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    Laststop reacted to Orangesapples in REFUSED for incomplete documents.   
    What do you mean by that? K1 is the visa for finances to use, it's not a shortcut. The wait is shorter but it's a completely legitimate visa to apply for if you're not married
  2. Like
    Laststop reacted to agrabs in Divorce before Conditional Removal   
    It sounds like she was denied roc and in removal proceedings with a deferred deportation option where she was under the supervision of ICE and needed to check in every 2years
  3. Like
    Laststop reacted to Beth & Achraf in K1 DENIED- Whats next?   
    Visa Journey is not the only immigration help website.
    If withdrawing petition while filing CR1 is a chance, don't risk it and lost your CR1 filing fee.
  4. Like
    Laststop reacted to Beth & Achraf in K1 DENIED- Whats next?   
    NO,   withdraw your K1 petition before you get married.  Yes it will sit on a shelf somewhere, but USCIS must close it  or you..
    Don't include withdraw letter with new CR1 petition.       Must be withdrawn first, or they can refuse your CR1 petition, saw this happen twice already with people.
  5. Like
    Laststop reacted to Cyberfx1024 in K1 DENIED- Whats next?   
    If you will look around this site a bit you will see many cases where a "engagement party" in parts of Asia and Africa have led to a denial.
    This is because a fair number of people want to be culturally sensitive to their fiancé will have Traditional Engagement Ceremony with their soon to be family and fiancé. They will then submit those pictures as evidence of a relationship but it can also be misconstrued as evidence of a traditional marriage ceremony. I have seen this countless times here on VJ and I wish people would read up on it before submitting evidence like this. 
    You will now have to get married and file the CR-1, you can do this right away without having to wait. 
  6. Sad
    Laststop reacted to kemm360 in K1 DENIED- Whats next?   
    He’s not a supportive brother ☹️
  7. Like
    Laststop reacted to IzzieLove in K1 DENIED- Whats next?   
    I am saying that he was black American just to show that there was no cultural barriers and he should have understood the term “engagement party”. I am Black and American as well!
  8. Like
    Laststop reacted to DannyD in Please advise --- Completed I751 package ready for next week mail out   
    Hi VJ family,
    Our package has about 100 pages.  We share a house with another couple and they take care of utility bills so we don't have house utility bills under our names. I briefly explain this in the cover letter. Please help to advise if my evidences are strong enough? we have included everything  we can possibly find.  Thank you much! (my wife is the conditional resident)
    Table of Contents

    Exhibit A:

    Bank check of $680 for I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence + Biometric service fee

    Front and back copy of wife Permanent Resident Card

    Original Form I-751 filled and signed by us

    Exhibit B:

    Copy of our certified Marriage Certificate

    Copy of joint monthly bank statements checking account from 2016 to 2018

    Copy of joint residential lease agreement

    Copy of our driver licenses showing the same current home address

    Copy of joint tax return transcripts from the IRS in 2017

    Copy of joint tax return transcripts from the IRS in 2016

    Copy of joint auto insurance policy

    Copy of health insurance cards from husband employer for employee and spouse

    Copy of husband's life insurance policy showing spouse and mother are beneficiaries

    Copy of T-Mobile family plan has wife's name in the list

    Exhibit 😄

    ·         Photo of our baby’s ultrasound

    ·         Photo of family gathering in Thanksgiving 2017

    ·         Photo of family gathering in Christmas 2017

               Photo of Seattle trip in May 2018 + copy of airline ticket reservation

            Photo of Vegas trip December 2017 + copy of hotel reservation
    ·         Photo of Singapore trip in July 2017 + copy of airline ticket reservation

    ·         Photo of Japan trip in August 2017 + copy of hotel reservation

    ·         Photo of husband’s mother visiting wife’s parents oversea during her trip in 2018

