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Posts posted by literallyrachel

  1. 6 hours ago, Gonzalaz said:

    Hi Rachel (?)! I am also in Argentina petitioning for my husband! Did you get approved by the NVC yet? We just got approved a few weeks ago. I would love to link up with you and we can help each other out on this process!


    I have been wondering the same thing as you about how to organize the paperwork. I did come across this link on the Buenos Aires Consulate website that states the order: https://ar.usembassy.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/26/Instructions-packet-for-IV-appointment-1.pdf


    Some friends we have that did consular processing here a couple years ago said they nicely arranged everything in a binder. I would definitely NOT staple or hole punch. I would paper clip to keep like documents together!

    Hi, I sent you a message! 


  2. Hi all! Hope everyone is safe and healthy. My husband and I were recently DQ’d last month, but with the embassy closures our interview was never scheduled. When they are able to go back to work (whether that be May 7th or they have to extend it), we will have to wait for all the people who had their interviews cancelled to get rescheduled so I’m thinking our interview might not be until July or even later. Our 2 year wedding anniversary is the second week of July, so I was wondering if my husband has his interview and the visa is issued after our wedding anniversary, does the CR-1 automatically switch to an IR-1 without us having to do any additional work? Sorry if this question gets asked a lot; when I googled it, I got some conflicting information that just didn’t seem trustworthy. 


  3. Hello.


    I am trying to prepare my husband's paperwork for his eventual I-130 interview. I will most likely be in the country with him when he has his interview but if I am not, I want to have the packet all prepared and in order just in case so it's one less thing he has to worry/be nervous about. I know all the required documents for our embassy and everything that NVC has said BUT how do they want us to hand them this big stack of paper work? Should documents with more than one page be stapled or paper clipped? Should I whole punch things or put them in plastic protectors and put them in a binder or just put everything in order and hand over a stack of paper without any dividers? Should I make a Table of Contents page? I basically want to make it as easy as possible for them to look through our paperwork because we're already 19 months into this process and I don't want to give them a single reason to not approve us or put us under Additional Review. We are still waiting for NVC to approve our paperwork after an RFE so we don't have our interview but I'm just trying to be prepared. If there are similar threads or information about this, link them or let me know about them. I appreciate any help! Thanks! 

  4. Well, 7 weeks later and definitely did not get good news from NVC. Actually I would consider this review a complete failure. I'll share all my mistakes to hopefully prevent others from making the same. 


    1. I have no clue what's up with my Tax Transcript / Return document. I have never filed taxes as I have always been a student and now recently am unemployed (even when I did have a student worker job, I made way below the requirement to file). As such I had uploaded an Explanation of Not Filing with evidence two times--one under the required Tax Transcript / Return document and another under the Additional Documents for the specific type of document "Explanation for Not Filing Taxes." Both of these documents were technically accepted but now they are both under Additional Documents and under the same Document Type. The Tax Transcript / Return document is marked as missing and I have no clue what to do. 


    2. One of husband's police certificates was rejected because it did not meet the requirements of being "from a correct issuing authority." We aren't for sure what this means but I think in Argentina there are two types of certificates one "con excepción al artículo 51 del código penal." And I am assuming what we submitted does not include that annotation so that means requesting that and waiting to get it translated 😭


    3. Finally, which this was an issue another member had in this same thread I believe (and I remember reading it and thinking, "oh no. I wonder if this applies to me?" and SURE ENOUGH), my joint sponsor was rejected because she technically should have filed the i-864A. Basically, it's my mother and I didn't realize since she and I technically share the same physical address she needed to file as a household member and not as a joint sponsor. 


    So, like I said, complete failure on my part with the first round of NVC. This will take a few weeks to get everything together and sorted out and then I'll hope that round two doesn't last as long but I certainly have no hope that it will be any shorter. This process has taken years off my life lol. I hope y'all can learn from my mistakes at least (and if anyone has had the same issue as #1, please help). Good luck and I hope you all get DQ'd the FIRST TIME! lol

  5. Hi all. After 7 weeks of waiting, got the dreadful email from NVC that several of my documents have been rejected and one marked as missing. I have been a student for the past three tax transcript years and have been unemployed since graduating. While I was a student I had a part time student job but made far below the requirements to ever file taxes. When I uploaded to CEAC under the required document for the Tax Return I uploaded an "Explanation for Not Filing Taxes"  and I also uploaded the same document under the Additional Documents under the specific document type for this document. They accepted both things and moved the document I uploaded for the Tax Return Transcript to Additional Documents and marked "Federal Income Tax Return/Transcript" as missing. I don't know what to do. I had requested a letter from the IRS in November and never received anything. I am really stuck on what to do. I am abroad right now so trying to call NVC is going to be pointless. Has anyone had this happen to them or know what I am supposed to do?

  6. Hello! I am looking at CEAC now under the i-864 documentation. What's the different between Submitted and Uploaded? I have a joint sponsor and I didn't realize yesterday there was a place to add her until I had already uploaded her i-864 to my Additional AOS Documentation. Once I realized I could add her, I deleted her form from mine but did not upload hers as it took about 8 hours for the Request for Joint Sponsor to go through. But when I checked it this morning, the i-864 form was already "Submitted" giving me no option to view, edit, or delete and now I am worried. Has anyone had this happen to them?


