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    alizon got a reaction from mr and mrs in I feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis   
    I've seen very little criticism of your desire for an expedite here. People are just trying to give you options, in case your expedite isn't approved (no one is saying that it shouldn't be!) or if even the expedite isn't fast enough. It doesn't seem like anyone has been malicious in their intentions.
  2. Like
    alizon got a reaction from Boiler in I feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis   
    I've seen very little criticism of your desire for an expedite here. People are just trying to give you options, in case your expedite isn't approved (no one is saying that it shouldn't be!) or if even the expedite isn't fast enough. It doesn't seem like anyone has been malicious in their intentions.
  3. Like
    alizon got a reaction from villaspurs in I feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis   
    I've seen very little criticism of your desire for an expedite here. People are just trying to give you options, in case your expedite isn't approved (no one is saying that it shouldn't be!) or if even the expedite isn't fast enough. It doesn't seem like anyone has been malicious in their intentions.
  4. Like
    alizon got a reaction from gad33 in I feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis   
    I've seen very little criticism of your desire for an expedite here. People are just trying to give you options, in case your expedite isn't approved (no one is saying that it shouldn't be!) or if even the expedite isn't fast enough. It doesn't seem like anyone has been malicious in their intentions.
  5. Like
    alizon got a reaction from Inky in I feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis   
    I've seen very little criticism of your desire for an expedite here. People are just trying to give you options, in case your expedite isn't approved (no one is saying that it shouldn't be!) or if even the expedite isn't fast enough. It doesn't seem like anyone has been malicious in their intentions.
  6. Like
    alizon got a reaction from yachachiq12 in I feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis   
    I've seen very little criticism of your desire for an expedite here. People are just trying to give you options, in case your expedite isn't approved (no one is saying that it shouldn't be!) or if even the expedite isn't fast enough. It doesn't seem like anyone has been malicious in their intentions.
  7. Like
    alizon reacted to mr and mrs in I feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis   
    for the second time in this thread, you are dismissing other peoples' situations as less important than your family's. this is extremely poor form. -1 for you.
    you have options. no they are not ideal, but you have them. but you seem to have tunnel vision, you are loath to explore to the fullest alternate plans of attack, and only see the particular path you want. (expedited expedite.)
    you put your child in this situation by failing to file for AOS in any sort of timely manner and then proceeding to leave the US with your sick child. now your child is paying for the choices you and your husband made and continue to make.
    harsh words, i know, but this is the underlying truth of the situation you find yourself (edit:) in.
  8. Like
    alizon got a reaction from villaspurs in I feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis   
    Everyone here is sympathetic and trying to help you out...no need to bust on other people's lives/worries as "stupid."
  9. Like
    alizon got a reaction from Harpa Timsah in I feel like my husband is being fooled by uscis   
    Everyone here is sympathetic and trying to help you out...no need to bust on other people's lives/worries as "stupid."
  10. Like
    alizon reacted to Ban Hammer in So what happens to couples who don't get the visa???   
    enough with the bickering and baiting.
  11. Like
    alizon reacted to Paisaman in Paisaman's I-130 CSC Statistics   
    Oh trust me.. August is my focus since thats where my application is, but so far in there first 5000 apps of August there were 5 approvals.
    Nice that there are a couple but not statistically significant to run the whole month yet.
    Don't freak out about the "unprocessed" apps. The telling item is what days they are working on. Out of the 24k remaining apps its possible 15-18k may not see the light of day. The most important thing is to see what days they are *focusing* on. Right now its July 11-13th. As that moves forward you can expect happy happy joy joy.
  12. Like
    alizon reacted to Darnell in 1-864 scares the hell out of me   
    Won't be issued. Unsure if denied or no, but certainly won't be issued.
    Without I-864 intake at NVC, the casefile won't leave NVC.
    You are confusing AOS, yes?
    AOS for a K-1, adjustment of status vs
    AOS for a CR-1, Affadavit of Support, singularly the I-864 form.
    Nice ab shot, btw.
  13. Like
    alizon reacted to amyandjorge in 1-864 scares the hell out of me   
    I see it like this, the US gov't acknowledges that people make mistakes sometimes. In the case of an immigrant on welfare, either you pay for your mistake, or the taxpayers as a whole do.
    Whether or not you are old, rich, educated, etc etc, nobody can vouch for your spouse more than you can.
    Personally, what kind of person asks someone that they love to leave their home/country/family and then (if things don't work out) say OOPS I'm not responsible for THAT at all.
  14. Like
    alizon reacted to elmcitymaven in Found an old girlfriend on Freepersonnals.ru   
    New lows on VJ (none of which are from you, Why_Me):

    Belittling rape victims Intimating that your ex-wife died of cancer when she is actually alive to score a cheap point Making fun of people whose relationships ended not for "she's a ######" or "he's an azz" but because things don't work out because that makes you somehow a WINNER at life Threatening a mod with violence
    Those are just for starters. Objecting to a NSFW image (many of us are actually at work when we're on VJ, taking a break or cruising by while we're on hold) that is not marked NSFW or put in a spoiler -- not a new low.
