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Posts posted by JoshandSarah

  1. 1 hour ago, JedMills said:

    @EKT and @JoshandSarah can you confirm exactly what you uploaded to NVC?

    We've just been rejected for "not providing an NZ police certificate" by NVC, even though we did the following;

    1. Uploaded my Section 14 form and confirmation email from the NZ Police Vetting Service

    2. Confirmed with the Auckland Consulate that they issued the certificate to NVC and the Sydney Consulate (where I'll be processed)


    We're really struggling to work out what we did wrong, and how we can avoid the same thing happening again in 3 months time!

    As a K1 you don't upload anything to NVC at that stage but on IR1 you do. You'll have to check with peopl3 who did IR1's as ekt and I both did K1. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Jorgedig said:

    It is no longer "fastest" overall, and the AOS process for K-1s is a big negative.


    Most of us who did a K-1 even when the petition process was only 6 months (vs current 13 months) would have chosen a CR-1 in retrospect.


    "Fast" is not a reasonable criterion for choosing a visa in 2022.



    I could not agree more with this comment.

  3. 22 hours ago, nastra30 said:

    All good. But it's really hard to get exact timeline of things when it comes to USCIS. VJ and other crowdsourced sites may give an idea but it's still going to be range. On top of that each individual case is different. In fact  USCIS this year alone has twice had to change how they deliver processing times to the public as it seems they themselves are trying to find a way to deliver the best info that they can.

    I agree, I sort of feel like they're almost trying to hide the processing times from us. It went from giving us a range to a single number that sort of means nothing, e.g. look at Los Angeles office...they say like 13.5 months for AOS yet they're processing a lot of them within 2-3 months. Just seems silly to me how they're working it now.

  4. Hi guys, 


    I'm just wondering what's the next status update...we've sent our RFE response into USCIS and they received it at lee's summit MO and my USCIS status says "Response To USCIS' Request For Evidence Was Received" and we have begun working on your case again.


    What's next from here? our biometrics appointment is next week and just wondering what the next status update will be, any knowledge out there??



  5. My Fiancé and I are not doing great and im worried it might end. We aren’t married just yet. Getting back into New Zealand is almost impossible right now with the COVID restrictions there ATLEAST until April-May. 

    Is there any other option anybody could suggest for me, changing status of some kind if that’s even possible?? 

    Thank you 🙏 

  6. 19 hours ago, EKT said:

    I floated the idea of a slightly later interview with B but had no response after 24 hours so we finally just booked flights the day before and he will stay in Auckland approximately 180m from the consulate lol. He's going to do his medical the day before instead of flying up twice. 

    That's a good idea! I received my package back yesterday by the way incase anyone wonders. It only took a day and a half to get to Nelson from Auckland! so fast!! I used NZ post, with a Saturday delivery sticker and upgraded to the courier overnight sticker WITH signature as apparently that adds a level of priority. I fly out on Thursday! Goodluck at the consulate Emma! 😊

  7. 16 hours ago, EKT said:

    Thanks! The 6am from Chch flight arrives at 7:25am and I think that’s just cutting it way too close for comfort even though they usually arrive early. You think they would book out-of-towners a bit later in the morning. 

    Absolutely, from what I can tell...I think you'll be cutting it too close, so I'd request a slightly later time, even if by only 30 minutes, I just agree, and think you will be late if your interview is at 8:15am. It'll just be too rushed for you guys...


    Hope you're doing well!

  8. 7 hours ago, EKT said:

    @JoshandSarah @kg_nz @rycilla What time were your interview appointments and how accurate were they? My husband's interview time is 8:15am and we live in the South Island so he will probably have to fly up the night before to make it on time! I thought about asking B for a later appointment but really don't want to jinx this whole process... But it sounds like you were all all just waiting around in line for ages anyway, right?

    @EKT My interview was at 8:30am and it was a little rushed flying up from Nelson. Took 30 minutes on an uber to get there from the airport. I flew up on the 6am flight, I could barely sleep so I was up at 4:10am lol 


    I would suggest trying to change it even though it's a hassle, ask her if there's a possibility of an alternative as you'd probably be 15 minutes late or somethin, especially as you're flying up from CHCH, unless you fly on the jet and it's quick, but it took me an hour and a half to fly up there from Nelson here. 


    Hope this helps!

  9. 6 minutes ago, EKT said:

    Hey, we just got one too for January 12th! I'm kind of glad Jeremy's isn't on the 5th as that's my birthday lol.... but YAAHHH, that timing should work pretty well for your guys, right? What a relief.

    Great news!! Okay excited for you @EKT


    17 minutes ago, MelanieR18 said:

    Hi everyone, just wanted to say that we got the interview letter today! He's booked for January 5th. It looks like they send the interview letters out on Thursdays from what I can tell. 

    I'll update our google doc, hoping to hear more of you got an interview letter too, fingers crossed :)


    That’s great news @MelanieR18 Good luck! 😇

  10. 16 minutes ago, rycilla said:

    I bought the EasyTrak prepaid bag from The Warehouse Stationery! https://www.warehousestationery.co.nz/product/W2216265.html

    So Courier Post which I think is under NZ Post?! 🧐

    I can't speculate because I have no idea, but I know I have never seen one of those bags before. My bag was an overnight bag, I paid for Saturday delivery, tracking and overnight sticker through NZ post, total cost was like $18 lol

  11. 5 hours ago, EKT said:

    YAAHHHH! Winter Christmas for you!!

    Thanks so much!! 🥰


    5 hours ago, Jevin said:

    Congrats! Been following your timeline for the past few months.

    Thanks Jevin!! 


    5 hours ago, kas & jewel said:

    so happy for you !! :) congratulations

    Thanks so much you two! 🥰


    6 hours ago, rycilla said:

    Ahhhh fingers crossed it comes ASAP! I did notice your husband's courier envelope was different to mine so might have been a different postal service. Hope the tracking is accurate too ><


    AMAZING!! Congrats!!!

    Thanks Rycilla! What postal service did you use? NZ post?? Or  New Zealand Couriers?? 




  12. 1 hour ago, rycilla said:

    Thank you! We ended up calling them and all is good. Our flight is booked for Dec 28 so we booked a standard one on the 27th!

    Side note - I JUST received my passport with visa!

    So interview was Dec 8. Visa arrived Dec 13. 

    I will update the google spreadsheet you created!

    @rycilla great to hear! did you just take a NZ post overnight courier bag with you to the interview for them to send it back in? Just curious for ours cause we have interview on Wednesday..

  13. 1 minute ago, MelanieR18 said:

    @JoshandSarah my husband is IR1. They must only being doing K1 interviews then, maybe those interviews are able to socially distance more than IR1 ones or something haha who knows.

    Good luck at the interview,  hope it goes well for you guys and keep us updated! :) 

    Really confused here, I called the visa line to find out and they said my interview was still going ahead, so I'm happy about that but I'm terribly sorry for anyone who isn't in this boat 🥺

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