    Also this might not be the right forum but I was wondering how many of you got certified translations birth certificates and police clearances? We have a certified translation of our marriage certificate but do we also need them same for the above documents? I am reading a lot of conflicting information. I wanted to translate those documents myself as I am a native English speaker and have a BA in Spanish but like I've said, there is way too much contradictory info on the internet as well as VJ. On the FAQ page of the State Dept. it seems pretty simple that the person just needs to attach an explanation of how they are certain what they've written is correct. I think my translations were pretty good but I'd hate to get an RFE for them but I also hate having to wait another week or two for our translator to get the work done. Again, sorry if this is not supposed to be here. 

  7. Hey y'all! I have a couple of (probably dumb) questions about joint sponsoring for my husband, the beneficiary. I was a student up until a few months ago and only worked part-time jobs leading me not to have to file taxes. I have all the evidence prepared to submit why I did not file the past three years. Now, I am unemployed so I am using my mother as my only joint sponsor. When I am filling out my i-864, is there anywhere to put that I have a joint sponsor?? I only see things to fill out if you have household members contributing with i-864A. In Part 1, 1.e does say first or second joint sponsor but I was under the impression that that refers to a Primary Sponsor (me), one joint sponsor, and a second joint sponsor? Or is it first of two joint sponsors = me and my mother would check second of two joint sponsors??


    Another question for my application: for Part 7. is says you are NOT required to complete this section IF your income exceeds FPG. Obviously...it does not but my assets, as an unemployed, property-less recent graduate...the assets I do have are unimpressive and basically irrelevant in my opinion. Do I still need to fill out No. 1 at least? 


    Another question, if my mother's income meets the FPG, we shouldn't have my dad file the i-864A, correct? Or should be file just to be extra "HERE, LOOK, NO PUBLIC CHARGE-TO-BE WITH THIS ONE!"


    This is so stressful because I've researched and read the Instructions provided by USCIS un mil veces and yet, I am still so lost. Any and all help is appreciated. 

  8. 20 minutes ago, LY&J said:

    361 days, still nothing... Any September filers without k3 are waiting too?😔

    Day 389 here....still nothing and didn't file K3 because when I first heard about it in July I thought it was too late to file, thinking we'd hear soon enough without it. I am so mad at myself for not filing but oh well, I shouldn't have to file something for them to approve the i-130...it's their bad system. 


    I did submit an inquest with my Representative in July and I spoke with the case worker today. She told me that my petition is with an officer and that if we don't hear anything in three days that she will call back but that's also what she told me two weeks ago. This process feels endless..when we applied over a year ago the estimated processing time was 5-7 months...now it has doubled. It's truly unfair. 

  9. 10 hours ago, tetious said:

    We just got approved!


    So far no paper or email notice, but I check the "new" and "old" sites daily (obsessive, I suppose?) and discovered on the new site we were approved on 8/14/2019. NOA1 was 8/22/2018 and for those who are keeping track of such things, we did not submit I-129F. The old site as well as the case tracker app still have no updates.


    Thanks for keeping us company during this process! We've all of y'all in our thoughts daily, hoping for speedy approvals!

    Congratulations! BTW, i keep seeing this old vs. new site thing? Can someone explain which is which? 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Paul & Mary said:

    No you will need to police clearances for your spousal visa.  By your timeline it looks like you should get something back from USCIS shortly.  But you can still file that K3 if you want.

    Yeah I am hoping to hear soon, but a lot of people stuck at Nebraska have been filing K3 because when the deny it, they approve the i-130 and a lot of us having been waiting for almost a year or longer. We haven't decided to file it yet but like 7 people just the past week have gotten their i-130 approved because they sent in i-129. Oh the joys of immigration! 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Lemonslice said:

    That's still how they do the background checks.

    What was your occupation? Student. Where did you sleep every night... That's where you resided.


    It's not uncommon for new hires at my job to have 15+ different addresses in the past 10 years, with college dorms, internships, semesters abroad, etc. Sometimes with a cycle to return home to their parents a few months at a time.   Only addresses we do not require are when you're a tourist for a short period.

    Well...they've had my application for almost a year now, so there's nothing I can do now except wait to get in trouble for improperly filing or misinformation 🙄 


    Thanks anyway for the clarification. 

  12. 44 minutes ago, Paul & Mary said:

    If you lived abroad for more than 6 months you will need police certificates for those countries after age 16.


    You should have included every address you lived.  My wife lived on a small island and would get nanny jobs in bigger cities/islands.  All of those addressed were listed on her petition and on the visa application.

    I don't understand why though. For each country, I was only there for four months and lived on a campus or with a host family. As for the places I lived while in college, they were all apartments specifically for student housing or they were dorms on the campus--I never had to pay property taxes, direct utility bills, nor did I ever receive any mail there. I also never lived in these places for more than 6 months; in fact for one, I only lived there a month! 

  13. Hello! 

    After being so jealous of all the K3 filers from Nebraska who've been getting their i-130s approved because they've sent in the i-129, I've decided to jump the gun and do it. Now that I am filing again and filling out the paperwork again, I am concerned once again by what I (the petitioner) need to list under Address History. When I got married, I was still a student at university. For my physical address I only listed one: the house my parents lived in and the house I moved back into after I graduated. During my time at university, I lived in five different apartments/dorm rooms and studied abroad twice (so there's two addresses abroad). Surely I am not supposed to list all of those, right? Sorry if this is the dumbest question in the world. Even if I should put them should I NOT list them because I didn't list them on i-130? 


    Thanks! Also sorry if this is under the wrong thread. I never know!

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