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Posts posted by Fippsie

  1. 3 minutes ago, Bianca89 said:

    Hey everybody! A silent stalker from Germany here ;)  September 22 filer! Can't wait for our case to be FINALLY approved...hopefully VERY soon. I have a questions regarding the police certificate: I studied in the states for almost 1 1/2 years from 01/2014 to 06/2015) - but I was always registered in Germany. Do I still need a police certificate. I read somewhere that you would only need it if you lived in a country for over a year AND were registered in that country. 


    Any former US students out here? I am so confused right now, HELP :) 

    I think that if you weren‘t registered, then they won‘t even have a police file for you. I think it only means where your main residence is. So if you were in the us, but didnt work there and have a residency registered and are still registered in germany, then you wouldn‘t need one.

    I‘m from germany as well and went to school in south korea.. but I was still registered in germany, because I lived in an airbnb and didn‘t have a place or bank account or ANYTHING bound to my name at all in korea, so there isn‘t really any trace of me back in korea other than my passport stamps. 


    TL;DR: I wouldn‘t sweat it until you paid rent for your own place registered to your name or worked or anything 😂

  2. I think it will cause red flags that you met on a dating website and plan on marrying before even meeting. Looks like a wedding simply for immigration. 


    Also you say you will only be able to visit once during the process because of finances.. the visa process is VERY expensive. are you sure you want to invest more than half a grand before even having met? I‘d say wait a few months and see how it is. if you of course don‘t care that you might waste 600$, apply the sooner the better. It‘s a long process.

  3. 15 hours ago, HarmonyAndYoussef said:

     I don't know if this will help anyone, but I was browsing through the Affidavit of Support on rapidvisa, and when It got to this section to fill out. It says that if it's before April 15, you won't need your 2017 tax returns. (this was helpful for me because my income drastically changed last year when i spent 6 months with him.)


    Lol cutting it close our estimate is april 15.. haha 😂

  4. 3 hours ago, NikLR said:

    No the OP said the German consulate ALSO said their German parent cannot pass on his citizenship due to similar circumstances to their US mother.  Is there a physical presence requirement for a German citizen like there is for a US citizen? 

    No, there isn't. That's why I'm saying the OP is living in denial! What she is saying is simply not true. 



    What is needed to qualify for a German baby passport

    • The baby is of German nationality (one parent is German or the child has qualified as a German citizen for other reasons).


    • Here are some situations where your baby could be eligible for German citizenship:
    • Your baby’s father is German and is either married to baby-mama, or has acknowledged paternity (or his paternity has been legally established by a court).



    A person born of a parent with German citizenship at the time of the child's birth is a German citizen. Place of birth is not a factor in citizenship determination based on parentage.

    • A child born in a foreign country will no longer receive German citizenship automatically by birth, if his/her German parent was born after 31 December 1999 in a foreign country and has his/her primary residence there. Exceptions are:
    1. The child would be stateless.
    2. The German parent registers the child's birth within one year of birth to the responsible German agency abroad.


    Here.. so many different sites saying the same thing. If the father is german and married to the mother or acknowledged paternity, the kids are german. As easy as that. And many people have already said it. She just doesn't want to see it, because she wants her kids to be US citizens.

  5. 7 minutes ago, KatziGuthmann said:

    Awww so happy for you! How long does she stay?

    I've read you are from NRW? I was in Essen for a year, it was such a nice time and great place to travel from :)

    she stays for two weeks! unfortunately she cant take off work for longer. And yes I live about 30 minutes away from Essen! :D


    6 minutes ago, Naes said:

    Awww that's sooooo lovely!!! You must be so excited!

    Yesss!! I thought we won't see each other until I have my visa so this is very nice. :)) 

  6. 1 hour ago, Naes said:

    Hey everyone,


    I've added September-November in to the drive.

    However please remember these do not contain any WAC numbers however, all newly given ID numbers according to the same order of their WAC number. 

    So they can be used in analysis or if anyone wants to check the conditions of any month.


    I'll update active months weekly, and the rest monthly.


    December still has numbers with validation error and I'm trying to figure out if there's any change so far.






    LOL this scared me for a second! Our date is september 28th and I scrolled down and all the 28th dates were denied or RFEd .. So I was totally confused until I ctrl+F ed and searched for 09/28 and saw that there's many more in a different spot hahaha 

    Thank you for all your work! <3 

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