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R and F

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    R and F reacted to Linds&Youssef in I got a call from consulate   
    This seems like the exact same question I just answered last week... I explicitly listed out the reasons one can get denied a K-1 petition. Just because you ask the question in different words doesn't mean you'll get a different answer. My statement to you was, based on the form you shared with us last week, the reason had to either be because they think you could be a threat to the US government or its citizens, or that they don't believe your relationship is legitimate. Since i don't know your entire story, I'm going to base my assessment on what I've seen you write on VJ.com. Again, only you can know for sure what your situation is, but to me it looks like they think you're only after a green card, and that your relationship isn't legitimate. You've given them plenty of reasons to think this, based only on what you've shared here on VJ.com (not including what you haven't shared with us here on the site). Some of these include:

    staring at the CO's breasts during interview
    having a significant age gap between you and your SO
    her being outside of child-baring age range (I think that you said this is the case, anyway)
    the fact that you're clearly much more interested in applying for this visa than she is in helping you apply
    The apparent disinterest that is shown by you to your SO
    These are just the ones I can think of off of the top of my head.

    I'm not saying your relationship isn't legit (there's no way for me to know that). But based on what I know of your case, I'm not convinced you've got the real thing, and I'm not even trained to ferret out fake relationships. Just sayin'
  2. Like
    R and F reacted to sandinista! in I got an email from consulate.   
    Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory...
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    R and F reacted to ErikaAndHamit in I got an email from consulate.   
    Through all of this, I don't understand why your fiancee did things so sloppy and carelessly? Why is she taking her sweet time sending you the paper they needed anyway? It's all so weird. Is she serious or not about this visa? I know I was careful.
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    R and F reacted to zahrasalem in I got an email from consulate.   
    Sorry for the news Zagray, but have you asked your fiance why she doesn't want to come here to VJ so maybe we can help her to help you? You shouldn't have to do all of this by yourself, it's also her responsibility to be informed and proactive since she's your sponser.
    best wishes
  5. Like
    R and F reacted to Pitaya in best month to file   
    The best filing month is the month that you file. If your petition and evidence is accurate, thorough, and complete…. SUBMIT IT !
    Good luck on your visa journey.
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    R and F reacted to Shiobhan in need advise on how to proceed   
    Sweetheart .......ummmm...pray....dont want to propel U in any more depression , but a child during the marriage with a wide age difference will be a red flag
    maybe consulting with a atty is a good idea........cheating these days without a condom is playing russian roulette... I sincerely wish U the best
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    R and F reacted to littoral1 in need advise on how to proceed   
    i wanna give u an advice
    im so sorry but this person dont love u
    if he had relation with other girl this mean he is not in love with u
    he is only using u for papers after u will do all things for him and bring him with his baby
    he will leave u and send papers to this girl
    open your eyes its only advice u can take it or leave it
    he had relation and baby from other girl
    they r all using u for papers
    think well
    and im sorry for my words but its only the truth
  8. Like
    R and F reacted to Cathi in DAILY THREAD   
    Just wanted to update everyone. Mu husband's visa was approved today and the consulate requested his passport to issue the visa. So happy!!!
  9. Like
    R and F reacted to Peace.... in Lesson Well Learned   
    I guess the lesson well learned here is your poor fiance that you claim to love and miss while having the nerves to say you were "looking at the CO's breast" I hope she finds a man to love her and not a man who is a womanizer. You have showed your true colors here today and I hope others don't find your topic cute and funny.
    That was your interview by the way...... Don't expect another one
  10. Like
    R and F reacted to USA-ALG in Lesson Well Learned   
    Totally inappropriate....
    - looking at her breasts - when she had paid you respect and you do this to the interviewer?