    And for what it's worth, I didn't report it either because I have images blocked.
  15. Like
    alizon reacted to Empress of Groovy in Found an old girlfriend on Freepersonnals.ru   
    Deep breaths, VV, deep breaths.
  16. Like
    alizon reacted to foobaz123 in July NOA1 at CSC   
    Am I alone in feeling like they're bragging and rubbing salt in some pretty painful wounds?
    It's nice that they got approved so quickly. Bully for them. But to post a thread dedicated to calling out that they got approved in 8 days when they have to down that there are people who have waited 10.. 20.. 30 times that long... just seems... wrong.
  17. Like
    alizon reacted to aaron2020 in Found an old girlfriend on Freepersonnals.ru   
    Speaking of sneaky behavior being universal and Russian women never giving up.
    Does th OP's wife know that he is looking at sites for Russian brides? How many wives would be accepting of this behavior?
    Dwiddle-dee & dwindle-dum indeed. Is his wife interchangeable with his ex? His wife should be concern if he still has to guess if he made the right choice.
    It's easy to make judgment about how desperate these older women are when they use old pictures. What does it say about the man who marry one if them, believes she's "dwiddle-dee or dwiddle-dum," an is still cruising for more of these women.
    I also wonder which pictures men like this send to the women on these sites.
    It takes two people to make these relationship work. A man who uses one of these sites to get a bride and continue to look at them after he gets marry should probably not be so judgmental about the women on them.
  18. Like
    alizon reacted to OnMyWayID in Expedite Request   
    This makes no sense.. How can he sigh an I-864 saying that he has the funds to ensure you will not be a public charge on one hand and get an expedite because he has no funds to send you on the other?
  19. Like
    alizon reacted to Obc333 in decided to take early dna testing before the interview , result is negative..what to do?   
    It is obvious that this person does not care if the child is his biologically. He loves the child and wants him to be a part of his life. He is asking advice on how to go about how to do that, I think that's what we should give him advice on and not how he wants to deal with his personal relationship with his wife.
    I think you should be honest in your immigration proceedings, let them know the child is not biologically yours, and see about filing for him as a stepchild. I suggest you seek the aid of an attorney if you can afford.
  20. Like
    alizon reacted to Psalm139 in decided to take early dna testing before the interview , result is negative..what to do?   
    Well, first of all I would like to say that I am so proud of you for still loving your wife inspite of, and since she told you beforehand that you might not be the biological father you still chose to love her. Betrayal is not the question here, she still became honest with you ... as what you have said that she told you before hand.
    I don't think this will be a big big trouble in the US Embassy, if you will just get a proper advise. I would suggest that you will seek an expert to this kind of case, try to look at the internet if you can find a US immigration lawyer that is free and then you probably can email him or what about this case. It would be better not to listen to anyone but to an expert to this, so that u will not get confused.
  21. Like
    alizon reacted to Carmi in decided to take early dna testing before the interview , result is negative..what to do?   
    Wow.. people JUDGE before even knowing the entire story.. I thought this forum was to help with immigration process/questions.. we are not psychologists and we are not here to give personal advise unless someone is asking for our opinions of course..
    Anyway.. just needed to say that..
    As for your situation, I think that it does not matter who the biological father of the child is, legally YOU are the father, PERIOD. I think that you should just keep going with the whole process. Good luck!
  22. Like
    alizon got a reaction from rkk1 in Expedite for a job?   
    Update: I filed the expedite on Dec. 12 at 9am, was contacted by email for more information a few hours later, and faxed them a letter explaining the situation + evidence that afternoon. We never received an answer as to whether our expedite was approved or denied, but 5 days later...NOA2!
  23. Like
    alizon reacted to Anh map in Married in the USA,had baby and had to leave before applying to GC   
    Your daughter as a US citizen is free to return to the US at any time. You, as the non US citizen, will need a visa to enter.
    If your daughter needs to be in the US for medical reasons have the father travel to Brazil and take her back while the visa process continues.
  24. Like
    alizon reacted to AmberOctober in Was This A Costly Mistake? Not Even ! Year Yet!   
    I feel sorry for the girl. It's always hard to move to another country. The last thing you want is to have an old illiterate dude (a.k.a. husband) with a lot of personal complexes who doesn't give a dime about your cultural shock and homesickness. Looks like you brought another "exotic" toy to brag about among your friends (and even here on forum) and to your surprise figured out that she is a person with her own feelings and dreams.
    I absolutely sympathise Dave&Rosa's approach where the husband actually cares about his wife and is opened to talk about the situation, and support her. But I guess he didn't bring a "hot chick" or "exotic bartender" but his beloved wife instead.
    I also do hope that the girl will stay in the US and build a good family with someone who admirers and loves her for who she is.
  25. Like
    alizon reacted to Maria TH in Was This A Costly Mistake? Not Even ! Year Yet!   
    ^^ This. Couldn't say it better.
    Bill, I think you should try to work thing out with her to bring the happy marriage back. Or if you can't, please divorce her and let her go. Don't use the immigration condition to threaten her to be with you after all she has done for you.
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