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Posts posted by Merrytooth

  1. 5 hours ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    You are all over the place and I really don't get the context and point of your comments.
    I am sure the red states themselves admit to poor people and bad areas, that is just a fact, left or right, poor people are in both, red and blue states.
    Every country has it's bad areas and poor people so what else is new ?
    Besides the US having poor people it is still a great country, if you don't like it then why not move somewhere that better fits your needs and expectations ?
    I suppose you have not been to Rwanda to understand the bad areas there. I could find a youtube about it too but fail to see the point of country bashing
    because all countries have their good and bad things in which the human race lives.
    Infrastructure is crumbling yes, Trump's campaign  promise was to change that. I have not seen him doing anything about it.
    All that you mentioned is not a single reason to have a merit system. The poor, the "trashy", the infrastructure, Amtrak, the left's borrowed lingo,
    I fail to understand what that has to do with the price of tea in China.

    Basically for a First World Country USA, itself have many ____holes that it should try to fix first. 

    The country needs to help its own first, period. 

    My definition of a great country perhaps does not coincide with your definition. That's fine.

    You don't have to tell people who don't like it here to move away.


    I am here to stay, Hence I hope US could do more and fix its own problems.

    I feel shocked and bad to see those junk-yard looking rural places, homeless people tents on the outskirts of the cities.

    Very simple as that.

    Of course, nothing really much is being done due to both sides constant politicking.


    I am for Merit-based immigration, to pick the best of people REGARDLESS of COLORS, to help US to grow and improve, not simply because so and so has some relatives in US.

    Merit-based immigration will benefit those highly educated people from 3rd world countries.


    Oh, in case you still think that I am implying your Africa is ______, I am actually agreed with you that Africa is sending their best educated people to US.

    Merit-based immigration will benefit these people too.

  2. 6 hours ago, smilesammich said:

    um, no.

    read the article.

    I did..


    Also googled about the author Rutger Bregman (hopefully it is the same person).


    Money for nothing: the case for a basic income




    Into this void steps Rutger Bregman, a 28-year-old Dutch writer and thinker whose four books and writing in the media have received considerable attention in his own country. His ambition in Utopia for Realists is large; he wants to rescue us from our current economic, social and political malaise. The language he uses to describe his mission is similarly soaring; he seeks nothing less than to guide us toward “a new lodestar, a new map of the world that once again includes a distant, uncharted continent — ‘Utopia’ ”.

    The tricky thing about utopia is that it’s an inherently subjective concept: one woman’s utopia is as likely to be another’s dystopia. Bregman’s prescriptions will please those of a liberal, cosmopolitan and mostly progressive bent. His ideal world would include more open borders, a 15-hour work week, less inequality, and fewer “bull**** jobs” (by which he seems to mean primarily those in the financial sector). His most important (or at any rate overarching) idea appears to be a call for a universal basic income — “free money”, as he puts it, that would be distributed to every citizen, without means testing and without attached conditions (for example, the requirement to work or look for work).

    I can be on board with 15-hour work week and free money if Open Borders really works.

  3. 15 minutes ago, smilesammich said:


    ha ha ha ha..


    What myths debunk?

    The researcher only makes predictions what will happen if this or that is done.


    Just like the stock market, the economist predicts why the stocks will go up. blah blah....

    But when the market going to the opposite direction, the economist will also come up with another theory to counter previous wrong prediction..


    It is all talk, no certainty that it will work as exactly as the researcher said. 


    The ever only certainty in the world or life, is death.




  4. 8 minutes ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    No, the media is repeating what Trump says. 
    The media did not say all Mexicans are rapists, Trump did.
    Media repeated it. His tweet-policy says so.
    No, colleges should admit those who apply as always with the same criteria.
    A college and a country are an extremely poor comparison.
    Of course a college should admit the best regardless of where they come from.
    The best for a country are not only academics and as I said totally not comparable.
    On what did I jump to a conclusion ? I don't understand your reasoning.



    For me, college and country are the same comparison. Both need to have standards/criteria in admitting people, again I emphasized here -> REGARDLESS of COLORS.


    For those non-academics, non highly skills positions, USA already have temporary work visa like H2B.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    I did not say you came for a better life.
    I did not say a word about chain immigration. I am in favor of reasonable family unification.
    Pardon me but this country is not going down to a 3rd world country.
    I find your comment about poor and trashy 3 rd world people extremely offensive. You seem very bitter about something.
    Perhaps it was your own expectations with rose colored glasses that lead to your disappointment.
    By the way, no I was never involved in chain immigration.


    My comment about poor trashy 3rd world people? ha ha ha...

    I borrowed them from the Left, words they used to trash their own poor red state people. 

    That's how they trash their very own poor red state people. The Left are pretty ok with it.


    See this video here about LA downtown Skid Row? Have been circulating in some facebook pages for a while.



    Even Africa Rwanda (the country with genocide many years ago) looks much much better than this.