    ·         Photo of us socialize with friends and family throughout the years

    Exhibit 😧

    ·         Original affidavit support letters sworn by 2 friends
  9. Haha
    Laststop reacted to Eric-Pris in 90 Day Fiance -- season ??? [merged threads]   
    Rickey is the Colombian Santa Claus. 
  10. Like
    Laststop reacted to Paul & Mallory in 90 Day Fiance -- season ??? [merged threads]   
    Oh lord help them all.
    Karine literally cried right before walking down the aisle. If that doesn't show you where her heart is at. She is not in love with Paul, and just wants a better life. It's like she's forcing herself to be in this relationship and marry him.
    So Rickey just sends money to random chicks? As in plural?? I like how when Ximena first made her appearance, he said he just talked to her on the side when he and Melissa weren't talking much. Now all of a sudden we find out he's been just as involved with her as he was Melissa, sending her money just like he did with the other one. It screams desperation. He is so willing to send lots of money to MULTIPLE women he has never met. And I really liked Ximena! But now I just see her in the same light as the Melissas of this show. She's just using him for his American money.
    I SWEAR I canNOT take Jesse seriously with that HEAD BAND. DUDE you look like me in the 6th grade, STOP IT. This last episode for them was sooooo cringeworthy. For BOTH of them. The way Darcey can be talking completely normal and literally in the snap of a finger, be making that God-awful cry face.... it's all acting to me. I don't even buy it anymore. They both flip flop between "baby" and "honey", and "OMG YOU ARE DANGEROUS I AM AFRAID" so much, and so easily.
    My husband read something about how Tarik and Rickey are upset with TLC for editing their footage to make them appear so desperate. Um. I know there is heavy editing on these, but. I'm pretty sure they did that to themselves with no help from TLC.
  11. Like
    Laststop reacted to Enas in 90 Day Fiance -- season ??? [merged threads]   
    Im sure Michael was thinking "Who told I'm gonna stay long enough to wipe your saggy butt cheeks?" Someone please give him a visa already he's been through enough!  
    And someone please for the love of God get Darcy out of this relationship! I would have already slapped Jesse he really told her "I was still talking." I straight jumped out of my seat and said "No boo boo IM STILL TALKING you shut up because you definitely not talking to me like you crazy." Lol made me think of this tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/_folklaure_/status/1033898571815428097
    Jesse is so abusive like yes Darcy is crazy but boy she's putting up with waayyyyyyyy too much emotional abuse 
  12. Like
    Laststop reacted to Eric-Pris in 90 Day Fiance -- season ??? [merged threads]   
    Totally agreed.  She doesn't love him, nor even care for him, other than caring that she won't lose ("him"-read: her chance at a better life) to another woman.  She's not jealous in terms of love.  She's jealous in terms of losing her lottery ticket.
    She admitted on camera that she doesn't even find him attractive.  Honestly, she would be willing to marry virtually ANY American that contacted her online.  The brother is trying to save him, but Tarik is a blind idiot.
  13. Haha
    Laststop reacted to Enas in 90 Day Fiance -- season ??? [merged threads]   
    Amen! He doesn't need to go through any more processing for a visa having sex with her is enough processing for one person to last a life time.
  14. Like
    Laststop reacted to lucybelle in 90 Day Fiance -- season ??? [merged threads]   
    I think the issue about "shoe gate" is Jesse has already shown plenty of signs of emotional abuse. Had it been Micheal to be like "this crazy lady threw a shoe at me", I'd be like "Get out!" But Jesse is manipulative, abusive and narcissistic. This is just a new way to keep her under control.
  15. Like
    Laststop reacted to M&B in 90 Day Fiance -- season ??? [merged threads]   
    Jesse is insane, she stepped accidentally on his white shoes and he snapped? He feels unsafe with her after a shoe accident and leaves how many times on one day with his suitcase? Put his sorry ### on the first plane back. Looks like Darcy brings him to the airport in the next episode, he would’ve gotten my middlefinger 😊
  16. Like
    Laststop reacted to Enas in 90 Day Fiance -- season ??? [merged threads]   
    Because abusers love feeling powerful. I'm sure he knows that she seeks his attention and he may act like he doesn't like it but he does. It's an ego boost for him. That's why he's always saying "I'm done I'm leaving." Because he knows she'll kiss he's feet just for him to stay but that one time she said she was was done he lost it because an abuser can't stand losing that power over someone. He's that type of guy that if you tell him he did something wrong he'll flip it on you and make it seem like you did something wrong not him. 
  17. Like
    Laststop reacted to Enas in 90 Day Fiance -- season ??? [merged threads]   
    I think she's the type of woman that puts up with abuse for fear of being forever alone. She may think that if Jesse leaves her that she'll never find someone else which is why she puts up with him. That's what I get from her. She doesn't have any self esteem 
  18. Like
    Laststop reacted to JFH in 90 Day Fiance -- season ??? [merged threads]   
    I agree that Darcy is irritating. I can't imagine anyone being able to live with her whining and her constant questioning for validation ("does my make up look nice?" etc). But instead of being reasonable and saying to her "look, this isn't working. It was nice knowing you" Jesse continues with his abuse. They both need help. 
  19. Like
    Laststop reacted to GG&RG in My wife, US Citizen!   
    We have traveled our Visajourney to the end, success !
    We followed the steps provided here on the Visajourney website, mixed with prayers, and support from our friends, my wife became a US Citizen on 8/12/2018!!! 
    It takes a lot of patience, but if you do your homework, file the correct documents, and supply the required information, you will win. 
    My wife took her Citizen exam on the Sept 12, 2018, she told the examiner she was able to answer all 100 questions, she killed it. My wife said she was a little disappointed because she was so ready they only asked her the simple questions. After her test, they invited her to take the oath, about 2 hours later on the same day. We had and huge hurricane coming in, and since we were already there in the office she agreed to take the oath. We were expecting to get a oath ceremony in about 2 weeks, we wanted to invite some of our friends to attend, but due to impending weather she went ahead and took the oath. We have a new American!!  
    My wife is from Romania, she told me, when she was a child and saw airliner fly over her house in Romania she would wonder if it was going to America, Our started our journey  2013, 
    and now she is here! Our next step is for her to pass her nursing license.
    Many of you know about this, but what a feeling it is to be able to be part of someone's life long dream, and watch them become an American...the right way, and forever
    Thank you Visajourney!!
    I have recommended at least 3 other people to join and win!
    Best wishes to you all, God bless!
    Rodica and George G.

