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Posts posted by S_and_K_K1

  1. 37 minutes ago, Lucy&Jason said:

    Did your case update to fingerprint completed after they took your biometrics? I read from the AOS Detroit Field in here that so far so good with regards to their processing. Hopefully it’s true to all. :D

    Yes, I had my biometrics taken on the 22nd of March. How did you get your notification about your case being ready? Also, good luck with the process! Hopefully, you’ll get your interview date soon. 

  2. 5 hours ago, dkmfan85 said:

    Yay! Congratulations!! Are you planning on going through Moscow or transferring to another embassy?

    To be honest with you, I am still debating. I am still considering Georgia, but it seems like the Moscow Embassy started opening their dates. Have you heard any news from them? 

    I would go to Georgia or Ukraine, but they make you pay the visa fee in the country (no online option) so it would have to be more than 2 weeks trip if I am to transfer my case there. 

  3. 9 hours ago, Aanastasiia said:

    Hello! I sent an email to the Kiev embassy. They answered to contact NVC about it. And NVC just doesn’t answer... I guess there is nothing more we can do. ‘Cause on Tuesday NVC is supposed to send our case out to Moscow...

    Thank you for letting me know. UGH Good luck with this! I think you can always ask Moscow to send it to Kiev directly. I believe it won`t take long because both Embassies process files electronically. 

  4. 13 hours ago, Aanastasiia said:

    Yeah, that is what I read too... Too bad:/


    I contacted NVC through the special form in order to change the embassy... I did it 8 days ago and there is no reply at all. On the phone they said they would reply when they have time.... Ukraine is ready to take our case, but NVC just wouldn’t want to transfer it, it seems.☹️

    Did anybody succeed in trying to transfer at the NVC stage?..

    Hi! Could you, please, share how you know that Kiev is ready to take your case? I would like to also transfer my case there while it is still at the NVC stage. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, BJ & Christine said:

    On the rfe it should state what they want. Don't include anymore then what's asked for. But, don't forget to include everything they do ask for. Sign and date rfe. Even if there is no spot for it. Just a safety measure. 

    Good luck


    1 minute ago, Lucy&Jason said:

    As what i have read. You’ll be needing a certified court records in original form(not photocopy)

    Thank you! It did ask for a certified final disposition but does not state what exactly they want for the police record. I wish they would also send an example of the documents they need. 

    Good luck to everyone!

  6. Hi everyone, so we received an RFE for forgetting to include a police report from the petitioner`s arrest (the charges were dropped).

    Does anyone know if there needs to be any signature or stamp on the arrest? He got it yesterday and there is nothing on it that shows that the document is legit.

    His disposition does have a court seal and a signature of the clerk...so im only asking about the police report. 


    Please, let me know! THANK YOUUUU

  7. 2 minutes ago, BJ & Christine said:

    All I sent was what they requested.

    And signed rfe at the bottom. Even tho there was no spot for me to sign. 

    Do not send anything more then what is asked for. 

    Also, sent both pages with them both on top. It clearly states on the rfe what they want and how to send it back to them. 

    Sent mine back usps certified next day air. Cost $24.70

    THANK YOU! I might be needing some more advice after I see what the RFE is about. Thanks and good luck!

  8. 5 minutes ago, BJ & Christine said:

    Most have been pretty easy so far. With a few more complexed mixed in. 

    Still waiting to hear on my rfe. Only been 5 days tho...

    should recieve ur rfe in the mail next week. We're u notified it was mailed? Or ur just getting a rfe..


    Thats what I am hoping for. I am going to be asking the forum, if its something I am not sure how to complete. 

    The only place where the info was changes was the old case tracker, where it states that RFE was mailed. Really hoping to be done with it soon. 

    I hope your RFE won`t prolong your process too long. 


    Did you include any additional evidence of relationship and a new letter of intent to marry?

  9. 1 minute ago, oldowan said:

    Yikes!  I'm on the west coast this week for a wedding and I just saw that there's mail being delivered to my house (on the East Coast) that looks like this:




    I won't be home until Saturday to open it. :content:


    My app says that my status is "Case was received" (on 18 October 2017).

    Any of the more experienced folks here know if there are any clues from the picture to tell if it's an RFE or an Approval?

    In the address part is says

    "1 of 1" and under the gray bar on the upper left of the address is my fiancee's name.


    Are either the RFE or the Approval NOT 1 page?

    I cannot stand the suspense!!!


    Can anyone help?






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