  11. Like
    R and F reacted to AmyWrites in Help w/ denial. Positive drug urine test & Stupidity   
    Considering this is Casa it's astounding you didn't get flat out denied.
    Looks like you'll just have to wait a year. And tell him to drink instead of getting high during the year.
  12. Like
    R and F reacted to JohnR! in Do relationships survive this?   
    Statistically 50% will end up in divorce court.
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    R and F reacted to marie_yahya in today is the begining of our lives together   
    thank you all so much. if we can make it anyone can..we have been together for 6yrs. and got engaged in 2008 and this february is 3yrs. married we have had 3 denials and with the grace of God we are going to be a family finally. in this process our friendship and relationship with love and just praying and hoping that one day we will be together is what makes the love stronger...my kids went wild they can not wait for there dad they call him to come home as well as I...it has been a long journey but like i said the wait is worth it...and remember God only gives us what we can handle and he never gives us when we want it but when it is his time to bless us....God bless all who have been and are going through this process it is hard but great in the end...inshaallah....i will post what day my husband will arrive in my arms and be able to come to our home....That will be the first day of our lives together..Amen
  14. Like
    R and F reacted to moroccogirlny in marriage in Casablanca   
    It depends on which city you marry, who you know and who you pay off . It could take anywhere from 1 week to 1 month. Your fiancée needs to be prepared regarding paper work. She can look up the information on the US Consulates website.
  15. Like
    R and F reacted to Hypnos in marriage in Casablanca   
    Probably around 10 - 15 minutes, depending on the officiant.
    If you want to make it go quicker you could have him talk faster.
  16. Like
    R and F reacted to Darnell in Heyyy whats up   
    huh ? she posted copious amounts about being mind-blowingly happy to be getting a Mini Cooper, and even more mind numbingly happy to be working 3 jobs to handle all.
    My opinion doesn't matter. I am sad she not get a Mini. I was really looking forward to the weekly reports of how much she enjoyed the ride. When those were absent I knew something was amiss, as riding in a Mini is the shiznit.
  17. Like
    R and F reacted to Darnell in Heyyy whats up   
    Huh - I had images burned into my brain, of you scooting round in a Mini.
    A Prius ? Yak.. OK - then it's good it's wrecked - that's a mamby-pamby car...
  18. Like
    R and F reacted to NY_BX in AOS   
    I will explain the issue to you and it's NOT my intention to make you feel bad or hurt you. I will simply lay out the problem and it may or may NOT apply to you or your SO. This is their train of thought:
    It isn't unheard of to be denied due to the age difference. Now, know this is not based out of outright blatant discrimination, but based on the fact that it isn't a cultural norm from men from that region to marry a older female outside of child bearing age. For example: I am 7 years older than my husband- he is 29 and I'm 36. I'm still within child bearing age. But your case is rather difficult given you're over 20 years older.
    Why? It is very common for young men from the MENA and Africa region to 'befriend' an older lady for the GC benefit and, once the 'visa journey' is completed (no pun intended) they abandon their spouse. It's called immigration fraud and the idea is to pull a con/ scam marriage on the victim. The common traits of the female victims are: white, divorced with children, outside of child bearing age, limited financial resources (so you don't hire a lawyer to come after them, LOL).
    Again, this may not be your case. All you must do is proof beyond any doubt that your relationship is genuine.
    Good luck
  19. Like
    R and F reacted to Que Saudade in Re-entering with a green card-please help if you know!   
    The 10 year ban would be the moment she departed the country prior to green card being issued.
    But, it all depends on the CBP officer when she re-enters. Once a green card is issued the overstay is forgiven.
    If she has her green card to get back in then maybe OK. What if the green card gets lost in the mail???
    Then you are completely screwed.
    You have played with some serious legal issues that may or may not haunt you.
    Good luck.... I wish you guys the best.
    Personally, I can't understand why you would let her leave the country without green card approved and in hand. This is a surprising gamble with your spouse.
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    R and F reacted to Sirdaniel42 in Re-entering with a green card-please help if you know!   
    This is sooo true!!!!
  21. Like
    R and F reacted to Henry&Rebecca in Emailed the president...   
    I don't feel bad for anyone who feels the best way to get ahead themselves, is by putting down others. Why the need to constantly point out that other people at CSC are being approved faster? Why must the success of others (june filers at CSC getting approved) bring you misery? Why not focus on the real problem, which is VSC processing petitions slower than their 5 month announced timeline? Why must you rain in on the parade of others? Or worse yet, call for other CSC filers' petitions to be held up so that yours gets processed ahead of theirs?
    I wish all these "petitions" and "Letters" that people are sending to whichever official figure they're sending it to would just stop sticking to this awful suggestion that the only solution to this problem is that petitions be shared across CSC and VSC, so that EVERYONE gets screwed. Here's a thought, how bout suggesting that more adjudicators be assigned to I-129F's and CR-1's, so that EVERYONE will benefit? Heck, I'd venture a guess that's more likely to be implemented than the "sharing across CSC/VSC" suggestion, and yet that's not good enough for you guys? You need to feel that everyone needs to suffer the pain that you're suffering to feel justified?
    /end rant.
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    R and F reacted to Thomas&Cleofe in Emailed the president...   
  23. Like
    R and F reacted to Anh map in Emailed the president...   
    Same letters sent about VSC several years ago, then it was CSC that was "evil", now it's VSC again.
    Family immigration is way down the political radar list.
    Best course of action is to readjust your expectations and not allow yourself to become unduly stressed.
  24. Like
    R and F reacted to Ron4 in Emailed the president...   
    Boo Hoo
    So you have been apart half as long and seen each other 3 times as much, have that drink and then slap yourself and realize that you are a lot luckier than most.
    It is what we do to be with the ones we love, if you don't love him enough to do this maybe you should re-evaluate.
  25. Like
    R and F reacted to pushbrk in K-1 denied :(   
    Prepare first, then go see him in Nigeria, then file a new petition. Maybe the pastor will reimburse you the wasted I-129F filing fee.
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