  20. Like
    Laststop reacted to Boiler in When to present documents to back up claim   
    The truth is much easier to remember apart from anything else.
  21. Like
    Laststop reacted to JFH in Traditional engagement?   
    A "traditional engagement" can create more problems than it's worth in countries like Ghana. Many people have been denied a K-1 following a traditional engagement as the lines between "not married" and "married" become very blurred. Since "engaged" is not a legal status in the USA and is not required to get married (we never "got engaged", we just gradually realized as the relationship progressed that we wanted to be together for ever so we decided to get married), you do not need ring receipts, photos of either of you on one knee, party invitations, Facebook status updates, announcements or anything of that nature to be approved for a K-1 visa. Contrary to popular belief, it's perfectly possible to receive a K-1 visa with no ring, no proposal, etc. All that is required is that you are both intending to marry each other within 90 days of the intending immigrant's arrival in the USA. 
    For Ghana your biggest hurdle is going to be time spent together. How many times have you seen each other? You need a LOT of strong evidence for Ghana. Avoid anything that looks like a ceremony. It will harm your case. Focus on evidence of time spent together. Visit as often as you can afford. 
  22. Like
    Laststop reacted to Kimberleigh in A decision cannot yet be made about your application   
    Thank you so much for the kind words! I think it’s always when the finish line is so close that may set back feels like a major failure. Keeping my chin up and waiting 😊 have a wonderful weekend! 
  23. Like
    Laststop reacted to VenomousSwan in A decision cannot yet be made about your application   
    I’m so sorry to hear your case is undecided. My lawyer warned me that not getting approved during the interview is the “new normal” and not to fret over it too much (though it is terribly frustrating). Just remember that you’re in the home stretch and you’ll be done with this journey soon! 
    Hang in there! ❤️
  24. Like
    Laststop reacted to Greenbaum in February 2018 I-129F Filers, Part II   
    @Em&B So I have heard that with some new law apparently that is making it really hard almost impossible for people to get a job/hired in the U.S. now ... that employers have to show that there is no U.S. Citizen qualified to fill the position? 🙄😒🤔 something about not being able to work until you are a citizen? Has anyone heard anything about this? This terrifies me.. if it is true, how are any of the fiancés coming into America going to find jobs! 
    To follow up on your posting in the closed thread I offer you this explanation.
    You are referring to someone who is processing through a EBx visa. There are number of EBx types of visas. Once of which needs the Employer to prove to the US Govt that there isn't a USC to fill that position first. If not then the EBx is issued for that process.
    Now a CR-1 married seeking a family based visa and a K-1 also seeking a family based visa can work once the begin to process their AOS. Once you file the I-765 form and approved you will be able to search and receive work. Official wording below. 
    After being admitted to the U.S. on a K-1 nonimmigrant visa, your fiancé(e) may immediately apply for evidence of work authorization by filing Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization. In this case, your fiancé(e)’s work authorization is valid for only 90 days after his or her entry into the U.S.
    Your fiancé(e) may also apply for work authorization at the same time he or she applies for a Green Card. In this case, your fiancé(e) can file Form I-765 together with the Form I-485. In this case, your fiancé(e)’s work authorization is valid for one year and may be extended in one-year increments.
  25. Like
    Laststop reacted to VenomousSwan in Things to bring to Naturalization Interview   
    I unfortunately don’t have any advice to give, but I just want to say I’m so happy for you! I applied for my n400 through the Seattle office as well (July 2017), and it makes me so happy to see people actually getting to the end of the journey! ❤️
    Best of luck, and please keep us posted! 
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