth having ever came easy.
    Visajourney is an incredible resource. The people are here are good people. Good luck in your journey, and stay strong.
  13. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to sheeshkabelle in I134 - Need Help Urgently   
    Keep in mind the OP is from Canada. Those of us going through the Vancouver/Montreal consulates really don't have an issue getting approved, as long as we have our paperwork in order. Different consulates are more stringent on paperwork and proof.
    OP also stated she will have a joint sponsor, so laying a ton of proof onto her fiance really isn't all that necessary.
    As Jim pointed out those of us that are DBA or independent contractors with no employees really do not need to go through the expensive hassles of D&B. Nor do we file quarterly taxes, there are no employees to file taxes on. We file a 1040 with our 1099misc once a year just like every other Joe in the U.S. Our 1040's or transcripts are all we need to prove income for anything from a mortgage to showing the government proof for benefits.
    Most independent contractors are contracted by large corporations to do things faster/cheaper than what they could hire someone. Personally I'm contracted by one of the largest producers of film in the country, and my other contract is for big daddy box store. I'm sure they have D&B ratings... but I don't.
    All the OP needs is her fiances transcripts from previous years, tax returns for last year and the IRS form showing her fiance filed an extension for 2011. Self-employed people file for extensions a lot. Either because they have a CPA doing their taxes and it's a busy time of year, or because we have so much paperwork and schedules and deductions it takes a while to get done.
    She has a joint sponsor and all the necessary paperwork to go with it. That's all she needs.
  14. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to JimVaPhuong in I134 - Need Help Urgently   
    Actually, it's up to the consulate. Most require the petitioner to submit an I-134, even if the beneficiary has loads of money and is more than capable of supporting themselves. Most consulates also require the most recent tax return or transcript from the petitioner, whether they're a regular employee or self-employed.
    I realize the I-134 lists, as an option, a "report of commercial rating concern". This is a somewhat archaic reference to a Dunn & Bradstreet business rating report. Very few self-employed people would be able to get one. You have to register with D&B and provide them with extensive financial information about your company, especially it's credit accounts. They investigate the company and assign a credit risk rating based on your financials. This would be somewhat common practice for a large business that's regularly involved in obtaining credit from or extending credit to other businesses, or makes use of venture capital. Most self-employed people are either contractors or DBA's where the business consists solely of one person, and that person's personal credit is inseparable from the business' credit.
    Anyway, the I-134 is an old INS form, and the consulate isn't bound by the instructions USCIS distributes with the form. The consulate will usually specify what evidence they require with the I-134. It's best to follow the consulate's instructions.
  15. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to Imagination in How did you tell your family you are moving?   
    "Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you. You see.. NZ is not a good fit for us anymore. We want to move back to the US. It is for the best. You can always come visit us if you like."
  16. Like
    LeftCoastLady got a reaction from display n in FIANCE LETTER OF INTENT HELP   
    You can put it to whatever address you want -- the USCIS, the embassy, etc. The most important part of that letter is stating you're both free to marry, will do so within 90 days, and is signed.
    Also, typing in all caps = yelling. We don't want to wear hearing aids, so please turn down the volume.
  17. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to JimVaPhuong in Financials   
    Unless there are issues with your fiancee then you should be fine at 140%. Issues that might affect this include if she has chronic medical issues that will need ongoing treatment, or if she's got a physical or mental impairment that will make her unemployable. If she's more or less average then meeting the minimum requirements is usually enough.
    You don't need to include your life insurance. You don't need it to meet the minimum requirements, and unless it's a whole life policy it probably wouldn't be acceptable as an asset anyway. Only life insurance with a cash-out value can be accepted as an asset, and it's unlikely a young person would have a whole life policy with a cash-out value of $300K. I'm guessing that $300K is the death benefit and not the cash-out value.
    Also, why are you sending 3 affidavits of support?
  18. Like
    LeftCoastLady got a reaction from Kathryn41 in Quota for Positives + ??   
    Agree, if something is really bad, that's what the report abuse function is for...
  19. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to Trompe le Monde in Is two years a good enough try?   
    Seattle would also offer more opportunities than where you currently are, and it would probably be easier to find a work environment you are happy with.
    Your husband's point is a valid one, but you aren't moving halfway around the world - just a few hours away.
  20. Like
    LeftCoastLady got a reaction from luckytxn in Quota for Positives + ??   
    Agree, if something is really bad, that's what the report abuse function is for...
  21. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to Dan & Jenni in Help with DS 230 EXPIRED 2 DAYS BEFORE MY INTERVIEW   
    this is from a thread from a couple of days ago...
  22. Like
    LeftCoastLady got a reaction from mrettercap in Confusion about I-134 and co-sponsor?   
    The co-sponsor would fill out a separate I-134. Your fiancée would still fill out one since she is the primary sponsor for you. From what I've read to date, you should be fine with a co-sponsor going through the US embassy in London. Good luck!
  23. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to VanessaTony in Fiance' was cheating while PREGNANT   
    She won't get alimony, you weren't married long enough. I suggest you speak to a lawyer and counter-sue including wanting money for legal fees and return of your rings, refund of flight to send her home etc etc. I don't know how successful you'll be but speak to your divorce attorney about what YOU are entitled to given she subjected you to fraud. What about child support? I hope you're suing her for child support.
    Have you contacted ICE again to find out the status of your case against her? You said you sent evidence.. what evidence? Evidence of the cheating? Do you have anything that prove this relationship was for immigration purposes and not just that she's a sh*tty person? Do you have evidence of conversations where she states this was for immigration purposes? Anything like that?
  24. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to Rosie_Todd in Can this pose a problem? Panicking! Help!   
    It will not pose a problem; you didnt get the binder when they mailed it back because they trashed it. When they receive a petition they arrange it the way they want it arranged.
  25. Like
    LeftCoastLady reacted to VanessaTony in FOOD STAMP BENEIFITS and K1 VISA   
    Sec 8 is a means-tested benefit. As are foodstamps. We have established in YOUR thread that you still do not understand the difference between public-charge and means-tested benefit and how they relate to immigration. Foodstamps are NOT a public-charge consideration but ARE a means-tested benefit, just like Section 8 is.
    You state that someone on Section 8 can sponsor someone however in the information you show that someone with a household of 1 has to earn below $17K which is UNDER the limit for AOS (and in some countries the I-134). To explain, as the fiancee is not in the country the USC was assessed at a 1 for the household... the immigrant isn't included in the household count. If you are saying that you were assessed at a 2 (you have a child) then you would STILL be under the income limits once you add the immigrant (taking your household count to a 3). If you are saying that you would apply for Sec 8 whilst living with the immigrant this is a different situation but this is a K1 qn so the fiance/e is not in the country to be counted.
    Also, section 8 income limits depends on area. Click this link: http://www.huduser.org/portal/datasets/il/il12/index.html if you select a state you will see the different areas of the state also have different limits.
    That said, this has nothing to do with the OP. Also, you also don't need to copy and paste entire information from a link.. you can just put the link.
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