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Posts posted by Springrain22

  1. Just sit and wait. She has a clear immigration intent. There's no way she could get a tourist visa. BE THANKFUL for being able to do K-1. Visa is not a right, it's a privelege.

    Relax and drink some water. She will come, but later. We all wait.

  2. Not to sound blunt, but... stupidity should be painful. She's now facing charges to what they did. I am happy she got caught for being "smarter" than others. Rules are rules. She tried to AOS from tourist visa. I hope she will never ever get a tourist visa to US again. Wanted to immigrate? K1 and 14 months, like others. She's not better than anyone here waiting for years.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Tilia said:


     It actually does. This was my entire point. Are children 100% evidence of a genuine relationship? No. Are they evidence of nothing? No again. I don't understand how people genuinely think that taking pictures with someone is a stronger evidence of a relationship than having a child with that person.

    No, it does not at all. Children are only 100% evidence of two people had sex. That's it. The rest is NOT guaranteed and can't be guaranteed at all.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Paa Qwesi said:

    Looks like I really got on people's nerves by asking if I could expedite cos the wait time is too long. Like I said,  I only read and guessed to expedite speeds up the process and if indeed I have a genuine cause to do so which I don't know,  then I'd be glad to be taught which is why I asked. OK, so I went on the Ghana embassy portal and read about it and the criteria and so I know what it is and how it works. Whatever is telling you I have no reason to expedite is absolutely right. We all wait. 

    People don't like when someone is trying to be smarter than others. How did you determine that "the wait time is too long"? Immigration is a privelege, and not your right. There's nothing quick about immigration.

  5. 1 minute ago, little immigrant said:


    Now my husband got his SSN and I added him as an authorized user on my credit card. Within a month he had a file on creditkarma with a score of 750. 

    Just FYI, CreditKarma only shows VantageScore which is not very accurate, as most lenders and credit checks will use your FICO score, which may be totally different (much less) than your score you see on CK.

  6. "Under a U.S. Department of Homeland Security proposal, intended to determine who is considered “admissible” to the country, immigrants would have to provide evidence of their financial status. This includes applications for public benefits in the U.S., proof of private health insurance to cover certain medical conditions, and their credit histories and credit scores."


    I think this is absolutely right!



  7. If you're so interested in making their lives better -- send them some money on a monthly basis, it may help. Forget about bringing them to the US -- it's not a fast nor easy process, it will take long YEARS. You can't adopt and bring them to the US only because "you want" or "you think it will be better" or "they have bad conditions". A few billion people on this planet are having even worse conditions, so does it mean we should bring all them here? Nope. Work on this, go there, support them, invest lots of money and time, and one day they may get their visas.

  8. I am going to be blunt, but your mother will have to stay home unless she has very very very strong ties to her country. The refusal rate for her country is 50%, which is very high. To get a tourist visa, she has to have an exceptional travel background, which I personally doubt. There's no visa "to help with a baby". That will be considered as work and is NOT allowed on tourist visa.


    Consider hiring babysitter if you need help with your baby. Sorry for the harsh truth.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Randyandyuni said:

    Being a worthless individual is not restricted to a single country, please don't lump all into one basket, if that's your opion, fine, keep it to yourself, I have heard the same of immigrants from the middle East and former Soviet Union,. It's an unfair stereotype.

    I did not say it's restricted to Philippines. I said that the majority comes from Philippines and we see it proven almost every day by topics like this one. Hiding this fact is pointless, it is what it is, no need to hide it. Personally, I wouldn't bring a girl from Philippines to the US unless I am 100% sure she's the one. Unfortunately, some of the counties tend to have people with the same "strategy" too.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Michelle M said:

    Well take a look at the statistics on how/where new immigrants votes. Whether or not the current president is actually improving the lives of everyday Americans is yet to be seem.  However, I can say one thing he hasn't done anything for me or my family neither has the last two presidents before him, so I won't be holding my breath.

    He has done to me and my family. My taxes went down, not a lot, but they went down. I see less people who is here illegally and I see more fear in those who wanted to break the immigration law. It does matter to me as well. So let's see what is going to be next but I foresee him for 2022 for sure. 90% of those who scream "he's not my president" will change their mind in a few years, 100%.

  11. 18 minutes ago, gator15 said:

    You do realize that in order to eligible for Obamacare, you have to have a full time job?  My husband is a doctor, I am a healthcare lawyer, I guarantee you I know more about how Obamacare works than your political talking heads know.  It isn't anything close to a disaster, very far from it, and take that from someone who treats patients all day long in a hospital.  Also, health insurance is far from a "few hundred bucks".  I own my own law firm and I can tell you what I pay for health insurance for my employees, it is a lot more than a few hundred dollars a month, try more like $600 a person per month.  


    You are completely entitled to your opinion, but the fact of the matter is that people that receive Obamacare are working, and working hard at full time jobs.  These are exactly the people that we want to keep in this country, so I have to disagree with you that we would deny citizenship to these people.  

    Again, Obamacare is a complete crаp. Read more here: http://fortune.com/2016/08/22/obama-wrong-obamacare/

    Give me a few solid points why it's NOT.


    Now, why do those who have a full time job need to apply for that? Why not to get anything from healthcare companies with their plans? There's a plan for almost everybody.

    $600 for those who work is not that much. Again, you're always welcome not to pay or go somewhere else. Just FYI, I pay $1200 every month for my family. You know what I did? I tripled my income instead of crying on forums.


    I am not saying that ALL of those people aren't deserving to be a USC, but the majority does like to sit on benefits, I can assure you.

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