    Some US cities like Dallas, Albuquerque,  their shops need to have metal bars to prevent looting, theft, burglaries

    Aging Amtrak trains that keep derailing, killing people?

    First world country USA?


  6. 10 minutes ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    Why aren't they falling all over themselves to duplicate our immigration system ?   I guess they are happy with theirs,
    you would have to ask them. We are a unique country. 
    I think with the issue of overstays it is as follows :  Trump manipulates and focuses on brown people to stir up his base, remember Mexicans are rapists and very
    bad people with an occasional "good one" thrown in for good measure. !
    I did not hear him say that about 'Norwegians' on overstays who he wants here. Blue eyed and blond haired aren't rapists I guess. Go figure.

    I am against merit based immigration so for me that should not change.

    Prestigious colleges ? Explain what exactly you mean by every Tom, #### and Harry ? You mean human beings who look different from you but have the same aspirations ?
    Or is the third "other looking world" people barred from prestigious academic learning ? Ah.....you think they are all ignorant from S***holes ? I see. 

    Many things change that is true and things shift, however some things stay the same. Some immigrants are still needed for jobs other than "prestige" careers.
    At the same time, as I sourced an article before that African S***hole countries give us their most motivated to succeed that hold more and higher degrees than 
    Americans ONCE HERE or already educated. So that every Tom, D and Harry ball won't roll with me.


    The Media is the one playing up the illegals, using the brown people in their reports.

    Why not blame them too? They played a part in manipulations too.

    I guess you are the ONE seeing colors here..


    When I said every Tom , ####### Harry applying  to prestigious college, I mean should the college IGNORE the grades (Good or lousy SAT scores, no cut off points at all) and just admit everyone????

    Nowhere did I say the college should ONLY admit people based colors.


    The colleges should admit the BEST, regardless where they come from.

    Just like the merit-based immigration.


    You seem to be the one jumping to conclusion here. So bitter huh??



  7. 54 minutes ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    Your personal needs ?

    USA's needs. Or should it also catering to your personal needs, since you ask me...


    US already have tons of poor people and trashy people which 3rd world countries won't even want.

    Don't need to keep bringing in more here.


    56 minutes ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    This is the post that made me ask the question why so many immigrants after they are already here want to limit legal aspects of immigration.
    Ending the 14th amendment ? Really ?
    She is entitled to her opinion as much as I am entitled to my question and statement of hearing the all familiar door slam by recent immigrants who
    made here for a better life. 

    Sorry, I did not come here for better life. And not everyone does.


    Maybe you are for chain immigration because you are recipient of one.


    Perhaps, the recent immigrants (like me) have seen USA for its true self that not everything is so rosy, roads paved with gold, and how some immigrants blatantly shamelessly abuse US system.

     US IS in fact going downhill, becomes more and more like hole 3rd world countries. 


    And how is advocating for merit-based immigration consider a door slam?

    Chain immigration is not sustainable, like the pension scheme -> Adding more and more people to the system, everyone ends up worst.



    14 minutes ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    You said she wanted to end the 14th and has ideas on how to limit citizenship which right now says that anyone born here is a citizen.
    My view is to stop entries at the border (heavily pregnant women) where it starts and leave the 14th alone as it is.

    lol.. CBP or ICE can't even effectively weed out overstays. How successfully will it be to stop pregnant women (some pregnant women may not even have obvious tummy) from entering US?

    People lies about their intentions all the time. So CBP should conduct pee stick test before flight boarding? ha ha  ha ha


  8. 16 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    Then how can someone defend this guy?  I know, the offenses seem minor, but rules are rules and laws are laws.  There was a guy in Detroit just deported back to Mexico recently.  He didn't qualify for DACA, and he triggered a 10 year bar when he tried to AOS through his wife back in 2005.  He and the lawyers dragged it out until now, but just a week ago he was sent back to Mexico.  The wife blamed Trump, but this whole thing started long before Trump.  If this couple came on this board and asked for advice how would we respond?  Most folks would be as matter-of-fact as possible and inform the guy that a 10 yr bar was going to happen.  Why not go back in 2005 and serve the bar?  He could have been back by now.


    The guy might have a 9C ban which requires him to serve 10 years outside US -> non-waiver able.

    Their lawyers could be guilty of selling them false hope to stay in US.



  9. 16 hours ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    Why do people here constantly say Canada has this law and other countries have that law ? We should just march to the tune of other countries 
    all of a sudden ? Why do immigrants come up with that same talk once they are here ? I hear the door slam again after some made it here one way or another,
    now they want to limit legal immigration and change the constitution ? 
    Diverse immigration is what makes this a great country. Period. I am talking about legal immigration.
    Babies born here are USC. If you don't like it then advocate for BP to be stricter with women with obvious advanced pregnancies on B2's. 
    Overstays are not even talked about....why ? Because they are from "Norway"  ? 


    If Diverse immigration is that great, why other countries (especially those 3rd world countries) are not falling over themselves to duplicate US so-called 'success' ?

