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About AmandaandChayne

  • Birthday 08/26/1975

Profile Information

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Phoenix AZ Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Oklahoma City OK
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    We met playing Clash of Kings the West in late 2016 and fellin love online. Met in May 2017, multiple visits then got enaged in April 2018 in Paris. Married April 20th 2019

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  1. Finally the end of my journey I became a USA citizen on Friday 12th May!! good luck to all still waiting!!
  2. So I had to reschedule my April 17th oath ceremony as that was the day I was flying to England to see my seriously declining with advanced dementia mum and it’s been rescheduled for May 12th at Muskogee District Court house. My only stress is the notice says if you’ve been out of the country to bring travel related paperwork and I have no clue what they need only have the 3 return boarding passes and flight booking and a football ticket from the match we went to, could maybe find hotel bookings but we booked them on the spur of the moment each day.
  3. Oh and my Roc status just changed to approved. The interviewer said it would be approved but no green card sent out as I’ll be having my oath ceremony
  4. Spouse wasn’t allowed in. allow time because their new computer system is troublesome. I waited 1 hour 46 mins after my appointment time. My interviewer was super nice did a combo interview, went briefly through my I-751 checking names, spouse date of birth, if we’d filed taxes. Etc Took 5 mins Then new photo and checked my index finger prints. Then the English test. Read a simple line, then wrote what he said he repeated 4 times. Than the civics test. He stopped after I got 6 right, (after 6 for me). Then went through eligibility basics. The yes/no questions ie are you a criminal/ if the government asks will you go to war etc then checked details for my naturalisation certificate. Had me sign to say they were right and sign the electronic oath to say I’m happy to pledge it etc
  5. Had my interview and tests today and they did a combo interview and I passed!! Uscis case status now says the below:
  6. Congrats to you both!! I have my N400 interview and tests on 23rd March!!
  7. Also question due to go to England on April 18th will this screw up our trip if approved! Can I travel between approval and Oath ceremony if approved?
  8. Well checked MyUscis before sleeping and my N400 interview has been scheduled!!! Checked the documents and it’s March 23rd!! Excited and nervous!! Now to study like crazy after a trip to Iceland next week!!
  9. Just checked my uscis and my I-751 was transferred to another office on November 10. 9 days after filing my N400, 414 days after fingerprints reused.
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