    3D printing is so popular these days. US should just send duplicate of liberty statute to them.


    Overstays are called (or lumped together) illegals too, isn't it? And they are also subjected to deportation if caught.

    The Media just like to put out those Hispanic illegals to sell heart wrenching story to fit their narratives.


    In other thread, there is Poland PR getting held by ICE. See! He is white looking.


    5 hours ago, Unidentified said:

    Yes, it is really weird how people, as soon as they make it here doesn't want anyone else to make it here. To the country that was built by immigrants. (No, I am not condoning open borders with my statement).


    How is that weird? Did your so-called 'new immigrants' people advocate for cancelling all types of US visa, so that no one can else to make to US? 


    US immigration should still keeps the marriages-based visa, immediate family (not uncles, aunties, nephews nieces, bring the whole village over) visa.

    The rest should be changed to merit-based immigration.


    Just because US was built by immigrants (long long time ago where everyone was poor), that does not mean that current US should not have standards in selecting the people that it needs.

    Things/World change, paradigm shift.


    Those US/UK Ivy leagues colleges were once filled with students with normal results.

    So should those prestigious colleges now dropped their stringent admission criteria  and accept any tom, ####### and Jerry applications?

  10. 2 hours ago, Bill & Katya said:

    That would have been interesting to see a home field team playing in the SB.  I know that game is not exactly a home field game given the ticket prices, but I imagine had the Vikings made it a lot of their fans would have mortgaged their houses to get tickets.


    The cheapest SB tickets are like $4K plus per person.

    I'm sure won't be that dumb one to spend that much money to buy one. :D

  11. 7 minutes ago, charmander said:

    14th amendment was adopted in 1868. When you think about that era, there weren't many non-immigrant students, workers, or tourists who came here temporarily. It was just immigrants. People jumped on boats, came to US for a better life and to become Americans, most of them never had to chance or intention to go back to their home countries again. Hence in my opinion it made sense to have birth right citizenship by then.








    So the laws or whatever amendment should be updated accordingly to the current needs.


  12. 1 hour ago, yuna628 said:

    So anyone who has children with their foreign wives on this forum have anchor babies then? You're going to have a hard time getting rid of the 14th and not open up that can o' worms



    Anchor babies refer to those have non-USC/permanent US resident parents 


    This Jus Solis is already a can of worms which people abusing it to their advantages.


    How many of these foreigners actually paid for their child birth in USA? 







  13. 10 minutes ago, bcking said:

    That all sounds great to me, other than actually building a wall.


    I'm not against walls, I just think it will end up being  a colossal waste of money with very little impact. I think we need to sort out our "border" but is very concrete and unimaginative to think that a gigantic wall is the solution to that. 


    USA should build a underground tunnel for the illegal immigrants all the way to Canada instead :D

  14. 37 minutes ago, Italian_in_NYC said:

    Just give a green card to the DACA kids, build the wall (so there will be no more - or many less - DACA kids in the future), reform immigration system (no lottery, more limits on chain migration, heavy scrutiny for some countries) and everyone should be happy.

    Of course, I have a feeling that come Feb 8, there will be another shutdown.


    I agree with this. I would even go further.. abolish jus solis (birthright citizenship), no more anchor babies.


    Give green card to DACA kids but their illegal presence parents should never have the path to US citizenship (they can remain green card holder for whole lives).

  15. 18 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    Don’t believe everything you read, especially here on CEHST.  The biggest difference between you and me   (Aside from two or three genders) is that your immigration was more recent.  Well, technically, I was born here, but my ancestors are immigrants.  As are probably every poster here on CEHST.


    America is still a great country.  Arguably so, since I think it may well be the most migrated-to country out there.  Is there room for improvement?  Of course.  Let’s go and improve it, together. 

    You sure America is still a great country?


    Jeez.. America infrastructure ARE falling apart!

    Some of buildings, facilities are so dated, like in the 70s while we are already approaching 2020 (50 years later).

    Maybe people here likes to remain stagnant, reminiscing the past...


    Even some upcoming Asia countries have way better, nicer modern looking buildings, infrastructure.


    And some Americans thought Mall of America is so great.. 

    Malls like this are dime a dozen in Asia.


    China OBOR is going leave America behind.

  16. 4 minutes ago, sparkles_ said:

    You need a good family lawyer, not VJ advice about this guy making your life hell because it doesn't sound immigration related to me.....him being an ### has zero to do with his status. Never married legally (double proxy), guessing no custody order in place? The there is your answer, legally nothing is in place and he sees the child when you allow and is in contact with you two when you allow. Morally is it right, probably not, but I dont know the whole story either. I would get to filing for sole custody ASAP. Let the family courts put him in his place, and trust the Master hearing an immigration court will sort out his status stuff in time.


    OP already stated she has sole custody of her child.

    The Judge granted visitation rights to ex and  has recently removed the previous supervised visits, which is making her very nervous of her special needs child being alone with the ex.

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